css选择器 选择父级
Back in January 2014 I wrote the article The Current Generation of CSS3 Selectors. The goal of that article was to introduce the new generation of selectors that often fell under the “CSS3” umbrella. Thabet group of selectors has been well documented in a lot of places, and browser support for those features is quite strong (all browsers including IE9+).
早在2014年1月,我写了文章The Current Generation of CSS3 Selectors 。 该文章的目的是介绍通常属于“ CSS3”框架的新一代选择器。 Thabet选择器组在很多地方都有据可查,并且浏览器对这些功能的支持非常强(所有浏览器,包括IE9 +)。
The future of CSS selectors is also looking bright, with the Selectors Level 4 specification currently in Working Draft status, and an Editor’s Draft of the same spec still in progress (the editor’s draft is generally viewed as more authoritative).
CSS选择器的前景也一片光明, 选择器4级规范当前处于“工作草稿”状态,并且同一规范的“ 编辑者的草稿”仍在进行中(通常认为编辑者的草稿更具权威性)。
This article will focus on the new selectors not discussed in my previous article. Browser support for many of these is pretty poor, so I don’t recommend using many of these in production. View this post as a peek into what’s to come when the spec is further along and browsers start their implementations. I’ve included demos for those that have support.
本文将重点介绍我上一篇文章中未讨论的新选择器。 浏览器对其中许多功能的支持非常差,因此,我不建议在生产环境中使用许多功能。 查看此文章,以了解规格进一步发展以及浏览器开始实施时的情况。 我已经为那些有支持的人提供了演示。
and :read-write
)These selectors are pretty straightforward. Any element that’s editable by the user is in the “read-write” state. Otherwise, the element is in the “read-only” state.
这些选择器非常简单。 用户可编辑的任何元素都处于“读写”状态。 否则,该元素处于“只读”状态。
Take the following HTML:
Now consider this CSS:
:read-only {
outline: solid 1px blue;
:read-write {
outline: solid 1px red;
Here’s a breakdown of what this CSS does in relation to the HTML:
The third element will have a red outline because it’s naturally editable (“read-write”), as are all inputs by default. A textarea
would be the same.
第三个元素将具有红色轮廓,因为它是自然可编辑的(“读写”),默认情况下也是所有输入。 一个textarea
The last element (the div
) will have a red outline because of the contenteditable
属性,最后一个元素( div
In the CSS I’m using these selectors universally (i.e. without applying them to any elements). This means the red outline would be applied to all divs, spans, and other naturally uneditable elements. It’s more likely that this would be used on specific form elements or elements with a class applied, to be more specific.
在CSS中,我普遍使用这些选择器(即,不将它们应用于任何元素)。 这意味着红色轮廓线将应用于所有div,span和其他自然不可编辑的元素。 更可能是将其用于特定的表单元素或应用了类的元素,更具体地讲。
The :read-write
pseudo-class is listed as “at-risk” in the Editor’s Draft, so it may be removed.
Browser Support for :read-only and :read-write Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari.
浏览器支持:read-only和:read-write Chrome,Opera,Firefox,Safari。
Note: As shown in the demo below, the browsers that support these selectors identify the “disabled” input as “read-write”, which is not correct, according to the spec.
See the Pen Demo for :read-only and :read-write by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
有关CodePen上的SitePoint ( @SitePoint )的:read-only和:read-write的信息 ,请参见Pen 演示 。
(The Default-option Pseudo-class: :default
)The :default pseudo-class matches elements that qualify as “default” in relation to a set that they are part of. For example, a button
element that’s the default submit button for a form or the default selected item in a set of radio buttons.
:default伪类匹配与其所属的集合有关的被视为“默认”的元素。 例如, button
You can also have multiple defaults for a single group, as shown in this HTML snippet:
Now let’s pair the HTML above with the following CSS:
input[type=checkbox]:default {
outline: solid 1px hotpink;
In this case, all the elements with the checked
attribute present will be styled with the outline.
Browser Support for :default Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari.
浏览器支持:默认的 Chrome,Opera,Firefox,Safari。
As shown in the demo, WebKit/Blink browsers do not apply the outline to the “default” checkboxes, even though they should. This seems to be a bug. Firefox has the correct behavior.
如演示中所示,WebKit / Blink浏览器不会将大纲应用于“默认”复选框,即使应该也是如此 。 这似乎是一个错误。 Firefox的行为正确。
See the Pen Demo for :default by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
有关CodePen上SitePoint ( @SitePoint )的默认设置 ,请参见Pen 演示 。
(Validity Pseudo-classes: :valid
and :invalid
)These pseudo-classes are useful in HTML forms for giving visual clues as to the validity of the data entered by the user, something that would normally be done with JavaScript.
As an example, if your form has the following field:
Notice the field expects the data entered to be a valid email address. You can then do the following:
请注意,该字段期望输入的数据是有效的电子邮件地址。 然后,您可以执行以下操作:
input[type=email]:invalid {
outline: red solid 1px;
input[type=email]:valid {
outline: lightgreen solid 1px;
With the above CSS, the email field will be styled with a red outline even before the user enters anything. Once the user types in a valid email address, the outline will turn green.
使用上述CSS,甚至在用户输入任何内容之前,电子邮件字段的样式都将显示为红色轮廓。 用户输入有效的电子邮件地址后,轮廓将变为绿色。
With these pseudo-classes you could easily add a pseudo-element in the form of a green checkmark (or something similar), to indicate valid field data.
Some notes on these selectors:
These don’t work on common elements like div
or p
because those elements don’t have any way to specify expected data formats.
A regular “text” input type, which doesn’t require a specific format, is “valid” by default, but would be “invalid” without data if it has the required
attribute set.
Browser Support for :valid and :invalid All browsers including IE10+.
:valid和:invalid的浏览器支持所有浏览器,包括IE10 +。
See the Pen Demo for :valid and :invalid by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
有关CodePen上SitePoint ( @SitePoint )的:valid和:invalid的信息 ,请参见Pen 演示 。
(Range Pseudo-classes: :in-range
and :out-of-range
)These two pseudo-classes are useful for form elements that allow data that falls between a specified range. You can style the specified input based on whether or not the element is within the allowed range.
这两个伪类对于允许数据落入指定范围内的表单元素很有用。 您可以根据元素是否在允许范围内来设置指定输入的样式。
So your HTML would be something like this:
Notice the default value of “1993-01-01”, which is outside the allowed date range. You can then style the input dynamically, based on the default data or any entered data, something like this:
请注意,默认值“ 1993-01-01”超出了允许的日期范围。 然后,您可以根据默认数据或任何输入的数据动态设置输入的样式,如下所示:
input[type=date]:in-range {
outline: lightgreen solid 1px;
input[type=date]:out-of-range {
outline: red solid 1px;
Some notes on these selectors:
These can be used for number
, datetime
, datetime-local
, month
, week
, and any other input types that allow ranges.
, datetime
, datetime-local
, month
, week
Technically these also work with the range
input type, but I don’t think there is a way to make such an element be “out of range” so the usefulness in this case seems limited.
Browser Support for :in-range and out-of-range Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
浏览器支持:范围内和范围外的 Opera,Chrome,Firefox,Safari。
See the Pen Demo for :in-range and :out-of-range by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
有关CodePen上SitePoint ( @SitePoint )的:in-range和:out-of-range的信息 ,请参见Pen 演示 。
(Optionality Pseudo-classes: :required
and :optional
)These pseudo-classes let you style form elements based on whether they are required to be filled out or not. Take the following HTML:
这些伪类使您可以根据是否需要填写表单元素来设置表单元素的样式。 使用以下HTML:
Notice the empty span
elements added next to each input. Also notice that the first two fields are required but the third is not. With this HTML in place, you can do the following in your CSS:
元素。 另请注意,前两个字段是必填字段,而第三个字段不是必需字段。 有了此HTML,您可以在CSS中执行以下操作:
input:required ~ .msg:after {
content: '*';
color: red;
input:optional ~ .msg:after {
content: '(optional)';
Here I’m using the general sibling combinator to add a red asterisk next to each required field and I’m adding the word “optional” in parentheses beside each non-required field.
This uses the extra elements that I added. If you prefer not to use extra elements, you can either add them dynamically with JavaScript or apply styling directly to the input itself. But note that you can’t use pseudo-elements with form inputs, so you’d have to apply a different kind of styling in that case.
这使用了我添加的额外元素。 如果您不想使用额外的元素,则可以使用JavaScript动态添加它们,也可以将样式直接应用于输入本身。 但是请注意,您不能将伪元素与表单输入一起使用,因此在这种情况下,您必须应用另一种样式。
Browser Support for :required and :optional All browsers.
对:required和:optional所有浏览器的浏览器支持 。
See the Pen Demo for :required and :optional by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
有关CodePen上SitePoint ( @SitePoint )的:required和:optional的信息 ,请参见Pen 演示 。
(Case-insensitive Attribute Selectors: i
)By default in CSS, attribute selectors are case sensitive. So, for example, if you select all elements with href
values that end with “pdf”, it will not select href
values that end with “PDF” (uppercase).
在CSS中,默认情况下,属性选择器区分大小写。 因此,例如,如果您选择所有具有以“ pdf”结尾的href
值的元素,则不会选择以“ PDF”结尾的href
There’s a useful new flag that can be added to an attribute selector that overrides this behavior.
a[href$="pdf" i] {
color: red;
Now the attribute selector will select all href
links pointing to PDF files, regardless of whether the .pdf
extension is written in lowercase, uppercase, or even mixed case.
Browser Support for case-insensitive attribute selectors: Opera (only available behind a flag; thanks to Šime Vidas for pointing this out).
浏览器支持不区分大小写的属性选择器: Opera(仅在标志后面可用;感谢ŠimeVidas指出了这一点)。
See the Pen Demo for case-insensitive attribute selectors by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.
有关CodePen上SitePoint ( @SitePoint ) 不区分大小写的属性选择器 ,请参见Pen 演示 。
伪类 (:blank
Pseudo-class)The :blank pseudo-class is kind of like the prettier cousin of :empty
, which I discussed in the previous article. With :empty
you can select an element based on there being no children in it, whether that be elements, text nodes, or even white space nodes. So with :empty
, even if the element contains a single space and nothing else, it will not be considered “empty”.
的漂亮表亲,我在上一篇文章中讨论过。 使用:empty
您可以基于其中没有子元素来选择元素,无论是元素,文本节点,甚至是空白节点。 因此,使用:empty
The :blank
pseudo-class, however, will select an element as long as it has no text and no other child elements, regardless of white space. So it could contain white space, line breaks, etc., and it would still qualify.
但是, :blank
伪类将选择一个元素,只要该元素没有文本且没有其他子元素,而与空白无关。 因此它可能包含空格,换行符等,并且仍然可以使用。
Here’s some example HTML:
Note that the first paragraph element is completely empty, but the second one has a single space character in it. Here’s the CSS:
请注意,第一个段落元素完全为空,但是第二个元素中只有一个空格字符。 这是CSS:
p:blank {
outline: solid 1px red;
p:empty {
border: solid 1px green;
In this case, I’m applying a red outline on “blank” elements and a green border on “empty” elements. The :empty
pseudo-class will select only the first element, because it’s completely empty. But the :blank
pseudo-class will apply to both, because they are both “blank” with respects to text and elements.
在这种情况下,我在“空白”元素上应用了红色轮廓,在“空”元素上应用了绿色边框。 :empty
伪类将仅选择第一个元素,因为它完全为空。 但是:blank
It might be hard to remember the difference, because the names sound too similar and this is something that is noted in an issue in the spec. So it’s possible that this selector will change names. As the spec also notes, there is an equivalent Mozilla-only version of this selector.
可能很难记住它们之间的差异,因为它们的名称听起来太相似了,这是规范中提到的问题 。 因此,此选择器可能会更改名称。 正如规范还指出的那样,此选择器具有等效的仅Mozilla版本。
Browser Support for :blank None.
(Matches-any Pseudo-class: :matches()
)The :matches() pseudo-class is a way to make selector grouping more succinct, and should be a useful addition to the spec when browser support improves.
In an example taken from MDN, you might have the following overly-verbose CSS, which attempts to deal with styling for main headings that are nested in various contexts:
在MDN的示例中 ,您可能具有以下过于冗长CSS,该CSS试图处理嵌套在各种上下文中的主要标题的样式:
section section h1, section article h1,
section aside h1, section nav h1,
article section h1, article article h1,
article aside h1, article nav h1,
aside section h1, aside article h1,
aside aside h1, aside nav h1,
nav section h1, nav article h1,
nav aside h1, nav nav h1, {
font-size: 20px;
With :matches()
, this can be simplified to:
:matches(section, article, aside, nav)
:matches(section, article, aside, nav) h1 {
font-size: 20px;
The simplified version can be interpreted as: “If the h1
is inside any of these four elements, which in turn is inside any of the same four elements, do the following.”
在这四个元素中的任何一个之内, h1
Notes on :matches()
It used to be :any
in the spec, supported with -moz-
and -webkit-
As CSS-Tricks points out, the principle here is similar to selector nesting in preprocessors.
正如CSS-Tricks所指出的 ,这里的原理类似于预处理器中的选择器嵌套。
Browser Support for :matches() None, however, WebKit/Blink and Mozilla have their own vendor-based equivalents.
浏览器对:matches()的支持没有,但是,WebKit / Blink和Mozilla具有自己的基于卖方的等效项。
(Relational Pseudo-class: :has()
)The :has pseudo-class is similar to jQuery’s .has() but with some broader abilities. Examples will make clear what’s possible. Note the comments in the code, which explain what each example selects:
:has伪类与jQuery的.has()类似,但具有更广泛的功能。 实例将说明有什么可能。 请注意代码中的注释,这些注释解释了每个示例选择的内容:
/* Section elements that contain a footer */
section:has(footer) {
background: #ccc;
/* Any element containing a p element with a class of "alert" */
:has(p.alert) {
background-color: red;
/* img element with paragraph immediately following. */
img:has(+p) {
color: red;
/* list item with ul as a direct child */
li:has(> ul) {
color: red;
As you can see, the name “has” isn’t just another word for “contains” (which is how jQuery’s method works); it can also mean “has as immediate child”, “has specified element following it”, etc.
如您所见,名称“ has”不仅是“ contains”的另一个词(这是jQuery方法的工作方式)。 它也可以表示“具有直属子”,“具有紧随其后的指定元素”等。
Note: The :has
pseudo-class is in the Editor’s Draft but not in the Working Draft. Also, as pointed out by Ralph in the comments, this selector may only be available in JavaScript (kind of like querySelectorAll
), and not in CSS. See Dynamic vs Static Selector Profiles in the spec.
注意:: :has
伪类在编辑器的草稿中,但不在工作草稿中。 另外,正如Ralph在评论中指出的那样,此选择器仅在JavaScript(类似于querySelectorAll
)中可用,而在CSS中不可用。 请参阅规格中的动态选择器配置文件与静态选择器配置文件 。
Browser Support for :has() None.
浏览器对:has()的支持 。
(Hyperlink Pseudo-class: :any-link
)This selector works as a shortcut for styling any element that can take an href
attribute. This includes a
, area
, and link
elements. It can also be used as a general shortcut for the following:
属性的任何元素的快捷方式。 这包括a
, area
元素。 它也可以用作以下内容的常规快捷方式:
:link, :visited {
color: #555;
So instead of the above, you would write:
:any-link {
color: #555;
But, as mentioned, this would also cover other elements, not just anchors (a
), so this selector’s usefulness might be tough to discern.
但是,如前所述,这还将涵盖其他元素,而不仅仅是锚点( a
It should be noted that the Working Draft had a selector called :local-link
, which has been removed in Editor’s.
Browser Support for :any-link Chrome, Opera, and Firefox (with vendor prefixes; thanks to Selen in the comments for pointing this out).
浏览器支持:任意链接的 Chrome,Opera和Firefox(带有供应商前缀;感谢注释中的Selen指出了这一点)。
(Generalized Input Focus Pseudo-class: :focus-within
)This is an interesting one that I can definitely see being useful. The :focus-within pseudo-class will select not only the element to which :focus
would normally apply, but also the parent element.
我绝对可以看到它很有用,这很有趣。 :focus-within伪类不仅会选择:focus
Here’s some example HTML:
With that, you can write the following CSS:
:focus-within {
outline: yellow solid 1px;
This will cause the yellow outline to apply not only to the focused input, but also to the parent div
element, because they both match the focus-within
state. The spec also points out that this would work the same way inside “shadow tree” elements, applying the styles to the “host element”.
状态匹配。 规范还指出,这在“影子树”元素内的工作方式相同,将样式应用于“宿主元素”。
Browser Support for :focus-within None.
(Drag-and-Drop Pseudo-class: :drop
and :drop()
)Now that drag-and-drop functionality is so common in apps, these selectors could prove valuable for improving the user experience.
The :drop
selector lets you style the drop zone (the place where the element is supposed to be dropped), during the time when the user is dragging (or carrying) the element to be dropped.
.spot {
background: #ccc;
.spot:drop {
background: hotpink;
The above CSS will apply a neutral gray background color to the .spot
element when the user is not dragging. But when the user starts dragging to the .spot
element, the background color will change and stay that way until the item is dropped.
元素应用中性灰色背景色。 但是,当用户开始拖动到.spot
The alternate :drop()
syntax takes one or more of the following keyword values:
: Indicates the current drop target for the item dragged.
: Indicates if the drop target is valid in relation to the item being dragged (e.g. if the target only accepts files, other items wouldn’t be valid)
: Opposite of previous, lets you style the drop target if it’s invalid in relation to the item dragged.
Multiple keywords can be used to make things more specific and if an argument is not given then it will just act like :drop
, so there’s really no point in using the parentheses unless you plan to specify an argument.
Important notes:
The drop()
syntax is “at-risk”, so it may be removed.
Browser Support for :drop and :drop() None.
In addition to the ones discussed above, there are some other new features that I won’t go into detail on but are worth a brief mention:
The column combinator (||
), for defining relationships between cells and columns in tables and grids.
列组合器( ||
The :nth-column()
and :nth-last-column()
pseudo-classes for targeting specific columns of tables and grids.
The attribute node selector attr()
, which is the first non-element selector.
,这是第一个非元素选择器 。
The alternate version of the descendant combinator, represented by >>
(instead of just a space character)
The :user-error
pseudo-class for styling inputs that have incorrect user-entered data.
Namespaces defined with the @namespace
The :dir()
pseudo-class, which lets you select elements based on their directionality (e.g. ltr
The :scope
pseudo-class, which provides a scope, or reference point, for selecting elements.
The time-dimensional :current
, :past
, and :future
pseudo-classes for targeting elements during a timeline progression such as subtitles in a video.
, :past
The :placeholder-shown
pseudo-class for styling placeholder text in form elements.
As already mentioned, these features are very new and as shown by the browser support info and the demos, aren’t very well supported. Many of them are therefore not ready for prime time.
如前所述,这些功能是非常新的,并且浏览器支持信息和演示所显示的功能也未得到很好的支持。 因此,其中许多人还没有准备好迎接黄金时间。
To keep up with the progress, here are some resources on Level 4 selectors:
Selectors Level 4 Working Draft
Selectors Level 4 Editor’s Draft
CSS4 Rocks
Selectors Test
If you notice any errors or bugs, mention them in the comments.
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/future-generation-css-selectors-level-4/
css选择器 选择父级