Ivan的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day66 20181212


Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!

In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in 1989, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!

ˈlɛsn 66 swiːt æz ˈhʌni! 

ɪn 1963 ə ˈlæŋkəstə ˈbɒmə kræʃt ɒn ˈwɒlɪs ˈaɪlənd, ə rɪˈməʊt pleɪs ɪn ðə saʊθ pəˈsɪfɪk, ə lɒŋ weɪ wɛst ɒv səˈməʊə. ðə pleɪnwɒznt tuː ˈbædli ˈdæmɪʤd, bʌt ˈəʊvə ðə jɪəz, ðə kræʃ wɒz fəˈgɒtn ænd ðə rɛk rɪˈmeɪnd ˌʌndɪˈstɜːbd. ðɛn ɪn 1989, ˈtwɛnti-sɪksjɪəz ˈɑːftə ðə kræʃ, ðə pleɪn wɒz ˌæksɪˈdɛntəli ˌriːdɪsˈkʌvəd ɪn ən ˈeərɪəl ˈsɜːveɪ ɒv ði ˈaɪlənd. baɪ ðɪs taɪm, ə ˈlæŋkəstə ˈbɒmər ɪn ˈriːznəbl kənˈdɪʃən wɒz reər ænd wɜːθ ˈrɛskjuːɪŋ. ðə frɛnʧ ɔːˈθɒrɪtiz hæd ðə pleɪn ˈpækɪʤd ænd muːvd ɪn pɑːts bæk tuːˈfrɑːns. naʊ ə gruːp ɒv ɪnˈθjuːzɪæsts ɑː ˈgəʊɪŋ tuː hæv ðə pleɪn rɪsˈtɔːd. ɪt hæz fɔː rəʊlz-rɔɪs ˈmɜːlɪn ˈɛnʤɪnz, bʌt ðə gruːp wɪlniːd tuː hæv ˈəʊnli θriː ɒv ðɛm ˌriːˈbɪlt. ɪˈmæʤɪn ðeə səˈpraɪz ænd dɪˈlaɪt wɛn ðeɪ brəʊk ˈəʊpən ðə ˈpækɪŋ ˈkeɪsɪz ænd faʊndðæt ðə fɔːθ ˈɛnʤɪn wɒz swiːt æz ˈhʌni -- stɪl ɪn ˈpɜːfɪkt kənˈdɪʃən. ə ˈkɒləni ɒv biːz hæd tɜːnd ði ˈɛnʤɪn ˈɪntuː ə haɪv ænd ɪt wɒzˈtəʊtli prɪˈzɜːvd ɪn ˈbiːzwæks!





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