Python参考手册----第一章: Python简介(一)


1.1 print "Hello World"

1.2 变量和算术表达式


principal = 1000

rate = 0.05

numyears = 5

year = 1

while year <= numyears:

    principal = principal * (1 + rate)

    print year, principal 

#    print(year, principal)

    print "%3d %0.2f" % (year, principal)

#    print("%3d %0.2f" % (year, principal))

    print format(year,"3d"), format(principal, "0.2f")

#    print(format(year,"3d"), format(principal,"0.2f"))

    print "{0:3d} {1:0.2f}".format(year,principal)

#    print("{0:3d} {1:0.2f}".format(year,principal))

    year += 1

1.3条件语句 a = 1 b = 2 if a < b: print "Computer says yes" else: print "Computer syas no" if a < b: pass # Do nothing else: print "Computer syas no" # or and not product = "game" type1 = "pirate memory" age = 9 if product == "game" and type1 == "pirate memory" \ and not (age < 4 or age > 8): print "I will take it!" else: print "no...." #switch case suffix = ".html" if suffix == ".html": content = "text/html" elif suffix == ".jpg": content = "image/jpeg" elif suffix == ".png": content = "image/png" else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown content type") print content #True False s = 'p' if 'spam' in s: has_spam = True else: has_spam = False print has_spam has_spam = "spam" in s print has_spam
