Nonlinear Image Enhancement to Improve Face Detection in Complex Lighting Environment 翻译


A robust and efficient image enhancement technique has been developed to improve the visual quality of digital images that exhibit dark shadows due to the limited dynamic ranges of imaging and display devices which are incapable of handling high dynamic range scenes. 

The proposed technique processes images in two separate steps: dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement. 

Dynamic range compression is a neighborhood dependent intensity transformation which is able to enhance the luminance in dark shadows while keeping the overall tonality consistent with that of the input image. 

The image visibility can be largely and properly improved without creating unnatural rendition in this manner.

 A neighborhood dependent local contrast enhancement method is used to enhance the images contrast following the dynamic range compression.

Experimental results on the proposed image enhancement technique demonstrates strong capability to improve the performance of convolutional face finder compared to histogram equalization and multiscale Retinex with color restoration without compromising the false alarm rate.

A new image enhancement technique has been developed to improve the visibility and visual quality of digital images.

In this technique, dynamic ranges of the original image is compressed first, then enhance the local contrast of the image, and linear remapping of color information is also introduced for color images.

Both procedures are based on center-surround processing.

From another point of view, the first step can also be considered as a luminance enhancement process. 

Therefore, the combination of these two steps can provide high quality, and balanced enhancement to image luminance and contrast, with image visibility and quality improved.

Our face detection experimental results indicate that the proposed image enhancement technique can significantly improve the performance of face detection algorithm because of its strong capability to improve the image visibility. 

The proposed algorithm performs better than histogram equalization and MSRCR, which are unable to produce satisfactory enhancement results for certain types of images.
I. Introduction

Human eyes have about 10^8 :1 absolute range from fully
adapted dark vision to fully adapted lighting conditions at noon on the equator.
人的眼睛完全从大约10 ^ 81的绝对范围适应黑暗的视觉,以充分适应赤道中午的照明条件。

We can see about 3×10^4:1 range of luminance when we are adapted to a normal working range. 
当我们适应一个正常的工作范围时,我们可以看到约3×10 ^ 41的亮度范围。

Due to the limited dynamic ranges of current imaging and display devices, images captured in real world scenes with high dynamic ranges usually exhibit poor visibility of either over exposure or shadows and low contrast, which may make important image features lost or hard to tell by human eyes. 

Computer vision algorithms also have difficulty processing those images.

To cope with this problem, various image processing techniques have been developed. 

Some of those techniques are spatially-independent methods, like gamma adjustment, logarithmic compression, histogram equalization (HE), and levels/curves methods.

However, those conventional methods generally have very limited
performance due to the global processing scheme.

Therefore, advanced image enhancement techniques were proposed based on a deeper understanding of human vision system which is much more capable of handling scenes with high dynamic ranges. 

Although these methods were developed using various theories and image processing techniques, they share some important features. 

For example, the processing of each pixel is generally spatially dependent and determined by both local and global image information.
Therefore, advanced image enhancement techniques were proposed based on a deeper understanding of human vision system which is much more capable of handling scenes with high dynamic ranges. 

Although these methods were developed using various theories and image processing techniques, they share some important features. 

For example, the processing of each pixel is generally spatially dependent and determined by both local and global image information.
Multi-scale Retinex with color restoration (MSRCR) [1] is an effective image enhancement technique, which is based on the well known Retinex theory that was proposed by E. Land [2] as a model of human visual perception of lightness and color. 
具有颜色恢复功能的多尺度Retinex[1]是一种有效的图像增强技术,该技术基于E. Land[2]提出的众所周知的Retinex理论作为人类视觉感知的亮度和颜色模型。

MSRCR uses multi-scale spatial convolution to obtain local and global luminance information for local contrast enhancement and to achieve a balanced result between local feature enhancement and global tonality rendition. 

Besides MSRCR, other Retinex based algorithms were also proposed [3]-[6]. 
除了MSRCR,还提出了其他基于Retinex的算法[3] - [6]。

However, they all have some issues that need to be tackled for approaching optimal performance.

For example, we found that Retinex based methods sometimes produce incorrect color rendition and have difficulty providing sufficient luminance enhancement for high dynamic range images such as a dark subject with a bright background. 

In addition, Retinex based methods are computationally intensive due to the multi-band processing. 

Furthermore, in most of the Retinex based methods, the whole image enhancement algorithm is hard to tune and not flexible because the dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement are combined.
Human face detection plays an important role in applications such as intelligent human computer interface (HCI), biometric identification, and face recognition. 

The goal of any face detection technique is to identify the face regions within a given image. 

The reliable detection of faces has been an ongoing research topic for decades. 

There are several face detection techniques proposed in the literature both in gray scale and color [7]. 

The appearance based algorithms process gray scale images.

They rely on extensive training and powerful classification techniques. 

The classification methods range from neural networks [8], Hidden Markov Models to support vector machines [9]. 

A similar but much simpler technique called Sparse Network of Winnows (SNoW) [10] has also been implemented for face detection in gray scale images.

A typical color based face detection system on the other hand would first do a skin color region extraction on color images based on either pixel based or a combination of pixels and shape based systems in different color spaces [11]. 

The next step would in general be region merging followed by classification or application of any appearance-based method to classify the skin color regions into faces and non-faces by converting them into gray scale images.
An example-based learning approach for locating vertical frontal views of human faces in complex scenes was presented in [12].

This technique models the distribution of human face patterns by means of view-based face and non-face model clusters. 

A trained classifier determines whether or not a human face exists at the current image location based on the difference feature vector measurements. 

A face detection framework that is capable of processing images rapidly while achieving high detection rates was presented in [13].

A novel face detection approach based on a convolutional neural architecture designed to robustly detect highly variable face patterns was presented in [14]. 

This face detection algorithm is developed recently and generally demonstrates better detection rates compared to most other face detection methods.

Convolutional neural network (CNN), introduced and successfully used by LeCun, Conttou, Bengio, and Haffner [15], is a powerful bio-inspired hierarchical multilayered neural network.
LeCun,Conttou,Bengio和Haffner [15]介绍并成功使用的卷积神经网络(CNN)是一个强大的生物启发分层神经网络。

CNN incorporates constraints and achieves some degree of shift and deformation invariance using three basic ideas: local receptive fields, shared weights, and spatial sub-sampling. The use of shared weights reduces the number of parameters in the system aiding generalization.
It should be noted that there are no reliable real time detection algorithms of faces in unconstrained lighting environments. 

For instance, most methods [12]-[13] preprocessed its content via linear lighting correction and histogram equalization. 
例如,大多数方法[12] - [13]通过线性光照校正和直方图均衡来对其内容进行预处理。

However, the same face in the image appears different due to the change in nonlinear lighting.

The changes induced by illumination in a high dynamic range scene are often so large that it causes most face detection systems to misclassify. 

Therefore, in this paper, a new non-linear image enhancement algorithm is proposed to effectively improve the visual quality and visibility of digital images captured under low or non-uniform illumination conditions.

 It consists of two separate processes: adaptive dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement.

Dynamic range compression provides luminance enhancement of shadows, and contrast enhancement is intended to enhance important visual details which is degraded after the first step. 

The two-step image processing procedure provides this algorithm the flexibility and capability to tune and control the whole image enhancement process.

Since the proposed method only processes the luminance information (V component of HSV color space) of the original image, the processing speed can be largely improved compared to multi-band process and prevents incorrect color rendition. 

The proposed method has also been applied to preprocess face images for Garcia’s convolutional face finder [14]. 

The result shows significant improvement to face detection rates and demonstrates better performance when compared with histogram equalization and MSRCR.

In the remainder of the paper, section 2 will describe dynamic range compression, section 3 will describe contrast enhancement, and section 4 will describe color remapping for color input

In section 5, the verification of the proposed enhancement algorithm for face detection will be illustrated and discussed. Finally, section 6 will provide the conclusions of this paper.
II. Dynamic Range Compression

We have used a sigmoid transfer function for increasing the dynamic range of an image.

A hyperbolic tangent function is used for the reason of overcoming the natural loss in perceived lightness contrast that results when performing dynamic range compression. 

We have developed an enhancement strategy that will perform the range compression while maintaining the image details. 

The proposed solution is to develop the hyperbolic tangent functions that are tunable based on the statistical characteristics of the image.

That is, the function will enhance the dark part of the image while preserving the light part of the image based on:


where τx, y is the V component pixel value in HSV color space and 0 ”<=  τx, y ”<= 255 at (x, y) location of the image, ρ is the statistics of the image, and Ix, y is the enhanced pixel value which is normalized.
其中τx,y是HSV颜色空间中的V分量像素值,0<= τx,y <= 255 (x,y)图像的位置,ρ是图像的统计量,Ix,y是经过归一化的增强像素值。 

The parameter ρ controls the curvature of the hyperbolic tangent function.

This means that when the processing image is dark, ρ should be small and therefore the curvature of the hyperbolic tangent function will be steep and this will help the darker pixels to have brighter values. ρ can be expressed as:
这意味着当处理图像较暗时,ρ应该很小,因此双曲正切函数的曲率将会陡峭,这将有助于较暗的像素具有较亮的值。 ρ可以表示为:

Nonlinear Image Enhancement to Improve Face Detection in Complex Lighting Environment 翻译_第1张图片

where Υx, y is the local mean of an image and k is the bias pixel intensity value. 

The local mean of each pixel is calculated based on the center surrounded property (k = 3) of a perceptual field and perceptual processes of human vision.
每个像素的局部均值是基于感知场的中心包围特性(k = 3)和人类视觉的感知过程来计算的。

The form of the surround function we used is Gaussian because it provides good dynamic range compression over a wide range of environments. Consequently, the local mean of the image is calculated by:
我们使用的环绕声功能的形式是高斯型的,因为它可以在广泛的环境中提供良好的动态范围压缩。 因此,图像的局部平均值通过以下来计算:

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A smaller  will yield larger dynamic range compression but causes the image to lose its color. 
较小的 a 将产生较大的动态范围压缩

Conversely, a larger 1 will yield better color rendition but the shadow of the image will remain constant. 

Fig. 1 illustrates the variability of the hyperbolic tangent function based on Eq. (1) to (3). 

The output intensity range is converted to [0 255]. 
输出强度范围转换为[0 255]。

It can be observed that when the local mean of an image is small, the hyperbolic tangent function reshapes its curve towards the brighter pixel value to facilitate the rescaling of the range of the dark pixel to the brighter region.

Conversely, when the local mean of an image is large, the hyperbolic tangent function compresses the brighter pixels to the darker region.
III. ContrastEnhancement

The dark shadows in images can be brightened while the local intensity contrast will be degraded using Eq. (1) – (3) because the nonlinear dynamic range compression decreases the intensity variation when darker pixels are brightened more with a larger ‘accelerate factor’ than those of lighter pixels. 

Fig. 2 illustrates the degradation of image contrast compared to that of original images (e.g. the clouds and the sky) due to the dynamic range compression.

In order to improve the visual quality of images produced by the dynamic range compression, a contrast enhancement method is used to enhance the local contrast of these images. 

Therefore, after dynamic range compression and contrast enhancement, the visual quality of the original images with shadows created by high dynamic range scenes can be largely improved.

In addition, enhancing the local contrast can also be useful for improving the performance of convolutional face finder, which is sensitive to local intensity variation(e.g. first and second derivative image information).

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In the proposed contrast enhancement algorithm, the local intensity variation Iv is defined as in:


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where Ix, y and Iavg are the intensity enhanced image and its low-pass version, respectively. 

Iavg is computed using 2D convolution with a Gaussian kernel in Eq.

 (3) in which 5 ” <= σ ”<= 10 , Iv, the difference between Ix, y and Iavg, can be either positive or negative, which accordingly represents a brighter or darker pixel compared with its neighbor pixels. The magnitude of Iv determines the local contrast of an image: larger magnitude indicates higher contrast and vice versus. Therefore, increasing the magnitude of Iv is an effective way to enhance local image contrast. The proposed contrast enhancement technique increases the magnitude of Iv using the power law operation as described in:

  (3)其中5 <= σ <= E,Iv 与 Iavg之间的差值可以是正值也可以是负值,相应地,与相邻像素相比,它们表示更亮或更暗的像素。 Iv的大小决定了图像的局部对比度:较大的幅度表示较高的对比度,反之亦然。 因此,增加 Iv 的幅度是增强局部图像对比度的有效方法。 所提出的对比度增强技术使用如下所述的幂律运算来增加Iv的幅度:


β is tunable for adjusting the image contrast and β < 1. where β has a default value of 0.75. 

Since β can be either an odd or even number, |Iv| instead of Iv is used to keep the result of Eq. (5) positive.
由于β可以是一个奇数或偶数,|Iv| 而不是Iv是用来保持公式的结果。

 Eq. (5) can increase low contrast (small |Iv|) while preserving high contrast (large |Iv|) because 0 ” <= |Iv| <= 1 ” .
(5)可以在保持高对比度(大| Iv |)的同时增加低对比度(小| Iv |),因为0 <= | Iv | <= 1。

Based on the result of |Iv,EN| and the sign of Iv, the enhanced local intensity variation Iv,EN can be obtained by restoring the sign no matter β is odd or even:
根据| Iv,EN |的结果 和Iv的符号,不管β是奇数还是偶数,都可以通过恢复符号来获得增强的局部强度变化Iv,EN:


where sign(.) is defined as:

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Finally, the intensity image (Ic,EN) with enhanced local
contrast can be achieved by adding Iv,EN to Iavg as in:



where the maximum of (Iv,EN + Iavg) is used to normalize (Iv,EN +Iavg) because (Iv,EN + Iavg) can be larger than 1.

(Iv,EN + Iavg)的最大值用于归一化(Iv,EN + Iavg),因为(Iv,EN + Iavg)可以大于1

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The local contrast enhancement process can be illustrated using the images shown in Fig. 3.

 The luminance enhanced intensity image (Ix, y) and its local averaging result (Iavg) are shown in Fig. 2(b) and 3(a), respectively. 

Fig. 3(b) shows the magnitude image of |Iv|, the ‘bright’ regions represent those pixels which are either brighter or darker than its neighboring pixels in the luminance enhanced intensity image (Ix, y). 
图3(b)示出了| Iv |的幅度图像,“亮”区域表示在亮度增强强度图像(Ix,y)中比其相邻像素更亮或更暗的像素。

|Iv,EN|, the enhanced result of |Iv|, is shown in Fig. 3(c) where the edges (or features) are more obvious than those in Fig. 3(b), which indicates larger intensity variation compared to that represented by |Iv|. 
图3(c)显示了边缘(或特征)比图3(b)更明显的Iv,EN |,其增强结果| Iv |以| Iv |表示。

The final result of the local contrast enhancement is presented in Fig. 3(d) where image details are improved greatly due to the contrast enhancement algorithm defined by Eq.(4) – (8).

The local contrast enhancement increases the intensity variation, which can also be understood using the graphs shown in Fig. 4. 

Fig. 4(a) shows the distribution of luminance enhanced intensity I (as represented by the solid line) as well as its local averaged result Iavg (as represented by the dot line) along one column of the sample image.

Fig. 4(b) illustrates the local intensity variation Iv, which is the difference between I and Iavg. 

The enhanced local intensity variation Iv,EN is provided in Fig. 4(c). 

The final result Ic,EN, which incorporates both local and global intensity variation, is shown in Fig. 4(d).

It can be observed from Fig. 4(a)-(d) that the enhanced image exhibits higher local intensity variation compared to the original intensity distribution while the shape of the global intensity variation is approximately the same as the original.

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IV. ColorRemapping

For color images, a linear color remapping process based on the chromatic information of the original image is applied to the enhanced intensity image to recover the RGB color bands (r’, g’, b’) as in:

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where τ is the V component pixel value of HSV color space, which essentially is the maximum value among the original r, g and b values at each pixel location.

In this case, the ratio of the original r, g and b can be maintained by applying the above linear color remapping. 

Hence, the color information of hue and saturation in the original image is preserved in the enhanced color image. One example of color image enhancement is presented in Fig. 5. 

The color consistency can be observed between the original image and enhanced image. Observe also that the local contrast of the enhanced image is capable of bringing out the fine details from the image.
在原始图像和增强图像之间可以观察到颜色一致性。 还要注意的是,增强图像的局部对比度能够从图像中显示出细节。

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Improvement to Face Detection

The enhancement of the visual quality of digital images is usually applied to improve the performance of computer vision algorithms. 

Inspired by this relation, our proposed image enhancement technique was used as an image preprocessor for a face detection algorithm. 

The original face images and the enhanced face images produced by the proposed algorithm were examined by the face detection algorithm to evaluate the detection rate change due to the improved visual quality of those images.

 The sample face images containing one up-right frontal human face in each image were manually selected from FRGC database [16].

We have selected a total of 1360 face images for the experiment. 

These include 240 images of normal visual quality (the average intensity of both the entire face image and the facial area is higher than 100), 421 images with dim brightness (the intensity of greater than 80% pixels is below 80 and facial area’s average intensity is less than 60), 389 images with a dark face and bright background (the average intensity of the facial area is below 40 and at least 100 lower than the average intensity of the surrounding (face neighborhood) area which has the same width as the face width), and 310 dark images of very low brightness (average intensity below 40) over the entire image including the facial area. 

The face images for the face detection experiment were chosen using the selection scheme presented in Fig. 6(a) where the selection criteria are described above. The sample images of the four types of face images mentioned above are provided in Fig. 6(b)-6(e)
We implemented the convolutional neural network (CNN) face detection approach proposed by Garcia and Delakis [14] for this evaluation experiment.
我们实现了由Garcia和Delakis [14]提出的卷积神经网络(CNN)人脸检测方法。

The different parameters governing the architecture of CNN, i.e., the number of layers the number of planes and their connectivity, and the size of the receptive fields is set to be the same as Convolutional Face Finder (CFF) proposed by Garcia et al [14] as well as their training methodology.
控制CNN架构的不同参数,即平面数量及其连通性的层数,感受野的大小与Garcia等[14]提出的卷积人脸检测器(CFF)相同[ ]以及他们的培训方法

 That is, in the CFF implementation, layers C1 and C2 perform convolutions with trainable masks of dimension 5 × 5 and 3 × 3 respectively.

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Layer C1 contains 4 feature maps and therefore performs 4 convolutions on the input image.

Layer S1 is composed of four feature maps.

It performs a local averaging over a neighborhood of four inputs followed by a multiplication by a trainable coefficient and the addition of a trainable bias.

This sub-sampling operation reduces the dimensionality of theinputby2andincreasesthedegreesofinvarianceto translation, rotation, scale, and deformation of the face patterns.

 Layers S1 and C2 are partially connected.

 Mixing the outputs of feature maps helps in combining different features, thus extracting more complex information. 

Therefore, layer C2 has 14 feature maps. 

Each of the 4 sub-sampled feature maps of S1 is convolved by 2 different trainable masks 3 × 3, providing 8 feature maps in C2. 

The other 6 feature maps of C2 are obtained by fusing the results of 2 convolutions on each possible pair of feature maps of S1.

Layer S2 is a sub-sampling layer with 14 feature maps. 

The receptive field ofeachunitisa2×2areaintheC2 layer.LayersN1 andN2 contain simple sigmoid neurons.

The role of these layers is to perform classification after feature extraction and input dimensionality reduction are performed.

 In layer N1, each neuron is fully connected to every point of one feature map of layer S2.

 The neuron of layer N2 is fully connected to all the neurons of layer N1. 

The output of this neuron is used to classify the input image as face or non-face.

 Desired responses are set to1 for non-faces and to +1 for faces. The gray scale test images of size 320 × 240 were applied to the CNN for performing face detection.

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The face detection algorithm was performed on both original face images and enhanced face images which were processed by the proposed image enhancement algorithm, histogram equalization, and MSRCR [1]. 
人脸检测算法对原始人脸图像和增强后的人脸图像进行了处理,提出的图像增强算法,直方图均衡化和MSRCR [1]。

The face detection results are compared among these image enhancement techniques. 

The detection rate is defined as the ratio between the number of successful detections and the number of faces. 

The false positive rate is the ratio between the number of false positive detections and the number of scanned windows.

These data is presented using the ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curves that exhibit the relation of detection rate versus false positive rate. 

In fact, both detection rate and false positive rate are dependent on the threshold value.

The detection rate and false positive rate are dependent on two criteria: 

1. the number of positive answers, which is the number of positive responses in the local pyramid, is greater than a certain number; and 2. the volume of positive number, which is calculated by summing the positive answer value in the local pyramid, is greater than a given threshold.
1 本地金字塔中肯定答复的数量多于肯定答案的数量; (2)通过对本地金字塔中的肯定答案值进行求和得到的正数的数量大于给定的阈值。

That is, as these thresholds increase, both false positive rate and detection rate will decrease monotonously. Garcia et al give an excellent treatment on how to choose the threshold values.

The overall face detection results of all test images are shown in Fig. 7(a). 

All three image enhancement methods create significant improvement to the face detection rate. 

This is because all these techniques are able to increase the local intensity variation which can improve the detection of important object features. 

It can also be found that our method and MSRCR perform considerably better than histogram equalization.

It is because our method and MSRCR are more capable of enhancing local intensity variation no matter how the image intensity is distributed while histogram equalization is unable to provide any useful enhancement result for certain types of images leading to less improvement in face detection.
The face detection results of face images with normal visual quality are provided in Fig. 7(b).

It can be seen that all image enhancement methods do not produce any improvement to the face detection rates (all four ROC curves are virtually identical). 

This is due to the fact that the original face images already have good visual quality which does not create any difficulty for face detection. 

Therefore, further image enhancement is not helpful for improving the performance of the face detection algorithm because visual quality is not the major issue that determines face detection rate and false positive rate.

It can also be found that the face detection rates shown in Fig. 7(a) are much higher than those of the published results in [14]. 

This is because it is fairly easy to detect a single up-right normal-looking frontal face without any obstacles, which appears in an image with good visual quality. 

Due to the same reason, the detection rate reaches 100% (all faces are correctly detected) when false positive rate is higher than 3.8×10-6. 

We didn’t test images with in-plane or our-of-plane rotation faces, so the aim of the paper is to show that it is possible to improve face detection in complex lighting environment.
The results from dim face images are shown in Fig. 7(c) where detection rates are slightly lower than those from face images of normal visual quality. 

It is somehow unexpected that all the three image enhancement techniques only produce a small difference in detection rates between the original images and the enhanced images. 

It is due to the high robustness of the face detection algorithm which is capable of detecting faces in images with low brightness and contrast.

The detection rates on enhanced face images are comparable to those shown in Fig. 7(b) for the enhanced images are similar to the normal quality images.

Our method and MSRCR produce a slightly better result compared to global histogram equalization because of its limited luminance enhancement and local contrast enhancement capabilities, which have been mentioned previously.

It is a very challenging task for face detection algorithms if a dark face appears in an image with a very bright background.

One example of such kind of face image is shown in Fig. 8(a) in which no face is detected.

The detection rates of the original images of such type of face images are much lower compared to the two types of face images discussed previously, which can be observed in the ROC curves shown in Fig. 7 (d) where the detection rate is only 60% for original images with zero false positive detection while the detection rate is 80% or more with zero false positive detection for the previous two types of face images. 

In Fig. 8(b), the histogram equalization enhanced image is shown with no face detected.

Similarly, no face is detected on the image in Fig. 8(c) which is enhanced by MSRCR. 
类似地,在由 MSRCR 增强的图8(c)中的图像上没有检测到面部。

However, the enhanced image produced by the proposed image enhancement method is shown in Fig. 8(d) with the face successfully detected.

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This difference exhibited in Fig. 8 can also be observed in the ROC curves shown in Fig. 7(d) where the proposed image enhancement algorithm much better improves the detection rates because our method is able to provide sufficient local intensity variation and luminance enhancement across the face region even with the highly-bright background.

 It can be observed in Fig. 8 that both histogram equalization and MSRCR are unable to produce satisfactory image enhancement results from those images that already have uniform histograms.

To better understand this effect, the histograms of the images shown Fig. 8 are presented in Fig. 9. 

Compared with the histogram of the original image, the histogram of the image enhanced by histogram equalization does not show much difference in the low intensity range where the face exists. 

Similarly, MSRCR yields even less effect on image histogram. 

However, the histogram of the image produced by the proposed method shows a huge difference in the low intensity range compared to the histogram of the original image. 

It can also be observed that lots of the low intensity pixels (including the face) shift to higher intensity range. 

Therefore, the local intensity variation and low luminance can be enhanced and the improved visual quality helps the feature (face) detection.

For the last type of face images where the entire image has very low luminance, the face detection rates of original images, which are shown in Fig.7 (d), are still low and similar to those of images having dark faces with bright background. 

However, for this type of face images, all the three image enhancement techniques are capable of producing good quality enhanced images with more faces successfully detected, which largely improves the face detection rates. 

Once again, our method still performs better than the other two enhancement methods while histogram equalization has the lowest performance among these three techniques. 

Fig. 10 shows the effect of the enhancement procedure for accurate face detection in images captured in dark and extremely non-uniform lighting environment.

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Based on the above results, it can be observed that the proposed image enhancement algorithm performs much better than histogram equalization and MSRCR in terms of improving the face detection rates of difficult face images containing dark faces with bright background. 

For other types of face images, our method and MSRCR have similar results.

However, our method still performs better than MSRCR. 

Histogram equalization also helps to improve the performance of the detection algorithm even though the other two techniques outperform it. 

Typical face detection rates and false positive rates are selected from the ROC curves shown in Fig. 7 and presented in Table 1. 

The proposed image enhancement algorithm produces enhanced images leading to the highest detection rates under almost all conditions.

Nonlinear Image Enhancement to Improve Face Detection in Complex Lighting Environment 翻译_第21张图片

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