2023-05-15T04:04:07.728576Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 21 for {space: 26572, page_no:8950} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.728745Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 22 for {space: 26572, page_no:8951} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.728895Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 23 for {space: 26572, page_no:8952} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.729068Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 24 for {space: 26572, page_no:8953} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.729235Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 25 for {space: 26572, page_no:8954} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.729391Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 26 for {space: 26572, page_no:8955} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.729546Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 27 for {space: 26572, page_no:8956} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.729705Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 28 for {space: 26572, page_no:8957} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.729865Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 29 for {space: 26572, page_no:8958} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.730027Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 30 for {space: 26572, page_no:8959} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.730221Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012179] [InnoDB] Could not find any file associated with the tablespace ID: 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:07.730400Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012964] [InnoDB] Use --innodb-directories to find the tablespace files. If that fails then use --innodb-force-recovery=1 to ignore this and to permanently lose all changes to the missing tablespace(s)
2023-05-15T04:04:07.830762Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012930] [InnoDB] Plugin initialization aborted with error Generic error.
2023-05-15T04:04:08.228539Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-010334] [Server] Failed to initialize DD Storage Engine
2023-05-15T04:04:08.229036Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010020] [Server] Data Dictionary initialization failed.
2023-05-15T04:04:08.229530Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010119] [Server] Aborting
2023-05-15T04:04:08.230195Z 0 [System] [MY-010910] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.26) MySQL Community Server - GPL.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.242005Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010140] [Server] Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than 10000 (request: 100000)
2023-05-15T04:04:12.242023Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010141] [Server] Changed limits: max_connections: 9190 (requested 10000)
2023-05-15T04:04:12.242031Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010142] [Server] Changed limits: table_open_cache: 400 (requested 2000)
2023-05-15T04:04:12.479065Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011068] [Server] The syntax 'slave_parallel_type' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use replica_parallel_type instead.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.479081Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011068] [Server] The syntax 'slave_parallel_workers' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use replica_parallel_workers instead.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.479104Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011068] [Server] The syntax 'slave_skip_errors' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use replica_skip_errors instead.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.479129Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011068] [Server] The syntax 'expire-logs-days' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use binlog_expire_logs_seconds instead.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.479199Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010915] [Server] 'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.480718Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.26) starting as process 303345
2023-05-15T04:04:12.482007Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013242] [Server] --character-set-server: 'utf8' is currently an alias for the character set UTF8MB3, but will be an alias for UTF8MB4 in a future release. Please consider using UTF8MB4 in order to be unambiguous.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.482016Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013244] [Server] --collation-server: 'utf8_general_ci' is a collation of the deprecated character set UTF8MB3. Please consider using UTF8MB4 with an appropriate collation instead.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.483293Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010161] [Server] You need to use --log-bin to make --binlog-format work.
2023-05-15T04:04:12.490129Z 1 [System] [MY-013576] [InnoDB] InnoDB initialization has started.
2023-05-15T04:04:17.252454Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 21 for {space: 26572, page_no:8950} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.252659Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 22 for {space: 26572, page_no:8951} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.252813Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 23 for {space: 26572, page_no:8952} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.252992Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 24 for {space: 26572, page_no:8953} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.253150Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 25 for {space: 26572, page_no:8954} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.253310Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 26 for {space: 26572, page_no:8955} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.253472Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 27 for {space: 26572, page_no:8956} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.253635Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 28 for {space: 26572, page_no:8957} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.253802Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 29 for {space: 26572, page_no:8958} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.253970Z 1 [Warning] [MY-013541] [InnoDB] Doublewrite page 30 for {space: 26572, page_no:8959} could not be restored. File name unknown for tablespace ID 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.254166Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012179] [InnoDB] Could not find any file associated with the tablespace ID: 26572
2023-05-15T04:04:17.254350Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012964] [InnoDB] Use --innodb-directories to find the tablespace files. If that fails then use --innodb-force-recovery=1 to ignore this and to permanently lose all changes to the missing tablespace(s)
2023-05-15T04:04:17.354703Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-012930] [InnoDB] Plugin initialization aborted with error Generic error.
2023-05-15T04:04:17.752409Z 1 [ERROR] [MY-010334] [Server] Failed to initialize DD Storage Engine
2023-05-15T04:04:17.752885Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010020] [Server] Data Dictionary initialization failed.
2023-05-15T04:04:17.753405Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010119] [Server] Aborting
2023-05-15T04:04:17.753960Z 0 [System] [MY-010910] [Server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.26) MySQL Community Server - GPL.
[MY-012179] [InnoDB] Could not find any file associated with the tablespace ID: 26572
innodb_force_recovery = 1 #我们从1到6依次的启动,按级别的高级顺序。
Innodb事务型存储引擎,通过redo,undo,double write这些特性保证数据的完整,针对硬件故障,内核bug,突然断电的事件,需要手动对Innodb进行恢复;
可以将Innodb page 损坏分为几类,data page 损坏,secondary_index page 损坏, root index 损坏,data dictionary 损坏,恢复的难度依次增加;与朋友一起恢复innodb的时候,重新认识了下innodb_force_recovery;
最初对innodb_force_recovery 的认识只是错误的停留在 它只针对无法启动的时候使用,1-6的参数,对损坏数据只在启动的时候不去检查;后来才明白启用该参数后,MySQL redo only 就是为了保证对应参数里面的值,不启用后台thread的任何检查直至设置innodb_force_recovery=0才可以,同时跟大家分享下, check table 的结果对于innodb 是不可信的(明明error log报page错误,但检测结果仍是ok) (以下内容多参考官网)
innodb_force_recovery 在使用的时候,能尽量从1-6依次递增,=3的时候,已经包括 =1 和=2的处理情况,一般 = 1-3的时候,数据的完整性相对来说还是可以保证的(除了已经损坏的部分),>=4 的时候可能造成 page处于一种相对“过时”(obsolete state),(如果不进行重建损坏的表),可能造成B-trees and other database structures 的损坏,>0 的时候,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE这些操作都是禁止的,下面介绍下各个参数的具体含义:
强制忽略corrupt page并自动跳过,期间可以dump table;
在前置忽略corrupt page 的基础上(包含=1的作用),阻塞 master thread 和 任何的 purge thread 运行(有效防止在purge的时候发生MySQL crash)
在忽略 corrupt page,阻塞 purge thread的基础上,不进行 transaction rollback;
在忽略 corrupt page,阻塞 purge thread,禁止 transaction rollback 基础上,禁止 merge insert buffer,对 table statistics 不进行更新;(这样会损坏 data file,等恢复后最好重建所有的secondary index);
在忽略 corrupt page ,阻塞purge thread,禁止 transaction rollback,禁止merge insert buffer,停止 table statistic 的基础上,在启动 MySQL的时候,不在扫描 undo logs,对待incomplete transactions as committed;
在以上所有的基础上,redo log 不进行前滚(roll-forward)
select * from INNODB_TABLES where SPACE=26572
select * from INNODB_TABLESPACES where SPACE=26572
innodb_force_recovery >0是不能更新操作的。所以先要在>0的状态尽量DUMP将生产的数据备份出来,如果DUMP报错,则用历史的备份恢复。然后删除掉关联坏的表或者数据库。DROP的时候尽量按表、数据库的单位删除,因为会关联很多莫名的未知文件。整体思路就是找到坏的文件关联的表或者数据库,让MySql去删除操作,然后按常规的顺序重建,重新创建文件。
然后在innodb_force_recovery =0的状态下,再重新新增表操作并插入数据。
innodb_force_recovery = 0 #配置成0
重启数据库服务。在innodb_force_recovery =0的状态下,再重新新增表操作并插入数据