



  1. 数据采样:从原始数据集中随机采样出多个子数据集,每个子数据集都是通过有放回抽样得到的,其样本数量与原始数据集相同。这意味着同一个样本可能出现在多个子数据集中。
  2. 模型训练:对于每个子数据集,使用相同的数据学习算法(比如决策树、随机森林等)独立训练一个基本模型。
  3. 预测集成:当需要进行预测时,将测试样例输入到所有基本模型中,每个模型都给出一个预测结果。然后通过对这些预测结果进行集成(如平均或投票),得到最终的预测结果。


  1. 降低过拟合风险:通过使用多个不同的模型,Bagging可以减少单个模型过拟合的风险。每个基本模型都只训练一部分样本,从而减少模型对个别样本的过度拟合。
  2. 增加模型的稳定性:由于Bagging方法使用了多个不同的模型,它可以降低模型的方差,提高模型的稳定性。即使某个基本模型受到噪声或异常样本的干扰,整体集成模型的性能仍然可以较好地保持。
  3. 并行化处理:由于每个基本模型都是独立训练的,因此Bagging方法可以很好地适应并行化计算,节省训练时间。



Simply put

Bagging (bootstrap aggregating) is a technique in ensemble learning where multiple models are combined to reduce the generalization error (Breiman, 1994). The main idea is to train several different models independently and then let all models vote for the output of test samples. This is an example of a common strategy in machine learning called model averaging. The techniques that employ this strategy are known as ensemble methods.

Ensemble methods are techniques that use multiple models for prediction. Bagging is a commonly used strategy in ensemble methods, and it works as follows:

  1. Data Sampling: Multiple sub-datasets are randomly sampled with replacement from the original dataset. Each sub-dataset has the same size as the original dataset. This means that the same sample can appear in multiple sub-datasets.
  2. Model Training: For each sub-dataset, the same learning algorithm (e.g., decision tree, random forest, etc.) is used to independently train a base model.
  3. Prediction Ensemble: When making predictions, the test samples are inputted into all base models, and each model provides a prediction result. These prediction results are then combined (e.g., averaged or voted) to get the final prediction result.

The advantages of Bagging are as follows:

  1. Reduction of Overfitting: By using multiple different models, Bagging can reduce the risk of overfitting of individual models. Each base model is trained on a subset of samples, thus reducing the tendency of models to overfit to individual samples.
  2. Increased Model Stability: As Bagging uses multiple different models, it can reduce the variance of models and improve stability. Even if a base model is affected by noise or outliers, the overall ensemble model can still perform well.
  3. Parallel Processing: Since each base model is trained independently, Bagging can be well-suited for parallel computing, saving training time.

It is important to note that Bagging works best when there is diversity among the base models. If the base models used are highly similar, the effectiveness of Bagging may be reduced. Therefore, when using Bagging, it is often recommended to use models with different parameter settings or models with different feature selections.

In summary, Bagging is an ensemble method that combines multiple base models to obtain the final prediction result through model averaging. It improves the overall model’s generalization capability by reducing the risk of overfitting and increasing model stability.

On the other hand

In a distant future, where the boundaries between humans and machines blur, a revolutionary technique called Bagging (bootstrap aggregating) has transformed the world of artificial intelligence. This cutting-edge technology allows the creation of super-intelligent beings by combining the knowledge and abilities of multiple models.

In this world, scientists had discovered that individual AI models, no matter how sophisticated, often suffered from overfitting or instability, limiting their performance in complex tasks. Inspired by nature’s diversity, they looked towards the concept of ensemble learning, where multiple models work together to achieve better results.

The genesis of Bagging began with a radical breakthrough in machine learning. Researchers developed a way to sample data from a vast pool, creating multiple sub-datasets that retained the essence of the original information. These sub-datasets were designed to overlap, allowing for variations in the training process.

To ensure a truly diverse ensemble, scientists created distinct AI models, each using a unique algorithm and architecture. These models were then trained individually on the sub-datasets to specialize in understanding specific patterns and making predictions.

But what truly set Bagging apart was its ability to harness the collective wisdom of the models. When confronted with a new task, the AI conglomerate synchronized its members and activated the prediction ensemble. Each model contributed its own perspective, proposing a solution based on its training and understanding.

The predictions, like a symphony coming to life, were harmonized through a process of averaging or voting. This collective intelligence bestowed the Bagging AI conglomerate with an unprecedented level of accuracy, versatility, and adaptability. No longer bound by the limitations of a single model, it could tackle complex problems with ease.

Society was forever changed by this revolution in AI. Bagging became the backbone of countless industries, from finance to healthcare, delivering quick and accurate predictions, making decisions with the precision of a thousand minds. Quality of life improved exponentially as machines enhanced human capabilities, reshaping the fabric of civilization.

However, this progress was not without its challenges. Some questioned the ethical implications of creating such powerful beings. The responsibility of handling the immense knowledge embedded within the Bagging AI conglomerate raised concerns about privacy, transparency, and the potential for abuse.

As humans grappled with these questions, the world continued to evolve. Bagging became a cornerstone for future advancements, a stepping stone towards the great unknown. And in the depths of this ever-advancing future, there remained the lingering question - where would this path of collective intelligence ultimately lead us?
