
Android 9上有了binder_calls_stats服务,提供了java层的binder统计,

Android中的Binder Call Stats(Binder调用统计)是一项用于监控和记录Android系统中Binder通信的统计信息的功能。Binder是Android中的一种进程间通信(IPC)机制,用于在不同的进程之间传递数据和调用方法。

Binder Call Stats提供了有关Binder调用的性能和统计数据,帮助开发人员分析和优化系统的性能。它可以提供以下信息:

  1. Binder调用次数:统计Binder方法被调用的次数,包括进程间的远程调用和本地调用。

  2. Binder调用耗时:记录Binder方法的执行时间,包括调用传输数据的时间和远程进程执行方法的时间。

  3. Binder调用堆栈跟踪:跟踪Binder调用的堆栈信息,可以帮助开发人员确定调用路径和定位性能瓶颈。

  4. Binder调用的进程和线程信息:记录Binder调用发生的进程和线程信息,有助于分析系统中不同组件之间的通信情况。

通过分析Binder Call Stats,开发人员可以识别性能瓶颈、优化IPC通信,改进应用程序的响应性能和资源利用率。

要收集Binder Call Stats,开发人员可以使用Android系统提供的工具和API,例如使用adb shell命令进行监测,或者使用Trace类和Debug类提供的方法进行手动埋点和记录统计数据。

需要注意的是,Binder Call Stats对于普通应用程序开发人员来说可能并不常用,主要用于系统级开发和性能调优。

public class BinderCallsStatsService extends Binder {
31    private static final String TAG = "BinderCallsStatsService";
33    private static final String PERSIST_SYS_BINDER_CALLS_DETAILED_TRACKING
34            = "persist.sys.binder_calls_detailed_tracking";
36    public static void start() {
37        BinderCallsStatsService service = new BinderCallsStatsService();
38        ServiceManager.addService("binder_calls_stats", service);
39        boolean detailedTrackingEnabled = SystemProperties.getBoolean(
42        if (detailedTrackingEnabled) {
43            Slog.i(TAG, "Enabled CPU usage tracking for binder calls. Controlled by "
45                    + " or via dumpsys binder_calls_stats --enable-detailed-tracking");
46            BinderCallsStats.getInstance().setDetailedTracking(true);
47        }
48    }
50    public static void reset() {
51        Slog.i(TAG, "Resetting stats");
52        BinderCallsStats.getInstance().reset();
53    }
55    @Override
56    protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
57        if (args != null) {
58            for (final String arg : args) {
59                if ("-a".equals(arg)) {
60                    // We currently dump all information by default
61                    continue;
62                } else if ("--reset".equals(arg)) {
63                    reset();
64                    pw.println("binder_calls_stats reset.");
65                    return;
66                } else if ("--enable-detailed-tracking".equals(arg)) {
67                    SystemProperties.set(PERSIST_SYS_BINDER_CALLS_DETAILED_TRACKING, "1");
68                    BinderCallsStats.getInstance().setDetailedTracking(true);
69                    pw.println("Detailed tracking enabled");
70                    return;
71                } else if ("--disable-detailed-tracking".equals(arg)) {
72                    SystemProperties.set(PERSIST_SYS_BINDER_CALLS_DETAILED_TRACKING, "");
73                    BinderCallsStats.getInstance().setDetailedTracking(false);
74                    pw.println("Detailed tracking disabled");
75                    return;
76                } else if ("-h".equals(arg)) {
77                    pw.println("binder_calls_stats commands:");
78                    pw.println("  --reset: Reset stats");
79                    pw.println("  --enable-detailed-tracking: Enables detailed tracking");
80                    pw.println("  --disable-detailed-tracking: Disables detailed tracking");
81                    return;
82                } else {
83                    pw.println("Unknown option: " + arg);
84                }
85            }
86        }
87        BinderCallsStats.getInstance().dump(pw);
88    }



    // Entry point from android_util_Binder.cpp's onTransact
714    private boolean execTransact(int code, long dataObj, long replyObj,
715            int flags) {
716        BinderCallsStats binderCallsStats = BinderCallsStats.getInstance();
717        BinderCallsStats.CallSession callSession = binderCallsStats.callStarted(this, code);
718        Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(dataObj);
719        Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(replyObj);
720        // theoretically, we should call transact, which will call onTransact,
721        // but all that does is rewind it, and we just got these from an IPC,
722        // so we'll just call it directly.
723        boolean res;
724        // Log any exceptions as warnings, don't silently suppress them.
725        // If the call was FLAG_ONEWAY then these exceptions disappear into the ether.
726        final boolean tracingEnabled = Binder.isTracingEnabled();
727        try {
728            if (tracingEnabled) {
729                Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ALWAYS, getClass().getName() + ":" + code);
730            }
731            res = onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
732        } catch (RemoteException|RuntimeException e) {
733            if (LOG_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION) {
734                Log.w(TAG, "Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.", e);
735            }
736            if ((flags & FLAG_ONEWAY) != 0) {
737                if (e instanceof RemoteException) {
738                    Log.w(TAG, "Binder call failed.", e);
739                } else {
740                    Log.w(TAG, "Caught a RuntimeException from the binder stub implementation.", e);
741                }
742            } else {
743                reply.setDataPosition(0);
744                reply.writeException(e);
745            }
746            res = true;
747        } finally {
748            if (tracingEnabled) {
749                Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ALWAYS);
750            }
751        }
752        checkParcel(this, code, reply, "Unreasonably large binder reply buffer");
753        reply.recycle();
754        data.recycle();
756        // Just in case -- we are done with the IPC, so there should be no more strict
757        // mode violations that have gathered for this thread.  Either they have been
758        // parceled and are now in transport off to the caller, or we are returning back
759        // to the main transaction loop to wait for another incoming transaction.  Either
760        // way, strict mode begone!
761        StrictMode.clearGatheredViolations();
762        binderCallsStats.callEnded(callSession);
764        return res;
765    }

而更加底层的统计,可以查看/dev/binder 里面的binder_status



  1. 总体信息:包括Binder线程池的大小、当前正在等待的线程数等。

  2. 事务计数:显示有关Binder事务(包括进程间通信和本地调用)的计数信息,例如总事务数、活动事务数、等待事务数等。

  3. 线程信息:列出了所有活动的Binder线程的详细信息,包括线程ID、所属进程、线程状态等。

  4. 回收信息:显示已回收的Binder对象和节点的数量。


