mcmctree估算物种分歧时间 - 简书
估算系统树分歧时间 —— paml.mcmctree,r8s | 生信技工
# 新建文件夹并进入
mkdir d.divergence_time && cd d.divergence_time
treefile:orthofinder中SpeciesTreeAlignment.fasta序列用raxml软件跑出的最优树(RAxML_bestTree.jjh_1.tre),将后缀改为“trees”,并在文件第一行加上物种数目和树的数目,先按照上面程序跑一下,终端中会出现一个reading master tree,然后手动粘贴出来为trees文件,在其中加上几个校准点(在timetree中查询),添加格式参照参考网址。
TimeTree :: The Timescale of Life
echo "97 1" > input.trees
# 文件内容分两行:第一行表述树中有97个物种,共计1个树,两个数值之间用空分割;
# 第二行则是Newick格式树信息,其中包含有校准点信息。校准点信息一般指95%HPD(Highest Posterior Density)对应的置信区间;校准点单位是100MYA(软件说明文档中使用该单位,也推荐使用该单位,若使用其它单位,后续配置文件中的相关参数也需要对应修改)。此外,Newick格式的树尾部一定要有分号,没有的话程序可能不能正常运行
# echo "(((laame,plost),(parub,sccit)'>0.76<1.08')'>2.29<2.66',(lasul,phgig));" >> input.trees
# Paxillus rubicundulus <=> Scleroderma citrinum 89MYA 76-108MYA
# Paxillus rubicundulus <=> Laccaria amethystina 246MYA 229-266MYA
# Hymenochaetaceae 125Mya Agaricales-90Mya Agaricomycetes-290Mya Basidiomycota-400Mya
# 把iqtree/raxml-ng等建树软件中得到的树文件中的支持率和枝长信息删除,添加化石校准点时间信息(格式是时间范围’>0.23<0.26’或者时间点‘@0.245’),单位时百万年前100Ma;再在首行添加两个数字(物种数量和树的数量),空格隔开,可得到input.tre文件。
1(JJH) Rickenella <=> Sanghuangporus 227–277Mya
2(JJH) Trametes <=> Heterobasidion 187–236Mya
3(JJH) Pleurotus <=> Schizophyllum 110–201Mya
4(other) Laccaria bicolor <=> Coprinopsis cinerea 120–180Mya
/media/aa/DATA/JJH/software/standard-RAxML-master/usefulScripts/convertFasta2Phylip.sh ../c.species_tree/allSingleCopyOrthologsAlign.Codon.fasta > input.txt
perl -p -i -e 's/\s+/ /' input.txt
echo $(cat ../c.species_tree/allSingleCopyOrthologsAlign.Codon.fasta) |sed "s/ >/\n/g" |sed "s/>//g"|sed "s/ / /g" >input2.phy
(JJH) ndata = 1; seqtype = 2; burnin = 1,000,000; sampfreq = 10; nsample = 500,000.
# 软件自带测试数据是3组数据,而我们的数据只有一组!
# 修改mcmctree.ctl
seqfile = input.txt
treefile = input.trees
mcmcfile = mcmc.txt
outfile = out.txt
ndata = 1 # 输入的多序列比对的数据个数,这里密码子3个位置的数据;如果有一个,则设置为1
seqtype = 0 * 0: nucleotides; 1:codons; 2:AAs #数据类型
usedata = 3 * 0: no data; 1:seq like; 2:normal approximation; 3:out.BV (in.BV) # 设置是否利用多序列比对的数据:
#2,进行正常的approximation likelihood分析,此时不需要读取多序列比对数据,直接读取当前目录中的in.BV文件。该文件是使用usedata = 3参数生成的out.BV文件重命名而来的。
#此外,由于程序BUG,当设置usedata = 2时,一定要在改行参数后加 *,否则程序报错 Error: file name empty..
clock = 2 * 1: global clock; 2: independent rates; 3: correlated rates
RootAge = '<8.0' * safe constraint on root age, used if no fossil for root.
model = 4
alpha = 0.5
ncatG = 5
burnin = 4000000 #将前x次迭代burnin后,再进行取样(即打印出该次迭代计算的结果信息,各内部节点分歧时间、平均进化速率、sigma2值和各分支进化速率等)
sampfreq = 10 #每10次迭代则取样一次。
nsample = 100000 # 当取样次数达到该次数时,则取样结束(程序也将运行结束)。
# 进入conda环境
conda activate FigTree
# 运行
mcmctree mcmctree.ctl
cp out.BV in.BV
# 配置文件中参数 usedata = 2,再次运行同样的mcmctree命令
# 新建文件夹
mkdir run01 run02
cp input.txt input.trees mcmctree.ctl in.BV run01
cp input.txt input.trees mcmctree.ctl in.BV run02
cd run01; mcmctree mcmctree.ctl &> mcmctree.log
cd run02; mcmctree mcmctree.ctl &> mcmctree.log
perl -n -e 'my $out; while (s/(.*?(\d\.\d+))//) { my $info = $1; my $value = $2; my $new = $value * 100; $info =~ s/$value/$new/; $out .= $info; } $out .= $_; print $out' run01/FigTree.tre > tree01.nex
perl -n -e 'my $out; while (s/(.*?(\d\.\d+))//) { my $info = $1; my $value = $2; my $new = $value * 100; $info =~ s/$value/$new/; $out .= $info; } $out .= $_; print $out' run02/FigTree.tre > tree02.nex
perl -e 'while (<>) { if (s/\s*UTREE.*?=\s*//) { s/\s*\[.*?\]//g; print; } }' tree01.nex > tree01.txt
perl -e 'while (<>) { if (s/\s*UTREE.*?=\s*//) { s/\s*\[.*?\]//g; print; } }' tree02.nex > tree02.txt
/media/aa/DATA/DATA/SZQ2/command/clf/bin/calculating_branchLength_bias_percentage_of_two_trees.pl --no_normalization_of_total_branch_length tree01.txt tree02.txt > bias_of_2runs.txt
# 1.41% 0.77% 0.77%
rm tree*
perl -n -e 'my $out; while (s/(.*?(\d\.\d+))//) { my $info = $1; my $value = $2; my $new = $value * 100; $info =~ s/$value/$new/; $out .= $info; } $out .= $_; print $out' run01/FigTree.tre > tree_abbr.mcmctree
cp tree_abbr.mcmctree tree_fullName.mcmctree
cut -f 1,2 ../a.preparing_data/source.txt | perl -p -e 's/\t/\t\"/; s/$/\"/;' | perl -p -e 's#\s+#/#; s#^#perl -p -i -e "s/#; s#\n$#/" tree_fullName.mcmctree\n#;' | perl -p -e 's#/\"#/\\\"#; s#\"/#\\\"/#;' | sh
java -jar /opt/biosoft/FigTree_v1.4.4/lib/figtree.jar tree_fullName.mcmctree
cd ..