

特别注意一下,使用这个函数需要你的vector驱动在9.6以上以及支持 ISO CAN FD.


函数canConfigureBusOff 可以通过脚本的形式产生bus off,而VH6501可以通过干扰bit位来产生bus off(使用CANoe Demo - CANDisturbanceMain进行Bus Off测试)。

对于函数canConfigureBusOff :With this function it is possible to configure a CAN or CAN-FD message using the ID (Standard or Extended).
The configured message is then always disturbed by one of our interfaces (which support this feature) as soon as this message is seen on the bus. effect is the same, if your ECU send this ID, then this is disturbed and your ECU goes into BUSOFF.


  message 0x1 msg
