2023第二届中国绿色钢铁国际大会 演讲嘉宾更新

2023第二届中国绿色钢铁国际大会 演讲嘉宾更新_第1张图片



The 2nd China Green Steel Summit 2023 speakers updated! You can read more about it in the poster below.

The summit will be held in Shanghai from September 21st to 22nd and will be held in-person and online.

The summit will focus on energy and raw material structure innovation, low-carbon innovation of traditional blast furnace technology route, new carbon reduction technologies such as hydrogen metallurgy and CCUS, deepening digitalization of the steel industry and other hot trending topics, providing a full range of energy-saving and carbon-reduction ideas and references for relevant experts of the steel industry, so as to better realize the green and low-carbon sustainable development of their own enterprises.

2023第二届中国绿色钢铁国际大会 演讲嘉宾更新_第2张图片

部分主题 Selected Topics:

  • 绿色钢铁的挑战与机遇
  • Challenges and Opportunities of Green Steel
  • 减污降碳技术开发与实践路径
  • Technology Development and Practice Path of Pollution and Carbon Reduction
  • 氢基粉料直接还原 (DRI) 技术与熔炼炉炼铁
  • Hydrogen-based fines Direct Reduction (DRI) Technology and Iron Making with Smelter
  • Carbon2Chem®与其在钢铁行业的应用路线
  • Carbon2Chem® and its Application Route in the Steel Industry
  • 铌合金设计对钢材生命周期排放的影响
  • Niobium Alloy Design Impact on Steel Life- Cycle Emissions
  • 钢铁冶金流程减碳的思考与实践
  • Thinking and Practice of Carbon Reduction in Iron and Steel Metallurgical Process
  • 小组讨论:跨行业联产协同低碳赋能社会全面低碳转型
  • Panel Discussion: Cross-Industry Co-production and Synergistic Low-carbon to Empower Society’s Comprehensive Low-carbon Transformation
  • 钢铁行业全生态系统低碳转型战略:供给-需求-政策-金融联动
  • Global Perspectives on Steel Industry Decarbonization Strategiesacross Supply, Demand, Policy & Finance
  • ……

We are looking forward to your arrival!

Welcome to consult the details of the summit.



Phone: 13271915990

Email: [email protected]

往届精彩回顾 Review

2023第二届中国绿色钢铁国际大会 演讲嘉宾更新_第3张图片



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