哈利波特与魔法石:Day 03

Day 03

(…'Hagrid's late. I supposed it was he who told you I'd be here, by the way?')

kindle 152-207/扇贝第3节/有声音频(15:35-23:35)



  1. rummage: to search for a thing 翻,找
  2. chuckle 轻声发笑
  3. mutter: to speak quietly 咕哝
  4. falter:to not be able to speak 支支吾吾的说
  5. sniffed angrily (sniff: to say in a mean way)
  6. irritably: in an angry manner
    crabbed 字迹潦草的
    crabby 易怒的,脾气坏的。字如其人,脾气差的人写字时就乱糟糟看不清

7. 杀死单词:

He flicked it open, held it up in the air and clicked it.

flick: to move quickly 弹一下
click: to cause a short sharp sound
flicker: to shine in an uneven way (光)闪烁,摇曳(uneven是不稳定的)
pinprick: a very small point (光等的)小点

  1. 其他
    go out (灯)熄灭,明天课文里go out有彩蛋
    beady 晶亮如小珠的
    lace handkerchief
  2. 对比
  • calmly: in a calm manner
    glumly: in an angry manner
  • dab: to touch gently
    pat: to touch in a light way
  • drive/driveway (房屋与街道之间的)私人车道
    pavement: the hard surface of a road 人行道,硬化路面

  1. slip喜欢的动词~

Dumbledore slipped the Put-Outer back inside his cloak and set off down the street…

  1. flatter: to praise too much 奉承
  2. blush

It's lucky it's dark. I haven't blushed so much since Madam Pomfrey told me she liked my new earmuffs. 可爱的邓布利多~

  1. earmuff: a cover to keep the ears warm护耳
  2. downright: to the fullest degree
  3. swap rumours: to exchange stories spread by word of mouth
  4. a sideway glance 侧眼一瞥
  5. sherbet lemon(这个和我吃的柠檬味润喉糖还有711卖的那个糖差不多吧~)
  6. flinch: to show fear (因害怕)而畏缩
  7. sniff: to take short breaths in a loud way


  1. The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop.
    pop 和昨天意思不一样,今天是砰的一声
  2. emerald 记住啦!麦格教授斗篷颜色
  3. bun 第一天出现的词汇,当时弗农姨夫去baker’s(面包店)买bun(a small round sweet cake小圆甜糕点),最后买的doughnut(a small round cake, often in the form of a ring炸面圈,多福饼)。不过注意啦,这里的意思和第一天肯定不一样,去看下今天的作业吧~
  4. stiffly 第一天我们见这个单词是佩妮姨妈和弗农姨夫没好气地说话,今天这里是邓布利多调侃麦格教授说他认出那只斑猫是她,因为I’ve never seen a cat sit so stiffly.
    stiff: painful to move or use
  5. 开心,又来一个jerk her head,你还记得吗?

回顾:jerk one's head 扭头
助记:bow one's head 低头 (今日出现词汇)

  1. 话外音:扭头让我想到day 02的split
    his face split into a wide smile (传说中的脸上笑开了花???)
    split your sides 笑破肚皮;笑弯腰

  2. 今天看见tremble: to shake slightly,想到昨天的两个“抖”quiver&twitch
  3. spectacles再次出现!=eye glasses

Put-Outer 熄灯器


  1. 邓布利多放回熄灯器和麦格教授说话前的那句话,where he sat down on the wall next to the cat,位置是怎么样的?翻译一下这段话。

  2. Her black hair was drawn into a tight bun.这里的bun,动手查一查,有没有感觉写的很形象?(draw into 有“把……卷入……”的意思)bun这个词意思真是多,分享给大家have bun in the oven,不查的话,你觉得什么意思

  3. She looked distinctly ruffled. 不翻词典,写出3个以上你知道的distinct的同义词吧;ruffled什么意思?麦格教授咋了

  4. Vocabulary中的词都是挨个查的或者自己写的,大家挑几个积累一下,别不看…(哭…)

  5. 上面“昨日单词回顾”里第7项,几个抖分别查词写例句。

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