




1.except除…之外〔在句子开头,须用 except for接名词,不可只用except〕不包括特殊的人或物

•The office is open every day except Sundays. 办事处除星期天之外天天开门。

•Except for a man walking his dog, the park was empty. 除了有个男人在遛狗,公园里空无一人。

with the exception of sb/sth

•We all laughed, with the exception of Maggie. 除了玛吉,我们都笑了。


except (that)

•Clarissa could think of nothing to say except that she was so sorry. 除了表示很抱歉之外,克拉丽莎想不出有什么话好说。

[+ in/by/to etc]

•Staff are not permitted to make personal phone calls except in an emergency. 除了有急事,员工是不允许打私人电话的。

except表示“除非”不可单独引导从句,要用unless或except when/where/if

•We won’t go unless you really want to (NOT 不说 except you really want to). 除非你实在想去,否则我们就不去了。

•I cycle to work, except when it rains (NOT 不说 except it rains). 我骑车去上班,除非下雨。

•Benson kept the studio locked except when he was working there. 本森总是把工作室上锁,除非是他在里面工作的时候。

except do sth

•She had nothing to do except spend money. 她除了花钱便无所事事。

except to do sth

•He wouldn’t talk about work, except to say that he was busy. 他并不想谈论工作,只是说自己很忙。

except sth from sth except用作动词,多用于被动语态

•High technology equipment would be excepted from any trade agreement. 任何贸易协定都不会把高科技设备包括在内。

2.apart from/aside from=except for/besides除…以外〔用于少数例外情况〕一到两件事例外

•Aside from one or two minor errors, this is an excellent piece of research. 除了有一两处小差错之外,该研究非常成功。

•The films were all made in Hollywood, apart from one, which was made in the UK. 这些影片除了有一部摄于英国,其余各部都是在好莱坞拍摄的。

sb/sth apart= sth aside=except for


sb/sth apart(指所说的不包括在内)除外

sth aside 可翻译成“且不说”,表明此事不如正说的事情重要。

•The car industry apart, most industries are now seeing an improvement in their economic performance. 除了汽车工业,目前大多数行业的经济状况都在好转。

•Money worries aside, things are going well. 除了钱令人发愁外,事情进展顺利。

3.excluding/not including除去,不包括〔excluding比not including 更正式〕常用于总数或总量中除掉特殊的人或物。

•The software costs $49.95, not including tax. 这个软件的价格为49.95美元,不含税。

•Excluding students, the total number of unemployed rose from 2 million to 2.3 million. 不包括学生,总失业人数从200万增至230万。

4. Besides=as well as=in addition to 除了包括人或物之外,还……

as well as sth/sb

•The coach, as well as the team, is ready. 除了队伍,教练也准备好了。

•They own a house in France as well as a villa in Spain. 他们在法国有一栋房子,在西班牙还有一处别墅。

as well as doing sth

•The organization gives help and support to people in need, as well as raising money for local charities. 该机构为贫困者提供帮助,还为当地的慈善机构募捐。

in addition to sth

•In addition to his movie work, Redford is known as a champion of environmental causes. 除了电影事业外,雷德福还是位公认的环保斗士。

besides sth

Besides myself, the only English people there were Keith and Doreen. 除了我,那儿只有基思和多琳是英国人。

besides doing sth

•Besides being heartbroken, she felt foolish. 除了伤心之外,她还觉得自己很蠢。

Moreover,句子(书面语)=Besides,句子(口语)=In addition, 句子

•Moreover , smoking is linked with heart disease and strokes. 此外,吸烟还与心脏病和中风有关联。

5. but = except,但but多与不定代词连用,语气比except还要更强。

•I could come any day but Thursday. 除了星期四,我哪天都能来。

•There’s no one here but me. 这里除了我没有别人。

the last but one/the next but two etc倒数第二/相隔两个等

•Pauline and Derek live in the next house but one (= they live two houses away from us ) . 保利娜和德里克住的地方和这里相隔一栋房子。

6. other than = beyond=except, 但other than和beyond 多用于否定句,且other than还有“不同于”的意思。

•I don't know any French people other than you. 除了你,我不认识别的法国人。

•We're going away in June but other than that I'll be here all summer. 我们六月份外出;除此以外,我整个夏天都在这里。

•Fred owns nothing beyond the clothes on his back. 除了身上穿的衣服以外,弗雷德一无所有

•I have never known him to behave other than selfishly. 我从没见过他不自私。

•She's got nothing beyond her state pension. 除了政府发的养老金外,她什么都没有。

•Our success was far beyond what we thought possible. 我们的成功远远超出了我们的估计范围。(肯定句中相当于more than)

