L10 U5 Solving problems

Module 1 分析问题

1. Problems


  • 有很多表达问题的的单词。注意setback指的是消极影响你的进步的事情。dilemma指的是两个选项间的艰难的选择。
  • We've had a setback in our efforts to cut costs. 我们在努力削减成本上遇到了挫折。
  • Our dilemma is whether to expand overseas or cut costs here at home. I'm not sure which to recommend. 我们的两难困境是向海外扩张或削减成本呆在家里。我不知道该推荐哪一个。
  • Improving our products is a challenge, but we can do it. 改进我们的产品是一个挑战,但我们可以做到这一点。
  • Our predicament is the loss of $1,000,000. What happened to it? 我们的困境是损失一百万美元。这是怎么回事?
  • The lack of skilled programmers is a major obstacle for us. 缺乏熟练的程序员是我们的一个主要障碍。
  • We've had a setback in our negotiations. 我们的谈判受挫。
  • Our dilemma is whether to buy more or sell. 我们的困境是要购买更多还是出售。
  • Starting a new company is a challenge. 开始一个新的公司是一个挑战。
  • Rising costs are a major obstacle for us. 成本上升是我们的一大主要障碍。
  • We're in a real predicament. 我们处在一个真正的困境中。

2. Causes and effects

一些表示原因及影响的短语使用of 或者 to后面加名词。

  • One cause of the rent increase is intense demand for office space. 租金增加的原因之一是对写字楼强烈的需求。
  • A major effect of price increases has been to drive out small businesses. 价格上涨的一个主要影响是小企业出局。
  • The result of inflation has been rising rents. 通货膨胀的结果是租金上涨。
  • Thanks to John's proposal, the company increased profit. 由于约翰的建议,公司利润增加。
  • Due to the air pollution, many people left the city. 由于空气污染,许多人离开了该城市。


  • The lack of skilled workers caused several companies to hire overseas. 技术工人的缺乏导致一些企业向海外招聘。
  • Rising rents have affected all the city's employers. 租金上涨已经影响到城市里的所有用人单位。
  • A lack of profits has resulted in heavy layoffs. 缺乏利润造成了极大的裁员。
  • One effect has been a decrease in our revenues. 一个影响是我们的收入减少。
  • A lack of skilled workers has affected us a lot. 技术工人的缺乏已经极大地影响了我们。
  • One cause of increases is more competition. 增长的原因之一是更多的竞争。
  • A population rise has resulted in rent increases. 人口增多导致租金上涨。
  • Rent increases have caused people to leave. 租金上涨已经造成了人们的离开。
  • Thanks to the design team, it's a big success. 感谢设计团队,这是一个巨大的成功。

Module 2 找到解决方案

1. Brainstorming tips

Brainstorming is a creative technique used by groups to find possible ideas or solutions for a specific problem.
Ideas are written down as members of the group think of them.
There is no analysis of the ideas at the time.

The most important thing is to let group members know that there are no bad ideas in brainstorming.
The point is to gather as many ideas as possible.
There should be no judgment.
Ideas can be evaluated later.
People should feel free to say whatever they think of.
Even crazy or wild ideas – thinking outside the box – should be welcomed.
You never know which ideas will turn out to be the best ones.
Sometimes ideas can also be combined.

Brainstorming doesn't always generate the best ideas, but it can build trust among group members and encourage people to speak more freely without fear of being judged.
It can help a team come together.

2. Brainstorming


  • We need a list of possible solutions. 我们需要一个可能的解决方案的列表。
  • We can evaluate them later. 我们可以回头去评估他们。
  • This is a brainstorming meeting. 这是一个头脑风暴会议。
  • In this meeting, keep an open mind. 在本次会议上,保持开放的态度。
  • Be creative. Think outside the box. 要有创意。 创造性思考。
  • No idea is a bad idea. 没主意是个坏主意。
  • We have to generate a solid list of ideas; no analysis yet. 我们一定要产生出一个坚实的想法列表;先不用分析。
  • We already have two ideas... Let's keep going.ea is a bad idea. 没主意是个坏主意。

3. Pros and cons


  • advantage – disadvantage 优势-劣势
  • plus – minus 好处-坏处
  • benefit – drawback 益处 - 缺点
  • pro [prəʊ] – con[kɒn] 优点-缺点
  • upside – downside 缺点-优点
  • There are pluses and minuses to all the options. 我们所有的选项中都有优点和缺点。
  • They will extend the lease at the higher price. 他们将以更高的价格延长租期。
  • I think we should do more research. 我认为我们应该做更多的调查。
  • The pros and cons are obvious. 优点和缺点是显而易见的。
  • Not moving would be a huge benefit. 不动将会是一个巨大的好处。
  • Not moving is just delaying a decision. 不动只是延缓决定。

Module 3 处理员工的问题

1. Problem behavior


  • A. What's up? 怎么了?
  • B. It's Larry again. He's missing meetings. We have to do something. 又是拉里。他缺席会议。我们必须做些什么。
  • A. What's happening this time? 这次发生了什么?
  • B. Her team hardly ever sees her. It's having an impact on them. 她的团队几乎看不到她。这对他们有影响。
  • A. What's going on? 怎么回事?
  • B. He's leaving work early several days a week. It's just unacceptable behavior. 他一周好几天早退。这是不能接受的行为。
  • A. What's the problem? 问题是什么?
  • B. He arrives here late every day. The bottom line is that we need him here at 9. 他每天迟到。底线是我们9点需要他在这。
  • It's having an impact on the team. 这对团队有影响。
  • What's going on? 发生什么事了?
  • What's happening? 发生了什么?
  • He's an excellent engineer. 他是一名优秀的工程师。
  • It's just unacceptable. 这是不能接受的。
  • The bottom line is that meetings are important. 底线是会议是重要的。

2. Dealing with problems


  • I wanted to check in with you and find out what's going on. 我想和你聊聊并看看怎么回事。
  • There have been some complaints about missed meetings. 有投诉关于会议缺席的事。


  • I understand. I've been there. Buying a house is time-consuming. 我理解。我经历过。买房子是很花时间的。
  • To a certain extent, I'm sympathetic. 在一定程度上,我很同情。


  • So, just to be clear: We'll try this for a couple of weeks and see how it works. 那么,明确一下:这几个星期我们会试试做做这个来看看情况怎样。
  • So this is a warning that we need to see some change. 因此这是一个警告我们需要看到一些变化。
  • I'll be checking in with your team to see if there has been any improvement. 我会与你的团队核查看看是否有任何改善。
  • So can you tell me what's up? 那么你能告诉我发生什么事了?
  • You've missed meetings and get-togethers. 你错过了会议和聚会。
  • I'll be checking in with your team every week. 我会每周和你的团队核查。
  • I wanted to find out what's going on with you. 我想知道你怎么了。
  • I'm sympathetic to a certain extent. 我在一定程度上感到同情。
  • The bottom line is that you can't miss meetings. 底线是你不能错过会议。
  • How long is this going to last? 这会持续多久?
  • You should consider this a warning. 你应该把这个看成一个警告。

3. Serious complaints

You've received an email about someone on your team.
[email protected]
To: [email protected]

Sorry to bring bad news, but I've been getting some serious complaints about Ralph.
Three people have complained that he missed important meetings last week and this week, all in the late afternoon.
He's also not participating in any of our informal events, like the Friday get-together.
Could you find out what's going on?
It started about two weeks ago.
His team's getting more and more irritated, so we need to move fast on this.
You're his manager, so … You get the idea.
Please meet with him today, and report back to me.



Module 4 Responding to a competitor's challenge

1. A SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a step-by-step process used to evaluate a product, industry or even a person.

The first step in a SWOT analysis is identifying the objective or goal of the business project.
The next step is identifying the favorable and unfavorable things that could affect that objective, both internally and externally.
This means identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) to whatever is being analyzed.

Strengths are what give the business or project an advantage.
It could be high-quality products.
Weaknesses are what put the business or project at a disadvantage – for example, outdated software.
Opportunities are things that the business could use to its advantage – for instance, a lack of competition in Africa.
Threats are things that could cause problems for the business.
This could be something like a new, advanced product from a competitor.

SWOT is a very important process for analyzing a company's situation to help planning be more effective.
It might even tell planners that a project is not possible and cause a complete change in plans.
Success depends on many things, and SWOT can be a very valuable tool in achieving that success.

2. Analyzing your company


  • Our major strength is the quality of our software. 我们的主要优势是我们软件的质量。
  • Our most serious weakness is that we're only in the UK. 我们最严重的弱点是我们只在英国。
  • The biggest threat we face is from Omniplex Megacomputers. 我们面临的最大威胁来自 Omniplex Megacomputers。
  • We have a tremendous opportunity to expand overseas. 我们有一个巨大的向海外扩张的机会。
  • Our one big weakness is poor distribution in Asia. 我们的一个大的缺点是在亚洲的分布不好。
  • We have a tremendous opportunity in Asia. 我们在亚洲有着巨大的机会。
  • Our major strength is the quality of our products. 我们的主要优势是我们产品的质量。
  • The biggest threat is Sunset computer software. 最大的威胁是日落的计算机软件。

3. Discussing a company


  • OK. We're here to discuss our market and competition. 好的。我们在这里来讨论我们的市场和竞争。
  • We only have 30 minutes, so we should get going. I'll take notes. 我们只有30分钟,所以我们应该开始。我来做笔记。


  • Let's start by discussing strengths. 让我们先来讨论优势。
  • Let's move on to threats. 让我们继续谈威胁。
  • OK. So where are our opportunities? 好的。那么我们的机会在哪里?


  • What are our next steps? 我们的下几步是什么?
  • I'll follow up with Sunset and email you a summary of the discussion. 我会和日落跟进然后发邮件给你们一个讨论的总结。
  • Great meeting! Thanks, everyone. 会开得很不错!感谢,各位。
  • I'll follow up with the executive team. 我会与执行团队跟进。
  • Let's start by talking about our strengths. 让我们先来谈谈我们的优势。
  • Is there anything else? 还有别的吗?
  • Let's move on to threats. 让我们继续谈威胁。
  • Now, where are our opportunities? 现在,我们的机会在哪里?
  • We're here to analyze our company's market. 我们来这里分析我们公司的市场。

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