
1,In the passage the passenger passed a cassette of message to messenger. 在过道里,乘客给信差传递了一盒带信息。

2,It was not the aluminum but the massive massive brass and bronze on the grass that embrassed me. 让我为难的不是铝而是草地上厚重的黄铜和青铜。

3,From the classical class, the classmate with glasses knows the classification of classics. 戴眼镜的同学从古典文学课上知道了古典名著风格分类。

4,The hungry drunk plunged a trunk of lungs into the tunnel under the channel. 饥饿的醉汉把一大箱肺投进了水渠下面的隧道。

5,I bundled a bunch of branches and anchored it on the punching bench. 我捆起一簇树枝,将它拴在冲压工作台上。
