



c++ - What exactly is an std::thread? - Stack Overflow

When you create a std::thread (assuming you don't use the default constructor), the constructor will use the operating system API to create a native thread, and calls the passed function.


std::thread represents a thread, managed by the operating system. It has its stack, registers, instruction pointer etc. However, it is still managed by the OS. The operating system handles all the scheduling, assigning the thread to the hardware core and then preempting it if necessary to do another work on that core.


If you launch more threads than there are cores on your CPU, and they all run all the time, the OS will start swapping them in and out, effectively keeping them all running. However, this swapping is not for free, and you can slow everything down if you have too many of them.


However, if your threads are halted for whatever reason -- for example, you threads stop on a mutex, wait on a condition variable, or simply goes to sleep (e.g. via std::this_thread::sleep_for), then it no longer consume the hardware resources during that wait.


The operating system has a subsystem called "process scheduler" which allocates the time of the hardware CPU cores (or logical core in case of hyper threading, which I assume is what you mean by "hardware thread") time for each of the threads running on the system. The number of (logical) cores the CPUs of the system has affects how many threads can be executed in parallel, but doesn't limit how many threads the operating system can manage.

As such, nothing in particular will happen or will stop happening. If your system has more threads ready to run than number of (logical) CPU cores, then the operating system will not be able to give CPU time to all of the threads in parallel.

Note that creating native threads has a performance penalty, and having more threads waiting to run (excluding those waiting for disk or network) than the number of cores to execute them will reduce the performance of the system.



