1.peck: a large quantity or number
2.wring: to twist and squeeze (wet cloth, hair, etc.) to remove water
3.flay: to beat or whip (someone or something) in a very violent and severe way
4.revelation: a usually secret or surprising fact that is made known
5.batty: foolish or silly
6.supine: lying on your back with your face upward
7.stoop: to bend down or over
8.wizen: to become dry, shrunken, and wrinkled often as a result of aging or of failing vitality
9.tug: to pull something with a quick, forceful movement
10.sag: to bend or hang down in the middle especially because of weight or weakness
11.totter: to move or walk in a slow and unsteady way
12.slump: to sit or fall down suddenly and heavily
13.squat: short and thick
14.tattered: old and torn
15.materialize: to become visible : to appear especially in a sudden or magical way
of legs : bowed
17.straggly: growing or hanging in an untidy way
18.doleful: very sad
19.basset hound: a kind of dog that has short legs and long ears and that is used for hunting
20.undercover: done or working in a secret way in order to catch criminals or collect information
21.skive: to avoid school or work by staying away or by leaving without permission
22.cower: to move back or bend your body down because you are afraid
23.pixie: an imaginary creature that looks like a small person and has magical powers
24.galumph: to move in a loud and clumsy way
25.walrus: a large animal that lives on land and in the sea in northern regions and that has flippers and long tusks
26.kerfuffle: disturbance, fuss
27.scrupulous: very careful about doing something correctly
28.clammy: unpleasantly wet and cold
29.retch: to vomit or feel as if you are about to vomit
30.burgeon: to grow or develop quickly
31.expulsion: the act of forcing someone to leave a place (such as a country or a school) : the act of expelling someone
32.topple: to cause (something) to become unsteady and fall
33.codswallop: nonsense
34.ruddy—used to make an angry or critical statement more forceful
35.goggle: to look at something or someone with your eyes very open in a way that shows that you are surprised, amazed, etc.
36.pending: while waiting for (something)
37.flinch: to move suddenly because you are afraid of being hit or hurt
38.wince: to have an expression on your face for a very short time which shows that you are embarrassed or in pain
39.squawk: to complain or protest loudly or with strong feeling
40.inkling: a slight, uncertain idea about something : a slight amount of knowledge about something