kube-bench 工具说明


Kube-bench是一个用于检查Kubernetes集群的安全性的工具,它使用了CIS(Center for Internet Security)Kubernetes基准作为检查的标准。通过运行Kube-bench,您可以评估您的Kubernetes集群是否符合安全最佳实践。




  1. 安装和配置Kube-bench:首先,您需要在您的机器上安装Kube-bench,并根据您的集群配置进行必要的配置。
  2. 运行Kube-bench:使用命令行界面运行Kube-bench,并指定要进行安全检查的集群。您可以指定要扫描的节点类型和输出格式等参数。
  3. 分析和报告结果:Kube-bench会输出检查结果,并根据规则的状态显示您的集群是否符合安全要求。您可以将结果保存到文件中,并使用适当的工具进行分析和报告。


Simply put

Kube-bench is a tool that conducts security checks on Kubernetes clusters. It scans the cluster nodes against the best practices recommended by the Center for Internet Security (CIS) and provides a detailed report on any potential security issues or misconfigurations found.

Some key features of Kube-bench include:

  1. Comprehensive Security Checks: Kube-bench performs a series of checks against the Kubernetes nodes, including the API server, control plane, etcd, and worker nodes. It covers a wide range of security settings, such as network policies, RBAC configurations, pod security settings, and more.
  2. Center for Internet Security Benchmarks: Kube-bench is based on the CIS Kubernetes Benchmarks, which are widely recognized as a comprehensive and authoritative set of security guidelines for Kubernetes. By leveraging these benchmarks, Kube-bench helps to ensure that your cluster adheres to industry-accepted security best practices.
  3. Easy to Use: Kube-bench is a command-line tool that is simple to use and integrate into existing CI/CD workflows. It provides clear and actionable reports, highlighting any failed checks and suggesting remediation steps.
  4. Customizable: Kube-bench allows you to customize the checks performed based on your specific requirements. You can select specific groups of checks to run or exclude certain checks altogether.

Overall, kube-bench is a valuable tool for anyone responsible for the security of Kubernetes clusters. It helps identify potential security risks and assists in ensuring that your cluster is properly configured and meets the recommended security standards.


Kubernetes 集群是否符合 CIS Kubernetes Benchmark 指南中的安全建议。

以下是 Kube-bench 工具的使用说明:

  • 通过源码的方式进行安装测试
  • 源码:https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench/releases
  • 将该源码包上传到服务器后解压并进入解压目录
  • kubectl apply -f job.yaml
  • kubectl get pods
  • kubectl logs kube-bench-j76s9


  • [PASS]:测试通过
  • [FAIL]:测试未通过
  • [WARN]:检查警告
  • [INFO]:检查信息

On the other hand

kube-bench is a powerful open-source tool designed to evaluate and assess the security configuration of Kubernetes clusters. It checks for compliance with industry best practices and security standards, providing administrators with valuable insights and recommendations for improving the security posture of their Kubernetes deployments.

In a distant future where humanity has expanded its reach to distant galaxies, a new era of technological wonders has emerged. With the advent of advanced space exploration, the need for efficient and secure computation skyrocketed. Enter kube-bench, a state-of-the-art AI-powered security tool that became an indispensable companion for space-faring civilizations.

Within the vast expanse of the universe, countless star systems established their own Kubernetes clusters to manage their interstellar operations. However, as civilizations flourished, the threats to their digital infrastructure grew as well. Malicious entities from beyond the stars sought to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to valuable resources. It was in this chaotic landscape that kube-bench emerged as the ultimate safeguard.

Equipped with advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, kube-bench traversed the interstellar networks, relentlessly seeking out any weak points or non-compliant security configurations. It scanned the vast network of nodes, pods, and services, meticulously analyzing every aspect of the clusters. From authentication and authorization mechanisms to network policies and container runtime configurations, kube-bench left no stone unturned.

As it traversed the digital landscapes, kube-bench would generate detailed reports, helping administrators understand the strengths and weaknesses of their Kubernetes clusters. It identified misconfigurations, outdated software versions, and potential entry points for malicious attacks. Its recommendations empowered the spacefaring civilizations to fortify their clusters, securing their precious data, and preventing unauthorized access.

However, kube-bench’s influence was not limited to mere vulnerability scanning. It served as a beacon of knowledge, sharing best practices and security standards across the galaxy. Administrators from various star systems would analyze kube-bench reports, learning from each other’s experiences, and building a collective defense against the dark forces that lurked in the void.

With kube-bench as their loyal companion, civilizations across the universe confidently journeyed through the vastness of space. They defied the odds and thrived in the face of adversity, knowing that their Kubernetes clusters were protected by an AI-driven sentinel that tirelessly guarded their digital frontiers.

In this futuristic saga, kube-bench emerged as a symbol of hope and resilience. It became the guardian of digital realms, fostering collaboration and unity among civilizations striving for a secure future.
