Freetile will organize your content in an efficient, dynamic and responsive layout. It can be applied to a container element and it will arrange it's children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by "packing" them in tightly.
responsive-carousel is a carousel script that will work with mouse, touch, and keyboard. The default package includes the slide/drag transition that you can apply by adding a data attribute and including some additional CSS. There are also other extensions available within the source folder, such as flip and fade transitions, autoplay, keyboard handling, pagination, and more.
iosSlider is a jQuery plugin for a responsive, customizable and cross-browser content slider. It can be used as a content slider, carousel, scrolling website banner, or an image gallery.
RSlider is a full screen responsive image and content slider. With a nice and simple design it will adjust automatically to the width of your browser.
iView Slider is an easy to use responsive image slider with support for animated captions and HTML Elements. You can use it as image slider, image gallery, banner rotator, or even as a presentation slideshow.
jQuery Picture is a plugin that adds support for responsive images to your web pages. It supports both figure elements with some custom data attributes.
Fresco is a responsive lightbox plugin. It can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device. It comes with fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins, Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API.
Gridster is a plugin thathelps you build intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid.
BookBlock is a jQuery plugin that can be used for creating booklet-like components that allow a "page flip" navigation. Any content can be used, such as images or text.
BookBlock: A Content Flip Plugin →Demo →
ImageMapster lets you activate HTML image maps without using Flash. It works just about everywhere that Javascript does, including modern browsers, Internet Explorer 6, and mobile devices like iPads, iPhones and Androids.
tiltShift.js is an awesome jQuery plugin that uses the CSS3 image filters to replicate the tilt-shift effect.
Socialist is a jQuery social plugin that creates a social stream (or social "wall") from multiple social media feeds in one place. Use it to pull content from Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social networks.
Socialist Social Media Plugin →
Tooltipster is a lightweight and easy to style jQuery plugin that helps you easily create clean HTML5 validated tooltips.
trunk8 is a text truncation plugin to jQuery. When applied to a large block of text, it will cut off just enough text to prevent it from spilling over.
BigVideo.js makes it easy to add fit-to-fill background video to your website. It can play silent ambient background video, or a series of videos. you can also use it to show large background images.
stickyMojo is a lightweight, fast and flexible sticky sidebar plugin. It is and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE8+ and will degrade gracefully in older versions of IE.
tablecloth.js, built of Twitter Bootstrap, helps you to style HTML tables with some simple customizations.
Complexify helps your users accurately gauge the quality of their password and then give them visual feedback to enforce a minimum level of security.
JQVMap is a jQuery plugin that uses resizable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to renders vector maps. It works in all modernern browsers and legacy support for older versions of IE 6-8 is provided via VML.
ddSlick is lightweight plugin that allows you to create a custom drop down with images and descriptions.
Adaptor is a lightweight content slider that offers a simple interface to create cool 2D or 3D slide animation transitions. Currently, there is only 3D support for webkit and Firefox, all other browsers will fallback gracefully to a simple fade transition.
equalize.js is a useful jQuery plugin for equalizing the height or width of any element.
Allofthelights.js is a plugin that allows you to switch off the lights, so that your videos will stand out with no distractions.