Mybatis 3中方法返回生成的主键:XML、@SelectKey、@Options




1、 XML 中配置


key 释意
useGeneratedKeys 取值范围true/false(默认值),设置是否使用JDBC的getGenereatedKeys方法获取主键并赋值到keyProperty设置的领域模型属性中。MySQL和SQLServer执行auto-generated key field,因此当数据库设置好自增长主键后,可通过JDBC的getGeneratedKeys方法获取。但像Oralce等不支持auto-generated key field的数据库就不能用这种方法获取主键了
keyProperty 默认值unset,用于设置getGeneratedKeys方法或selectKey子元素返回值将赋值到领域模型的哪个属性中
keyColumn 设置数据表自动生成的主键名。对特定数据库(如PostgreSQL),若自动生成的主键不是第一个字段则必须设置


<insert id="insert" parameterType="com.xzbd.User" useGeneratedKeys=”true” keyProperty=”id”>
  insert into user (username,password,email,bio) values (#{username},#{password},#{email},#{bio})

使用标签selectKeyselect LAST_INSERT_ID()

    <insert id="inserUser2" parameterType="com.xzbd.User" >
        <selectKey keyProperty="user_id" order="AFTER" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
            select LAST_INSERT_ID()
        insert into t_user(name,age) value(#{name},#{age})


    <insert id="inserUser4" parameterType="com.xzbd.User" >
        <selectKey keyProperty="user_id" order="AFTER" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
            select uuid()
        insert into t_user(user_id,name,age) value(#{user_id},#{name},#{age})


@SelectKey注解的功能与 标签完全一致,用在已经被@Insert@InsertProvider@Update@UpdateProvider 注解了的方法上。在未被上述四个注解的方法上作 @SelectKey 注解则视为无效。如果你指定了 @SelectKey注解,那么 MyBatis 就会忽略掉由 @Options 注解所设置的生成主键或设置(configuration)属性,即@SelectKey@Options不应同时使用。


属性 描述
keyProperty selectKey 语句结果应该被设置的目标属性。
resultType 结果的类型。MyBatis 通常可以算出来,但是写上也没有问题。MyBatis 允许任何简单类型用作主键的类型,包括字符串。
order 这可以被设置为 BEFORE 或 AFTER。如果设置为 BEFORE,那么它会首先选择主键,设置 keyProperty 然后执行插入语句。如果设置为 AFTER,那么先执行插入语句,然后是 selectKey 元素-这和如 Oracle 数据库相似,可以在插入语句中嵌入序列调用。
statementType 和前面的相 同,MyBatis 支持 STATEMENT ,PREPARED 和CALLABLE 语句的映射类型,分别代表 PreparedStatement 和CallableStatement 类型。


@Insert("insert into user (name) values(#{name})")  
@SelectKey(statement="select LAST_INSERT_ID()", keyProperty="id", before=false, resultType=int.class)  
int insert(String name);


public @interface Options {
    boolean useCache() default true;
    boolean flushCache() default false;
    ResultSetType resultSetType() default ResultSetType.FORWARD_ONLY;
    StatementType statementType() default StatementType.PREPARED;
    int fetchSize() default -1;
    int timeout() default -1;
    boolean useGeneratedKeys() default false;
    String keyProperty() default "id";
    String keyColumn() default "";


    @InsertProvider(type = SqlProviderAdapter.class, method = "insert")
            keyProperty = "", before = false,
            resultType = Long.class,statement = {"select last_insert_id()"}
    int insert(InsertStatementProvider<User> insertStatement);

3、特别案例 MyBatis Dynamic SQL

官方文档中Insert Statements描述如下

MyBatis supports returning generated values from a single row insert, or a batch insert. In either case, it is simply a matter of configuring the insert mapper method appropriately. For example, to retrieve the value of a calculated column configure your mapper method like this:

    @InsertProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="insert")
    @Options(useGeneratedKeys=true, keyProperty="row.fullName")
    int insert(InsertStatementProvider<GeneratedAlwaysRecord> insertStatement);

The important thing is that the keyProperty is set correctly. It should always be in the form row. where is the attribute of the record class that should be updated with the generated value.


  • keyProperty="row.fullName” 中的row不一定正确,按照这个写后,会报错 org.apache.ibatis.executor.ExecutorException: No setter found for the keyProperty 'xxx' in …… DefaultInsertStatementProvider的异常,改为 keyProperty="fullName“ 也会报异常,通过查看 DefaultInsertStatementProvider 源码,最终通过代码为 keyProperty="rocord.fullName”
  1. 批量插入
    批量插入和单条插入差不多, MyBatis Dynamic SQL批量插入案例如下。

MyBatis supports returning generated values from a multiple row insert statement with some limitations. The main limitation is that MyBatis does not support nested lists in parameter objects. Unfortunately, the MultiRowInsertStatementProvider relies on a nested List. It is likely this limitation in MyBatis will be removed at some point in the future, so stay tuned.

Nevertheless, you can configure a mapper that will work with the MultiRowInsertStatementProvider as created by this library. The main idea is to decompose the statement from the parameter map and send them as separate parameters to the MyBatis mapper. For example:

    @InsertProvider(type=SqlProviderAdapter.class, method="insertMultipleWithGeneratedKeys")
    @Options(useGeneratedKeys=true, keyProperty="records.fullName")
    int insertMultipleWithGeneratedKeys(String insertStatement, @Param("records") List<GeneratedAlwaysRecord> records);

    default int insertMultipleWithGeneratedKeys(MultiRowInsertStatementProvider<GeneratedAlwaysRecord> multiInsert) {
        return insertMultipleWithGeneratedKeys(multiInsert.getInsertStatement(), multiInsert.getRecords());

The first method above shows the actual MyBatis mapper method. Note the use of the @Options annotation to specify that we expect generated values. Further, note that the keyProperty is set to records.fullName - in this case, fullName is a property of the objects in the records List. The library supplied adapter method will simply return the insertStatement as supplied in the method call. The adapter method requires that there be one, and only one, String parameter in the method call, and it assumes that this one String parameter is the SQL insert statement. The parameter can have any name and can be specified in any position in the method’s parameter list. The @Param annotation is not required for the insert statement. However, it may be specified if you so desire.

The second method above decomposes the MultiRowInsertStatementProvider and calls the first method.



