Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the sum of the squares of the deviations of a set of data points from their sample mean |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the standard deviation of a supplied set of values (which represent a sample of a population) (Replaced by Stdev.S function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the standard deviation of a supplied set of values (which represent a sample of a population) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Stdev function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the standard deviation of a supplied set of values (which represent a sample of a population), counting text and the logical value FALSE as the value 0 and counting the logical value TRUE as the value 1 |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the standard deviation of a supplied set of values (which represent an entire population) (Replaced by Stdev.P function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the standard deviation of a supplied set of values (which represent an entire population) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Stdevp function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the standard deviation of a supplied set of values (which represent an entire population), counting text and the logical value FALSE as the value 0 and counting the logical value TRUE as the value 1 |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the variance of a supplied set of values (which represent a sample of a population) (Replaced by Var.S function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the variance of a supplied set of values (which represent a sample of a population) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Var function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the variance of a supplied set of values (which represent a sample of a population), counting text and the logical value FALSE as the value 0 and counting the logical value TRUE as the value 1 |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the variance of a supplied set of values (which represent an entire population) (Replaced by Var.P function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the variance of a supplied set of values (which represent an entire population) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Varp function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns the variance of a supplied set of values (which represent an entire population), counting text and the logical value FALSE as the value 0 and counting the logical value TRUE as the value 1 |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns population covariance (i.e. the average of the products of deviations for each pair within two supplied data sets) (Replaced by Covariance.P function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns population covariance (i.e. the average of the products of deviations for each pair within two supplied data sets) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Covar function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Deviation & Variance |
Returns sample covariance (i.e. the average of the products of deviations for each pair within two supplied data sets) (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Predicts a future point on a linear trend line fitted to a supplied set of x- and y- values (Replaced by Forecast.Linear function in Excel 2016) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Uses an exponential smoothing algorithm to predict a future value on a timeline, based on a series of existing values (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns a confidence interval for a forecast value at a specified target date (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns the length of the repetitive pattern Excel detects for a specified time series (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns a statistical value relating to a time series forecasting (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Predicts a future point on a linear trend line fitted to a supplied set of x- and y- values (New in Excel 2016 (not Excel 2016 for Mac) - replaces the Forecast function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Calculates the best fit regression line, through a supplied series of x- and y- values and returns the value at which this line intercepts the y-axis |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns statistical information describing the trend of the line of best fit, through a supplied series of x- and y- values |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns the slope of the linear regression line through a supplied series of x- and y- values |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Calculates the trend line through a given set of y-values and returns additional y-values for a supplied set of new x-values |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns numbers in a exponential growth trend, based on a set of supplied x- and y- values |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns the parameters of an exponential trend for a supplied set of x- and y- values |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Trend Line Functions |
Returns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression line for a set of supplied x- and y- values |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the largest value from a list of supplied numbers |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the largest value from a list of supplied values, counting text and the logical value FALSE as the value 0 and counting the logical value TRUE as the value 1 |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the largest value from a subset of values in a list that are specified according to one or more criteria. (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the smallest value from a list of supplied numbers |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the smallest value from a list of supplied values, counting text and the logical value FALSE as the value 0 and counting the logical value TRUE as the value 1 |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the smallest value from a subset of values in a list that are specified according to one or more criteria. (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the Kth LARGEST value from a list of supplied numbers, for a given value K |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Finding the Largest & Smallest Values |
Returns the Kth SMALLEST value from a list of supplied numbers, for a given value K |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Confidence Intervals |
Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a normal distribution (Replaced by Confidence.Norm function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Confidence Intervals |
Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a normal distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Confidence function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Confidence Intervals |
Returns the confidence interval for a population mean, using a Student's t distribution (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the cumulative beta probability density function (Replaced by Beta.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the cumulative beta distribution function or the beta probability density function (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Betadist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function (Replaced by Beta.Inv function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Betainv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability (Replaced by Binom.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Binomdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the negative binomial distribution (Replaced by Negbinom.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the negative binomial distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Negbinomdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value (Replaced by Binom.Inv function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Critbinom function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution (Replaced by Chisq.Dist.Rt function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Chidist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the chi-squared distribution (probability density or cumulative distribution function) (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution (Replaced by Chisq.Inv.Rt function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Chiinv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the chi-squared statistical test for independence (Replaced by Chisq.Test function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the chi-squared statistical test for independence (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Chitest function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the correlation coefficient between two sets of values |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the exponential distribution (Replaced by Expon.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the exponential distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Expondist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the right-tailed F probability distribution for two data sets (Replaced by F.Dist.Rt function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the right-tailed F probability distribution for two data sets (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Fdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the F probability distribution (probability density or cumulative distribution function) (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the right-tailed F probability distribution for two data sets (Replaced by F.Inv.Rt function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the right-tailed F probability distribution for two data sets (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Finv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the Cumulative F distribution (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Fisher transformation |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the result of an F-Test for 2 supplied data sets (Replaced by F.Test function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the result of an F-Test for 2 supplied data sets (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Ftest function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the gamma distribution (Replaced by Gamma.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the gamma distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Gammadist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse gamma cumulative distribution (Replaced by Gamma.Inv function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse gamma cumulative distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Gammainv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Return the gamma function value for a supplied number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Calculates the natural logarithm of the gamma function for a supplied value |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function for a supplied value (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Calculates the probability that a member of a standard normal population will fall between the mean and z standard deviations from the mean (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the hypergeometric distribution (Replaced by Hypgeom.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the hypergeometric distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Hypgeomdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the kurtosis of a data set |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the cumulative log-normal distribution (Replaced by Lognorm.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the log-normal probability density function or the cumulative log- normal distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Lognormdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the lognormal distribution (Replaced by Lognorm.Inv function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the lognormal distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Loginv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the normal cumulative distribution (Replaced by Norm.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the normal cumulative distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Normdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution (Replaced by Norm.Inv function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Norminv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution (Replaced by Norm.S.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Normsdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution (Replaced by Norm.S.Inv function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Normsinv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the value of the density function for a standard normal distribution, for a supplied number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Poisson distribution (Replaced by Poisson.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Poisson distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Poisson function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the probablity that values in a supplied range are within given limits |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the skewness of a distribution |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the skewness of a distribution based on a population (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns a normalized value |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Student's T-distribution (Replaced by T.Dist.2t & T.Dist.Rt functions in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the two-tailed Student's T-distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Tdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the right-tailed Student's T-distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Tdist function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Student's T-distribution (probability density or cumulative distribution function) (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the two-tailed inverse of the Student's T-distribution (Replaced by T.Inv.2t function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
T.INV.2T |
Returns the two-tailed inverse of the Student's T-distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Tinv function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the left-tailed inverse of the Student's T-distribution (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the probability associated with a Student's T-Test (Replaced by T.Test function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the probability associated with a Student's T-Test (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Ttest function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Weibull distribution (Replaced by Weibull.Dist function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the Weibull distribution (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Weibull function) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the one-tailed probability value of a z-test (Replaced by Z.Test function in Excel 2010) |
Excel Statistical Functions |
Distribution & Tests of Probability |
Returns the one-tailed probability value of a z-test (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Ztest function) |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Calculates the average of values in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Returns the number of cells containing numbers in a field of a list or database that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Returns the number of non-blank cells in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Returns a single value from a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Returns the maximum value from a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Returns the minimum value from a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Calculates the product of values in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Calculates the standard deviation (based on a sample of a population) of values in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Calculates the standard deviation (based on an entire population) of values in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Calculates the sum of values in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Calculates the variance (based on a sample of a population) of values in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Database Functions |
Database Functions |
Calculates the variance (based on an entire population) of values in a field of a list or database, that satisfy specified conditions |
Excel Financial Functions |
Investment Value Functions |
FV |
Calculates the future value of an investment with periodic constant payments and a constant interest rate |
Excel Financial Functions |
Investment Value Functions |
Calculates the future value of an initial principal, after applying a series of compound interest rates |
Excel Financial Functions |
Investment Value Functions |
Calculates the net present value of an investment, based on a supplied discount rate, and a series of future payments and income |
Excel Financial Functions |
Investment Value Functions |
PV |
Calculates the present value of an investment (i.e. the total amount that a series of future payments is worth now) |
Excel Financial Functions |
Investment Value Functions |
Calculates the amount received at maturity for a fully invested Security |
Excel Financial Functions |
Investment Value Functions |
Calculates the net present value for a schedule of cash flows |
Excel Financial Functions |
Price Functions |
Calculates the discount rate for a security |
Excel Financial Functions |
Price Functions |
Calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest |
Excel Financial Functions |
Price Functions |
Calculates the price per $100 face value of a discounted security |
Excel Financial Functions |
Price Functions |
Calculates the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity |
Excel Financial Functions |
Price Functions |
Calculates the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Price Functions |
Calculates the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Price Functions |
Calculates the price per $100 face value for a treasury bill |
Excel Financial Functions |
Internal Rate of Return Functions |
Calculates the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows |
Excel Financial Functions |
Internal Rate of Return Functions |
Calculates the internal rate of return for a series of periodic cash flows, considering the cost of the investment and the interest on the reinvestment of cash |
Excel Financial Functions |
Internal Rate of Return Functions |
Calculates the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows |
Excel Financial Functions |
Asset Depreciation Functions |
Calculates the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period (with depreciation coefficient applied, depending on the life of the asset) |
Excel Financial Functions |
Asset Depreciation Functions |
Calculates the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Asset Depreciation Functions |
DB |
Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, using the fixed-declining balance method |
Excel Financial Functions |
Asset Depreciation Functions |
Calculates the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, using the double-declining balance method, or some other user-specified method |
Excel Financial Functions |
Asset Depreciation Functions |
Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Asset Depreciation Functions |
Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Asset Depreciation Functions |
Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, (including partial periods), using the double-declining balance method or another user-specified method |
Excel Financial Functions |
Dollar Conversion |
Converts a dollar price expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price expressed as a decimal |
Excel Financial Functions |
Dollar Conversion |
Converts a dollar price expressed as a decimal, into a dollar price expressed as a fraction |
Excel Financial Functions |
Payment Functions |
Calculates the cumulative interest paid between two specified periods |
Excel Financial Functions |
Payment Functions |
Calculates the cumulative principal paid on a loan, between two specified periods |
Excel Financial Functions |
Payment Functions |
Calculates the interest payment for a given period of an investment, with periodic constant payments and a constant interest rate |
Excel Financial Functions |
Payment Functions |
Returns the interest paid during a specified period of an investment |
Excel Financial Functions |
Payment Functions |
Calculates the payments required to reduce a loan, from a supplied present value to a specified future value |
Excel Financial Functions |
Payment Functions |
Calculates the payment on the principal for a given investment, with periodic constant payments and a constant interest rate |
Excel Financial Functions |
Interest Rate Functions |
Calculates the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest |
Excel Financial Functions |
Interest Rate Functions |
Calculates the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity |
Excel Financial Functions |
Interest Rate Functions |
Calculates the effective annual interest rate |
Excel Financial Functions |
Interest Rate Functions |
Calculates the interest rate for a fully invested security |
Excel Financial Functions |
Interest Rate Functions |
Calculates the annual nominal interest rate |
Excel Financial Functions |
Interest Rate Functions |
Calculates the interest rate required to pay off a specified amount of a loan, or reach a target amount on an investment over a given period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Interest Rate Functions |
Calculates an equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Financial Functions |
Yield Functions |
Calculates the yield of a security that pays periodic interest |
Excel Financial Functions |
Yield Functions |
Calculates the annual yield of a discounted security |
Excel Financial Functions |
Yield Functions |
Calculates the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity |
Excel Financial Functions |
Yield Functions |
Calculates the yield of a security with an odd first period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Yield Functions |
Calculates the yield of a security with an odd last period |
Excel Financial Functions |
Yield Functions |
Calculates the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill |
Excel Financial Functions |
Yield Functions |
Calculates the yield for a treasury bill |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Calculates the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Calculates the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Calculates the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Returns the previous coupon date, before the settlement date |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Calculates the Macauley duration of a security with an assumed par value of $100 |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Calculates the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100 |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Returns the number of periods for an investment with periodic constant payments and a constant interest rate |
Excel Financial Functions |
Duration Functions |
Calculates the number of periods required for an investment to reach a specified value (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Units of Measurement |
Converts a number from one measurement system to another |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bessel Functions |
Calculates the modified Bessel function In(x) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bessel Functions |
Calculates the Bessel function Jn(x) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bessel Functions |
Calculates the modified Bessel function Kn(x) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bessel Functions |
Calculates the modified Bessel function Yn(x) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a binary number to a decimal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a binary number to hexadecimal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a binary number to octal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a decimal number to binary |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a decimal number to octal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a hexadecimal number to binary |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a hexadecimal number to a decimal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts a hexadecimal number to octal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts octal number to binary |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts octal number to a decimal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Converting Between Bases |
Converts octal number to hexadecimal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
The Error Function |
Returns the error function integrated between two supplied limits |
Excel Engineering Functions |
The Error Function |
Returns the error function integrated between 0 and a supplied limit (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
The Error Function |
Returns the complementary error function integrated between a supplied lower limit and infinity |
Excel Engineering Functions |
The Error Function |
Returns the complementary error function integrated between a supplied lower limit and infinity (New in Excel 2010) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bitwise Functions |
Returns a Bitwise 'And' of two numbers (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bitwise Functions |
Returns a Bitwise 'Or' of two numbers (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bitwise Functions |
Returns a Bitwise 'Exclusive Or' of two numbers (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bitwise Functions |
Returns a number shifted left by a specified number of bits (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Bitwise Functions |
Returns a number shifted right by a specified number of bits (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Testing Numeric Values |
Tests whether two supplied numbers are equal |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Testing Numeric Values |
Tests whether a number is greater than a supplied threshold value |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Converts user-supplied real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the absolute value (the modulus) of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the argument Θ (an angle expressed in radians) of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the cosine of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the cotangent of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the cosecant of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the quotient of two supplied complex numbers |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the exponential of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Calculates a complex number raised to a supplied power |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the product of up to 255 supplied complex numbers |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the real coefficient of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the secant of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the hyperbolic secant of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the sine of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the square root of a complex number |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Subtracts two complex numbers |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Calculates the sum of two complex numbers |
Excel Engineering Functions |
Complex Numbers |
Returns the tangent of a complex number (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Cube Functions |
Cube Functions |
Returns a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) property and displays the KPI name in the cell (New in Excel 2007) |
Excel Cube Functions |
Cube Functions |
Returns a member or tuple from the cube (New in Excel 2007) |
Excel Cube Functions |
Cube Functions |
Returns the value of a member property from the cube (New in Excel 2007) |
Excel Cube Functions |
Cube Functions |
Returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set (New in Excel 2007) |
Excel Cube Functions |
Cube Functions |
Defines a calculated set of members or tuples by sending a set expression to the cube on the server, which creates the set, and then returns that set to Microsoft Office Excel (New in Excel 2007) |
Excel Cube Functions |
Cube Functions |
Returns the number of items in a set (New in Excel 2007) |
Excel Cube Functions |
Cube Functions |
Returns an aggregated value from the cube (New in Excel 2007) |
Excel Web Functions |
Web Functions |
Returns a URL-encoded string (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Web Functions |
Web Functions |
Returns data from XML content, using a specified XPath (New in Excel 2013) |
Excel Web Functions |
Web Functions |
Returns data from a web service on the Internet or Intranet (New in Excel 2013 |