
Though artist Chuck Close has devoted his life to portraiture, his paintings rarely comport with that genre's traditional purpose. His early photorealist images, which are created by overlaying a grid on a photograph and painstakingly copying the image cell by cell, are, to the naked eye. nearly undifferentiable from photographs. Furthermore. Close's emphasis is on the disembodied head itself, expressionless and devoid of any overt personality. He has never acceded to commissions, relying on both his own image and his friends as models. In 1988. a collapsed spinal artery caused almost total paralysis, but Close has continued to work. His freer paintings evince a natural extension of an augmented interest in the minute grid over the total work that predated his illness. This nonprivileging of any particular part of the canvas finds its inspiration, oddly enough, in abstract expressionism, despite the apparent inconso-nance of the two techniques.

What is the author`s intent when discussing Close`s focus on the head of his subjects?

• The author compares the artistic impact of photographs of heads to that of abstract photographs of the same head.

• The author ruminates on wThat early experiences led to Close`s focus on the head as a unifying theme in his work.

• The author expounds upon how, by not accepting commissions. Close`s wTork has remained free of commercial influences.

• The author deconstructs the impact that Close`s illness had on the content of his paintings.

• The author believes that Close`s approach of depicting the head but none of the personality of the subject is rare.

Though artist Chuck Close has devoted his life to portraiture, his paintings rarely comport with that genre's traditional purpose.

portraiture 肖像画法,人像艺术

comport  v.表现n.举动,行为

comport with  与……一致

genre 体裁


His early photorealist images, which are created by overlaying a grid on a photograph and painstakingly copying the image cell by cell, are, to the naked eye. nearly undifferentiable from photographs.


overlay  v.覆盖

grid n网格纸

painstakingly 刻苦地,十分小心的,煞费苦心的

cell by cell 一格一格(cell一小格)

naked 裸的


Furthermore. Close's emphasis is on the disembodied head itself, expressionless and devoid of any overt personality. He has never acceded to commissions, relying on both his own image and his friends as models.

disembodied 似脱离人而存在的,无实体的

expressionless 无表情的

devoid 毫无……的

overt 公开的,明显的,不隐藏的

accede to (正式)加入,答应,君主即位

commission (接受报酬的)任务,委托之事


In 1988. a collapsed spinal artery caused almost total paralysis, but Close has continued to work. His freer paintings evince a natural extension of an augmented interest in the minute grid over the total work that predated his illness.

collapse  v倒塌,崩溃

spinal 脊柱的

artery 动脉,主干路,要道

paralysis  n瘫痪,麻痹(复数paralyses)

freer 更加自由的

evince  v(经常间接地)表明,显示

augment  n争吵,质疑

minute n分钟adj十分微小的,非常细小的

predate v早于,先于

over 部分或全部覆盖在…上


This nonprivileging of any particular part of the canvas finds its inspiration, oddly enough, in abstract expressionism, despite the apparent inconsonance of the two techniques.

nonprivileging 非特权的,不被特殊对待的

canvas 油画布,帆布

expreddionism 表现派

despite  v.不管

inconsonance 不调和,不协和

inspiration 原型,灵感


What is the author`s intent when discussing Close`s focus on the head of his subjects?

A:The author compares the artistic impact of photographs of heads to that of abstract photographs of the same head.

B:The author ruminates() on what early experiences led to Close`s focus on the head as a unifying() theme in his work.

C:The author expounds upon() how, by not accepting commissions. Close`s work has remained free of commercial influences.

D:The author deconstructs() the impact that Close`s illness had on the content of his paintings.

E:The author believes that Close`s approach of depicting() the head but none of the personality of the subject is rare.






而根据取反,作者写主人公专注于头的这句前有个furthermore,所以这句是为了说明furthermore前面的内容,而前面说了rarely component with traditional purpose ,所以是rare,对应traditional。
