雅思口语 23九月换题季最新考题答案(二)



1. Do you like chatting with friends?

2. What do you usually chat about with friends?

3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?

4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

5. Do you argue with friends?


1. What films do you like?

2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?

3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?

4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?

Musical instruments

1. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

2.What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?

3.Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?

4.Do you think music education is important to children?


1.Do you often use maps?

2.Do you use paper maps?

3.How often do you use maps on your phone?

4.Do you have maps at home?

雅思口语考试分为三个部分:part1. 生活日常(Daily conversation),拉生活家常;part2.个人陈述(Individual presentation)难度与严肃度提升了一个量级,不过好在有题库护体;part3.双向讨论(Two way discussion)此处会被考官各种拷问,一个回答会引出一个新的问题。


1. Do you like chatting with friends?

"Yes, I do enjoy chatting with friends. It's a great way to stay connected and catch up on each other's lives. Whether it's in person or through social media and messaging apps, I find chatting with friends to be a valuable way to maintain relationships and share experiences. We often exchange stories, discuss common interests, and offer each other support when needed. Overall, I consider chatting with friends an essential part of my social life, and it brings me joy and a sense of belonging."

2. What do you usually chat about with friends?

Well, when I chat with my friends, we usually talk about academic problems. Specifically, I often discuss programming issues and share my solutions with them. Through these discussions, we try to find the best and fastest solutions together. It's really helpful and enjoyable to bounce ideas off each other and learn from one another's experiences.

Difficult words and idiomatic phrases:
1. academic /ˌækə'demɪk/ 学术的
2. programming /ˈprəʊɡræmɪŋ/ 编程
3. bounce ideas off /baʊns ˈaɪdɪəz ɒf/ 互相借鉴创意

Chinese translation: 嗯,在和朋友聊天时,我们通常会谈论学术问题。具体来说,我经常讨论编程问题,并与他们分享我的解决方案。通过这些讨论,我们一起努力找到最好和最快的解决方案。相互交流和借鉴彼此的经验真的很有帮助和愉快。

Probably some academic problems, we always talk about our respective ideas for solving a programming problem. In addition, we will talk about some stories that happened between classmates, such as who went out to play with whom, and that classmate Who did you have a conflict with last time?

We often engage in discussions that encompass various aspects of our lives. One common topic revolves around academic challenges, particularly in the realm of problem-solving, especially in programming assignments. These conversations are not only intellectually stimulating but also invaluable for our academic growth as we exchange ideas and strategies.

Furthermore, we delve into the social dynamics within our class. This includes sharing anecdotes about our classmates, such as who socialized together or any interesting incidents that occurred. Occasionally, we address conflicts or disagreements among our peers, seeking to understand different perspectives and striving for amicable resolutions.

I typically chat with my friends about a wide range of topics, and our conversations can be quite diverse. Firstly, we often discuss our daily lives and share updates about what's happening with us. This includes our work or studies, recent experiences, and any exciting events we've attended. It helps us stay connected and informed about each other's lives.

Moreover, we frequently talk about common interests and hobbies. For instance, many of my friends and I share a passion for movies, so we often discuss the latest films we've seen or plan movie nights together. Additionally, some of us are into sports, so we talk about recent games, teams, and even organize friendly sports-related debates.

Besides that, we often engage in deeper conversations about personal growth, goals, and challenges. We provide each other with advice and support, which strengthens our friendships. Furthermore, we also talk about travel experiences and share recommendations for places to visit.

Overall, our conversations are quite varied, covering everything from the mundane aspects of daily life to more profound and meaningful discussions. It's this diversity that keeps our friendships engaging and fulfilling.

3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?

I prefer to chat with a group of people because, from a probability perspective, the more ideas and the more divergent they are, the easier it is to solve a problem. Plus, I like the scene where people are discussing it passionately.

Difficult words:
1. Probability /ˌprɒbəˈbɪlɪti/ 概率
2. Divergent /dɪˈvɜː(r)dʒ(ə)nt/ 分歧的

Idiomatic phrases:
1. From a probability perspective 从概率的角度来看

Chinese translation: 我喜欢和一群人聊天,因为从概率的角度来看,思想越多、越多样化,解决问题就越容易。另外,我喜欢人们热烈讨论问题的场景。

4. Do you prefer to communicate face-to-face or via social media?

I tend to prefer communication via social media in many situations. It's convenient and allows me to stay connected with friends, especially those who are far away. Social media platforms offer quick updates, sharing of photos and experiences, and the ability to engage with a broader network. While face-to-face communication is valuable for important discussions, I find that social media keeps me connected with a wider circle of friends and acquaintances on a daily basis.

5. Do you argue with friends?

Yeah, I definitely argue with my friends from time to time. I think it's just a normal part of any relationship. But whenever we do have a disagreement, I try my best to reflect on my own behavior, apologize sincerely if I'm in the wrong, and make amends. In the end, it's important to me to maintain a strong and healthy friendship with my pals.

Difficult words and idiomatic phrases:
1. reflect on /rɪ'flɛkt ɒn/ 反思
2. make amends /meɪk ə'mɛndz/ 弥补错误

Chinese translation:


1. What films do you like?

I enjoy a wide variety of films, but I'm particularly into action and adventure movies. I find the thrilling plots and captivating special effects in these films very entertaining. However, I'm also open to watching other genres, depending on my mood, such as comedies or dramas.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. variety /vəˈraɪəti/ 多样性
2. into /ˈɪntuː/ 喜欢
3. thrilling /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/ 令人兴奋的
4. captivating /kæpˈteɪtɪŋ/ 迷人的
5. entertaining /ˌentərˈteɪnɪŋ/ 有趣的
6. open to /ˈəʊpən tuː/ 对...持开放态度

Chinese translation: 我喜欢各种各样的电影,但我尤其喜欢动作和冒险片。我觉得这些电影中令人兴奋的剧情和迷人的特效非常有趣。不过,根据我的心情,我也愿意看其他类型的电影,比如喜剧或戏剧。

I enjoy a wide variety of films, but I particularly like action and adventure movies. I find the thrilling plots and captivating special effects in these films very entertaining. However, I'm also open to watching other genres, depending on my mood, such as comedies or dramas.

2. Did you often watch films when you were a child?

Yes, I did watch films quite often when I was a child. It was one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoyed animated movies and family-friendly films a lot. I used to watch them with my siblings and friends during weekends or school holidays. It was a fun way to relax and be entertained.

Difficult words and idiomatic phrases:
1. pastimes /ˈpɑːstaɪmz/ 兴趣爱好
2. family-friendly /ˈfæməli ˈfrendli/ 家庭友好
3. siblings /ˈsɪblɪŋz/ 兄弟姐妹
4. weekends /ˈwiːkendz/ 周末
5. school holidays /skuːl ˈhɒlɪdeɪz/ 学校假期
6. relax /rɪˈlæks/ 放松
7. be entertained /bi ˌentərˈteɪnd/ 被娱乐

Chinese Translation:

Yes, I did watch films quite often when I was a child. It was one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoyed animated movies and family-friendly films a lot. I used to watch them with my siblings and friends during weekends or school holidays. It was a fun way to relax and be entertained.

3. Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?

Yes, as a child, I sometimes went to the cinema alone. My mother encouraged me to have new experiences and explore the world. However, she wanted to save money, so she would only let me go in by myself. Looking back, I am really grateful for those opportunities my mother gave me.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. encouraged /ɪn'kʌrɪdʒd/ 鼓励
2. experiences /ɪk'spɪərɪənsɪz/ 经历
3. explore /ɪk'splɔː/ 探索

Chinese translation: 是的,作为一个孩子,我有时会独自去电影院。我妈妈鼓励我多尝试新事物,探索这个世界。然而,为了省钱,她只会让我一个人进去。回想起来,我真的很感激我妈妈给我那些机会。

Yes, at that time, my mother always wanted me to experience more things and see more of the world, but in order to save money, she always only let me go in alone. Looking back on this past, I am really grateful. my mother

4. Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?

Yes, I always go out to watch movies with my friends, because we usually just go out to eat, go shopping, and watch movies. In this way, the day is basically completed.

Yeah, my buddies and I are big fans of hitting the cinema together. We're always up for grabbing a bite, doing some shopping, and catching a flick. It's like a perfect day out for us.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. buddies /ˈbʌdiz/ 伙伴们
2. big fans of /bɪɡ fænz ɒv/ 非常喜欢
3. hitting /ˈhɪtɪŋ/ 去
4. grabbing a bite /ˈɡræbɪŋ eɪ baɪt/ 捧着一口
5. catching a flick /ˈkætʃɪŋ ə flɪk/ 看一场电影

Chinese translation: 是的,我和我的朋友们都是看电影的铁杆粉丝。我们总是一起去吃点东西、逛逛街,然后再看一场电影。这对我们来说就是一个完美的一天。

5. Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?

"Yes, I do think going to the cinema is a great way to spend time with friends. It allows us to share a common experience and afterward, we can discuss the movie, share our thoughts, and even debate about it. It's a fun and social activity that helps strengthen friendships. Plus, it provides an opportunity to relax and unwind together, which is important in our busy lives. So, yes, I believe it's a wonderful way to bond with friends and create lasting memories."

Musical instruments

1. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

When I was a child, I learned traditional Chinese musical instruments such as cucurbit flute and erhu, but later I gave up due to the heavy academic pressure.

When I was a child, I dabbled in playing traditional Chinese musical instruments like the cucurbit flute and erhu, but eventually I had to give it up because of the immense academic pressure.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. dabbled in /ˈdæbl̩d ɪn/ 尝试
2. immense /ɪˈmɛns/ 巨大的

Chinese translation: 当我还是个孩子的时候,我试着学习弹奏中国传统乐器,比如葫芦笛和二胡,但最终我不得不放弃,因为学业的压力太大了。

2.What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?

I enjoy listening to the piano the most. I find its sound soothing and versatile. Whether it's classical compositions or contemporary music, the piano can convey a wide range of emotions, and I'm always captivated by its melodies. Besides the piano, I also appreciate the sounds of the violin and guitar.

 I enjoy listening to the piano the most. I find its sound soothing and versatile. Whether it's classical compositions or contemporary music, the piano can convey a wide range of emotions, and I'm always captivated by its melodies. Besides the piano, I also appreciate the sounds of the violin and guitar.

Difficult words and idiomatic phrases:
1. soothing /ˈsuːðɪŋ/ (adj.) 舒缓的,使人感到宁静的
2. versatile /ˈvɜːr.sə.taɪl/ (adj.) 多功能的,多才多艺的
3. captivated /ˈkæp.tɪ.veɪ.tɪd/ (adj.) 被迷住的,入迷的

Chinese translation: 我最喜欢听钢琴。我觉得它的声音舒缓而多功能。无论是古典作品还是当代音乐,钢琴都能传达出各种情感,我总是被它的旋律所吸引。除了钢琴,我也欣赏小提琴和吉他的声音。

3.Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?

Yes, I believe children should learn to play an instrument at school. It can enhance cognitive skills, foster creativity, and provide cultural enrichment. Learning an instrument offers many valuable benefits.

Yes, I believe children should have the opportunity to learn to play an instrument at school. Learning to play an instrument offers numerous benefits to children's development. Firstly, it helps enhance their cognitive skills, including memory, problem-solving, and concentration. Additionally, it fosters creativity and self-expression, allowing children to explore their musical talents.

Moreover, playing an instrument can be a source of joy and a way for children to relieve stress. It teaches discipline and time management as they need to practice regularly to improve. Besides the cognitive and emotional benefits, learning to play an instrument can also be a means of cultural enrichment, exposing children to diverse musical traditions.

In summary, learning to play an instrument at school provides children with a well-rounded education, enriches their lives, and contributes positively to their personal growth.

4.Do you think music education is important to children?

Yes, I firmly believe that music education is crucial for children. Music offers a wide range of benefits, including enhancing cognitive development, fostering creativity, and promoting emotional well-being. It can also teach discipline, teamwork, and cultural appreciation. Overall, music education plays a significant role in a child's holistic development.


1.Do you often use maps?

No, I don't often use traditional paper maps. However, I do frequently use electronic map navigation on my phone. It's much more convenient as I can access it directly from my mobile phone software, without having to carry around a complicated paper map that can be difficult to understand.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/ 传统的
2. frequently /ˈfriːkwəntli/ 经常地
3. electronic /ɪlɪkˈtrɒnɪk/ 电子的
4. navigation /nævɪˈɡeɪʃən/ 导航
5. convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ 方便的
6. access /ˈækses/ 访问
7. complicated /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ 复杂的

Chinese translation: 我不经常使用传统的纸质地图。然而,我经常在手机上使用电子地图导航。这样更方便,因为我可以直接从手机软件访问,而不必携带一份复杂的纸质地图,这可能难以理解。

I don’t often use traditional paper maps, but if it is an electronic map navigation, I still often use it, because I can open it directly from the mobile phone software, which is very convenient to use, instead of having to carry a complicated map that is difficult to understand. paper map.

2.Do you use paper maps?

No, I feel like I have never used paper maps since I was a child. Paper maps are generally used as decorations at home.

No, I feel like I've never used paper maps since I was a child. They're more of a decorative item at home than a practical tool for navigation.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. decorations /ˌdɛkəˈreɪʃənz/ 装饰品
2. practical /ˈpræktɪkl/ 实用的
3. navigation /ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃən/ 导航

Chinese translation: 不,我觉得自从小时候起我就从来没有使用过纸质地图。纸质地图更像是家里的装饰品,而不是实际的导航工具。

3.How often do you use maps on your phone?

"I use maps on my phone quite frequently, especially when I'm in an unfamiliar area or need directions. It's a handy tool for navigation, whether I'm traveling, exploring new places, or even just trying to find a nearby restaurant. So, I would say I rely on maps on my phone regularly to help me get around."

4.Do you have maps at home?

There is a map of China hanging on the wall in the study room of our home. I use it for decoration because I love my motherland very much.

Yeah, we have a map of China hanging on the wall in our study room. It's mainly for decoration, but it's also handy when we want to learn more about different provinces and cities. I'm really proud of my country, so it's nice to have a visual reminder of it in our home.

Difficult words or idiomatic phrases:
1. handy /ˈhændi/ 方便的
2. visual reminder 目视提醒

Chinese translation:

I used to suffer huge pressure every day because of the huge pressure to study in China.

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