

  • lua表分为两部分,一部分是数组,一部分是hash表,这两部分共存于表中。
  • 数组下标从1开始。
  • #取长度仅在数组是连续时有效,其他情况下的长度是不可靠的(因为内部使用二分法)


  • 部分注释保留了源码的注释,某些源码注释可能解释的更为清晰
  • 该文从表的创建,增删改查,以及扩容、迭代和取长来分析表结构特征
  • 该文采用深度优先进行代码探索


  • Table
typedef struct Table {
  CommonHeader;	//公共头部,所有需要GC的数据结构都有,里面包括,next指针,数据类型和gc节点颜色
  lu_byte flags;  /* 1<

lu_byte lsizenode; //哈希部分的大小,取log2,例大小为8的hash表此字段为3 unsigned int alimit; //数组的长度 TValue *array; //数组部分 Node *node; //hash表部分 Node *lastfree; //hash表中最后一个为没被用过的节点 struct Table *metatable; //元表 GCObject *gclist; //GC相关的链表,todo以后再说 } Table;

  • Node
typedef union Node {
  struct NodeKey {
    TValuefields;  //Value字段
    lu_byte key_tt;  //key的类型
    int next;  //相同hash值链表next
    Value key_val;  //key值
  } u;
  TValue i_val;  //联合体,直接获取Value字段
} Node;
#define TValuefields	Value value_; lu_byte tt_	//值和类型
  • TVale
typedef struct TValue {
} TValue;

#define TValuefields	Value value_; lu_byte tt_	//值和类型

typedef union Value {
  struct GCObject *gc;    //所有可回收类型,由该指针指向
  void *p;         //轻量数据类型
  lua_CFunction f; //C函数
  lua_Integer i;   //整数
  lua_Number n;    //浮点数
} Value;

#define LUA_TNONE		(-1)
#define LUA_TNIL		0
#define LUA_TBOOLEAN		1
#define LUA_TNUMBER		3
#define LUA_TSTRING		4
#define LUA_TTABLE		5
#define LUA_TFUNCTION		6
#define LUA_TUSERDATA		7
#define LUA_TTHREAD		8
#define LUA_NUMTYPES		9



  • luaH_new
Table *luaH_new (lua_State *L) {
  GCObject *o = luaC_newobj(L, LUA_VTABLE, sizeof(Table));	//新建LUA_VTABLE类型,所有可回收类型,由GCObject指针指向
  Table *t = gco2t(o);	//转换类型取得表
  t->metatable = NULL;	//设元表为空
  t->flags = cast_byte(maskflags);  //标志位设置为无元方法字段
  t->array = NULL;	//数组为空
  t->alimit = 0;	//数组长度为0
  setnodevector(L, t, 0);	//初始化hash部分,L为虚拟机,t为表,0为hash部分长度
  return t;

#define gco2t(o)  check_exp((o)->tt == LUA_VTABLE, &((cast_u(o))->h))	//把可回收对象转换成一个表
#define check_exp(c,e)		(e)
#define cast_u(o)	cast(union GCUnion *, (o))

union GCUnion {
  GCObject gc;  //公共头
  struct TString ts;	//LUA_TSTRING		4
  struct Udata u;	//LUA_TUSERDATA		7
  union Closure cl;	//LUA_TFUNCTION		6
  struct Table h;	//LUA_TTABLE		5
  struct Proto p;	//
  struct lua_State th;  //LUA_TTHREAD		8
  struct UpVal upv;
  • luaC_newobj
GCObject *luaC_newobj (lua_State *L, int tt, size_t sz) {
  global_State *g = G(L);	//取得L->G全局状态机
  GCObject *o = cast(GCObject *, luaM_newobject(L, novariant(tt), sz));	//使用全局状态机的分配函数进行空间分配
  o->marked = luaC_white(g);	//gc颜色标记
  o->tt = tt;	//设置类型
  o->next = g->allgc;	//链接至gc链表
  g->allgc = o;
  return o;

#define G(L)	(L->l_G)
  • setnodevector
static void setnodevector (lua_State *L, Table *t, unsigned int size) {
  if (size == 0) {  //hash部分无元素
    t->node = cast(Node *, dummynode);  //指向哑节点,这个节点是公用的,所以不需要分配空间
    t->lsizenode = 0;	//大小为0,2^0 = 1,因此hash有一个节点,是哑节点
    t->lastfree = NULL;  //最后一个未使用位置为NULL
  else {
    int i;
    int lsize = luaO_ceillog2(size);	//size向上取整
    if (lsize > MAXHBITS || (1u << lsize) > MAXHSIZE)
      luaG_runerror(L, "table overflow");
    size = twoto(lsize);	//2^size
    t->node = luaM_newvector(L, size, Node);	//创建空间
    for (i = 0; i < (int)size; i++) {	//初始化hash部分
      Node *n = gnode(t, i);
      gnext(n) = 0;
    t->lsizenode = cast_byte(lsize);	//设置大小
    t->lastfree = gnode(t, size);  //lastfree设置为最后一个节点

#define dummynode		(&dummynode_)
static const Node dummynode_ = {
  {{NULL}, LUA_VEMPTY,  /* value's value and type */
   LUA_VNIL, 0, {NULL}}  /* key type, next, and key value */

int luaO_ceillog2 (unsigned int x) {
  static const lu_byte log_2[256] = {  /* log_2[i] = ceil(log2(i - 1)) */
  int l = 0;
  while (x >= 256) { l += 8; x >>= 8; }
  return l + log_2[x];

#define luaM_newvector(L,n,t)	cast(t*, luaM_malloc_(L, (n)*sizeof(t), 0))
void *luaM_malloc_ (lua_State *L, size_t size, int tag) {
  if (size == 0)
    return NULL;  /* that's all */
  else {
    global_State *g = G(L);
    void *newblock = firsttry(g, NULL, tag, size);	//第一次尝试分配空间
    if (l_unlikely(newblock == NULL)) {
      newblock = tryagain(L, NULL, tag, size);	//第二次尝试
      if (newblock == NULL)
    g->GCdebt += size;	//计入gc
    return newblock;
#define firsttry(g,block,os,ns)    ((*g->frealloc)(g->ud, block, os, ns))


  • luaH_get
const TValue *luaH_get (Table *t, const TValue *key) {
  switch (ttypetag(key)) {	//根据key类型采取不同策略
    case LUA_VSHRSTR: return luaH_getshortstr(t, tsvalue(key));	//短字符串类型(40byte及以下)
    case LUA_VNUMINT: return luaH_getint(t, ivalue(key));	//整数类型
    case LUA_VNIL: return &absentkey;	//nil类型
    case LUA_VNUMFLT: {	//浮点类型
      lua_Integer k;
      if (luaV_flttointeger(fltvalue(key), &k, F2Ieq)) //是否可以转化为整数 1.00
        return luaH_getint(t, k);
      return getgeneric(t, key, 0);	//通用查找



Lua 5.2.1为了解决Hash Dos问题,把长字符串独立出来,不再通过hash进入全局字符串表,同时,使用了一个随机种子用于哈希值的计算,使攻击者无法轻易构造出拥有相同哈希值的不同字符串,这个随机种子是在Lua State 创建时放在全局表中的,它利用了构造状态机的内存地址随机性以及用户可配置的一个随机量同时来决定。

  • luaH_getshortstr
const TValue *luaH_getshortstr (Table *t, TString *key) {
  Node *n = hashstr(t, key);	//拿到字符串的hash对应位置
  lua_assert(key->tt == LUA_VSHRSTR);
  for (;;) {  //遍历桶获取value
    if (keyisshrstr(n) && eqshrstr(keystrval(n), key))	//key是短字符串 && 节点n的key和key相等
      return gval(n);  /* that's it */
    else {
      int nx = gnext(n);
      if (nx == 0)
        return &absentkey;  //没找到
      n += nx;


nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
lastfree = 8

1 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
lastfree = 8

1 nil nil 2 nil nil nil nil
lastfree = 8

1 nil nil 2 nil nil nil 3
lastfree = 7
[1]->next = 7 (8 - 1)
那么元素三应找到一个空位lastfree - -
所以元素一的next为元素一和元素三的距离也就是(8 - 1 = 7)


  • luaH_getint
const TValue *luaH_getint (Table *t, lua_Integer key) {
  if (l_castS2U(key) - 1u < t->alimit)  //key在[1,t->alimit]
    return &t->array[key - 1];
  else if (!limitequalsasize(t) &&  //key在(t->alimit,reallimit]
           (l_castS2U(key) == t->alimit + 1 ||
            l_castS2U(key) - 1u < luaH_realasize(t))) {
    t->alimit = cast_uint(key);	//设置数组长度
    return &t->array[key - 1];
  else {
    Node *n = hashint(t, key);
    for (;;) {  //查找是否在hash部分
      if (keyisinteger(n) && keyival(n) == key)
        return gval(n);  /* that's it */
      else {
        int nx = gnext(n);
        if (nx == 0) break;
        n += nx;
    return &absentkey;

LUAI_FUNC unsigned int luaH_realasize (const Table *t) {
  if (limitequalsasize(t))	//是否真实长度
    return t->alimit;  
  else {
    unsigned int size = t->alimit;
    size |= (size >> 1);
    size |= (size >> 2);
    size |= (size >> 4);
    size |= (size >> 8);
    size |= (size >> 16);
#if (UINT_MAX >> 30) > 3
    size |= (size >> 32);  /* unsigned int has more than 32 bits */
    lua_assert(ispow2(size) && size/2 < t->alimit && t->alimit < size);
    return size;

//比如数组大小为8,实际只有1-6个元素,此时alimit = 6
#define limitequalsasize(t)	(isrealasize(t) || ispow2((t)->alimit))
#define isrealasize(t)		(!((t)->flags & BITRAS))
#define setrealasize(t)		((t)->flags &= cast_byte(~BITRAS))
#define setnorealasize(t)	((t)->flags |= BITRAS)


  • getgeneric
static const TValue *getgeneric (Table *t, const TValue *key, int deadok) {
  Node *n = mainpositionTV(t, key);	//根据key查找相应的位置的节点
  for (;;) {  //遍历桶
    if (equalkey(key, n, deadok))
      return gval(n);  /* that's it */
    else {
      int nx = gnext(n);
      if (nx == 0)
        return &absentkey;  /* not found */
      n += nx;

//根据key hash到相应Node
static Node *mainpositionTV (const Table *t, const TValue *key) {
  switch (ttypetag(key)) {
    case LUA_VNUMINT: {
      lua_Integer i = ivalue(key);
      return hashint(t, i);
    case LUA_VNUMFLT: {
      lua_Number n = fltvalue(key);
      return hashmod(t, l_hashfloat(n));
    case LUA_VSHRSTR: {
      TString *ts = tsvalue(key);
      return hashstr(t, ts);
    case LUA_VLNGSTR: {
      TString *ts = tsvalue(key);
      return hashpow2(t, luaS_hashlongstr(ts));
    case LUA_VFALSE:
      return hashboolean(t, 0);
    case LUA_VTRUE:
      return hashboolean(t, 1);
      void *p = pvalue(key);
      return hashpointer(t, p);
    case LUA_VLCF: {
      lua_CFunction f = fvalue(key);
      return hashpointer(t, f);
    default: {
      GCObject *o = gcvalue(key);
      return hashpointer(t, o);


  • luaH_set
void luaH_set (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key, TValue *value) {
  const TValue *slot = luaH_get(t, key);	//根据上边的get获取到slot
  luaH_finishset(L, t, key, slot, value);	//设此slot的值为value
  • luaH_finishset
    功能:设置slot[key] = value
void luaH_finishset (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key,const TValue *slot, TValue *value) {
  if (isabstkey(slot))	//槽位没有key,有key为修改,没key为new
    luaH_newkey(L, t, key, value);	//新建key并赋值
  else {
    if (l_unlikely(isshared(t)))
      luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to change a shared table");
    setobj2t(L, cast(TValue *, slot), value);	//slot[key] = value

#define cast(t, exp)	((t)(exp))
#define setobj2t	setobj
#define setobj(L,obj1,obj2) \
	{ TValue *io1=(obj1); const TValue *io2=(obj2); \
          io1->value_ = io2->value_; settt_(io1, io2->tt_); \
	  checkliveness(L,io1); lua_assert(!isnonstrictnil(io1)); }
  • luaH_newkey
void luaH_newkey (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key, TValue *value) {
  Node *mp;
  TValue aux;
  if (l_unlikely(isshared(t)))
    luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to change a shared table");
  if (l_unlikely(ttisnil(key)))
    luaG_runerror(L, "table index is nil");
  else if (ttisfloat(key)) {	//float能转换为整数先转换为整数
    lua_Number f = fltvalue(key);
    lua_Integer k;
    if (luaV_flttointeger(f, &k, F2Ieq)) {  /* does key fit in an integer? */
      setivalue(&aux, k);
      key = &aux;  /* insert it as an integer */
    else if (l_unlikely(luai_numisnan(f)))
      luaG_runerror(L, "table index is NaN");
  if (ttisnil(value))
    return;  /* do not insert nil values */
  mp = mainpositionTV(t, key);	//找到key对应的位置
  if (!isempty(gval(mp)) || isdummy(t)) {  //位置被占了?
    Node *othern;
    Node *f = getfreepos(t);  //先找一个空位
    if (f == NULL) {  //找不到空位?
      rehash(L, t, key);  //hash表扩容
      /* whatever called 'newkey' takes care of TM cache */
      luaH_set(L, t, key, value);  //重新插入
    othern = mainpositionfromnode(t, mp);	//拿到位置的元素
    if (othern != mp) {  //这个元素不是这个位置的吗?
      while (othern + gnext(othern) != mp)  //找到这个元素在桶中的前置节点
        othern += gnext(othern);
      gnext(othern) = cast_int(f - othern);  //前置节点的next为freepos
      *f = *mp;  //freepos设置为该节点
      if (gnext(mp) != 0) {	//该节点的next不等于空?
        gnext(f) += cast_int(mp - f);  //转移该节点的next到freepos上
        gnext(mp) = 0;  /* now 'mp' is free */
    else {  //不是,自己滚开
      //new key将会到freepos并插入到桶上
      if (gnext(mp) != 0)
        gnext(f) = cast_int((mp + gnext(mp)) - f);  /* chain new position */
      else lua_assert(gnext(f) == 0);
      gnext(mp) = cast_int(f - mp);
      mp = f;
  setnodekey(L, mp, key);	//设置节点key
  luaC_barrierback(L, obj2gco(t), key);	//gc check
  setobj2t(L, gval(mp), value);	//设置值

//取得空位置	可见lastfree是最后一个未使用过的位置
static Node *getfreepos (Table *t) {
  if (!isdummy(t)) {
    while (t->lastfree > t->node) {
      if (keyisnil(t->lastfree))
        return t->lastfree;
  return NULL;  /* could not find a free place */

static void rehash (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *ek) {
  unsigned int asize;  //数组长度
  unsigned int na;  //数组部分key个数
  unsigned int nums[MAXABITS + 1];	//每个2指数倍之间的元素个数
  int i;
  int totaluse;	//总共有多少个key
  for (i = 0; i <= MAXABITS; i++) nums[i] = 0;  /* reset counts */
  setlimittosize(t);	//设置表的数组长度为真实长度
  na = numusearray(t, nums);  //统计数组部分key个数
  totaluse = na;  /* all those keys are integer keys */
  totaluse += numusehash(t, nums, &na);  //加上hash部分key个数
  /* count extra key */
  if (ttisinteger(ek))
    na += countint(ivalue(ek), nums);	//加上当前要设置的key
  /* compute new size for array part */
  asize = computesizes(nums, &na);	//计算数组长度,数组部分利用率要不低于50%
  /* resize the table to new computed sizes */
  luaH_resize(L, t, asize, totaluse - na);	//重新设置大小

static unsigned int numusearray (const Table *t, unsigned int *nums) {
  int lg;
  unsigned int ttlg;  /* 2^lg */
  unsigned int ause = 0;  //数组总共元素个数
  unsigned int i = 1;  /* count to traverse all array keys */
  unsigned int asize = limitasasize(t);  //数组真实大小
  for (lg = 0, ttlg = 1; lg <= MAXABITS; lg++, ttlg *= 2) {
    unsigned int lc = 0;  /* counter */
    unsigned int lim = ttlg;
    if (lim > asize) {
      lim = asize;  /* adjust upper limit */
      if (i > lim)
        break;  /* no more elements to count */
    /* count elements in range (2^(lg - 1), 2^lg] */
    for (; i <= lim; i++) {
      if (!isempty(&t->array[i-1]))
    nums[lg] += lc;
    ause += lc;
  return ause;

static int numusehash (const Table *t, unsigned int *nums, unsigned int *pna) {
  int totaluse = 0;  /* total number of elements */
  int ause = 0;  /* elements added to 'nums' (can go to array part) */
  int i = sizenode(t);
  while (i--) {
    Node *n = &t->node[i];
    if (!isempty(gval(n))) {
      if (keyisinteger(n))
        ause += countint(keyival(n), nums);
  *pna += ause;
  return totaluse;

static unsigned int computesizes (unsigned int nums[], unsigned int *pna) {
  int i;
  unsigned int twotoi;  /* 2^i (candidate for optimal size) */
  unsigned int a = 0;  /* number of elements smaller than 2^i */
  unsigned int na = 0;  /* number of elements to go to array part */
  unsigned int optimal = 0;  /* optimal size for array part */
  /* loop while keys can fill more than half of total size */
  for (i = 0, twotoi = 1;
       twotoi > 0 && *pna > twotoi / 2;
       i++, twotoi *= 2) {
    a += nums[i];
    if (a > twotoi/2) {  /* more than half elements present? */
      optimal = twotoi;  /* optimal size (till now) */
      na = a;  /* all elements up to 'optimal' will go to array part */
  lua_assert((optimal == 0 || optimal / 2 < na) && na <= optimal);
  *pna = na;
  return optimal;

void luaH_resize (lua_State *L, Table *t, unsigned int newasize, unsigned int nhsize) {
  unsigned int i;
  Table newt;  /* to keep the new hash part */
  unsigned int oldasize = setlimittosize(t);
  TValue *newarray;
  /* create new hash part with appropriate size into 'newt' */
  setnodevector(L, &newt, nhsize);
  if (newasize < oldasize) {  //缩短数组部分?
    t->alimit = newasize;  /* pretend array has new size... */
    exchangehashpart(t, &newt);  //设置hash部分为空
    for (i = newasize; i < oldasize; i++) {
      if (!isempty(&t->array[i]))
        luaH_setint(L, t, i + 1, &t->array[i]);
    t->alimit = oldasize;  /* restore current size... */
    exchangehashpart(t, &newt);  //交换回原来的hash部分
  newarray = luaM_reallocvector(L, t->array, oldasize, newasize, TValue);
  if (l_unlikely(newarray == NULL && newasize > 0)) {  /* allocation failed? */
    freehash(L, &newt);  /* release new hash part */
    luaM_error(L);  /* raise error (with array unchanged) */
  /* allocation ok; initialize new part of the array */
  exchangehashpart(t, &newt);  /* 't' has the new hash ('newt' has the old) */
  t->array = newarray;  /* set new array part */
  t->alimit = newasize;
  for (i = oldasize; i < newasize; i++)  /* clear new slice of the array */
  /* re-insert elements from old hash part into new parts */
  reinsert(L, &newt, t);  //把多出的hash和原先的hash合并
  freehash(L, &newt);  /* free old hash part */

#define setnodekey(L,node,obj) \
	{ Node *n_=(node); const TValue *io_=(obj); \
	  n_->u.key_val = io_->value_; n_->u.key_tt = io_->tt_; \
	  checkliveness(L,io_); }
#define setobj2t	setobj
#define setobj(L,obj1,obj2) \
	{ TValue *io1=(obj1); const TValue *io2=(obj2); \
          io1->value_ = io2->value_; settt_(io1, io2->tt_); \
	  checkliveness(L,io1); lua_assert(!isnonstrictnil(io1)); }
  • luaH_next
int luaH_next (lua_State *L, Table *t, StkId key) {
  unsigned int asize = luaH_realasize(t);
  unsigned int i = findindex(L, t, s2v(key), asize);  //1~alimit在数组>alimit在hash
  for (; i < asize; i++) {  //遍历数组
    if (!isempty(&t->array[i])) {  /* a non-empty entry? */
      setivalue(s2v(key), i + 1);
      setobj2s(L, key + 1, &t->array[i]);
      return 1;
  for (i -= asize; cast_int(i) < sizenode(t); i++) {  //遍历hash节点
    if (!isempty(gval(gnode(t, i)))) {  /* a non-empty entry? */
      Node *n = gnode(t, i);
      getnodekey(L, s2v(key), n);
      setobj2s(L, key + 1, gval(n));
      return 1;
  return 0;  /* no more elements */

static unsigned int findindex (lua_State *L, Table *t, TValue *key,
                               unsigned int asize) {
  unsigned int i;
  if (ttisnil(key)) return 0;  /* first iteration */
  i = ttisinteger(key) ? arrayindex(ivalue(key)) : 0;
  if (i - 1u < asize)  /* is 'key' inside array part? */	//不是整数unsigned int - 1为max long long 
    return i;  /* yes; that's the index */
  else {
    const TValue *n = getgeneric(t, key, 1);	//找到hash中的位置
    if (l_unlikely(isabstkey(n)))
      luaG_runerror(L, "invalid key to 'next'");  /* key not found */
    i = cast_int(nodefromval(n) - gnode(t, 0));  /* key index in hash table */
    /* hash elements are numbered after array ones */
    return (i + 1) + asize;
  • luaH_getn
lua_Unsigned luaH_getn (Table *t) {
  unsigned int limit = t->alimit;
  if (limit > 0 && isempty(&t->array[limit - 1])) {  //边界为空,那么肯定在[1,alimit]之间
    /* there must be a boundary before 'limit' */
    if (limit >= 2 && !isempty(&t->array[limit - 2])) {
      /* 'limit - 1' is a boundary; can it be a new limit? */
      if (ispow2realasize(t) && !ispow2(limit - 1)) {
        t->alimit = limit - 1;
        setnorealasize(t);  /* now 'alimit' is not the real size */
      return limit - 1;
    else {  /* must search for a boundary in [0, limit] */
      unsigned int boundary = binsearch(t->array, 0, limit);
      /* can this boundary represent the real size of the array? */
      if (ispow2realasize(t) && boundary > luaH_realasize(t) / 2) {
        t->alimit = boundary;  /* use it as the new limit */
      return boundary;
  /* 'limit' is zero or present in table */
  if (!limitequalsasize(t)) {  //在(alimit,reallimit],当对不连续数组#,会产生错误边界导致边界后边也有元素
    /* 'limit' > 0 and array has more elements after 'limit' */
    if (isempty(&t->array[limit]))  /* 'limit + 1' is empty? */
      return limit;  /* this is the boundary */
    /* else, try last element in the array */
    limit = luaH_realasize(t);
    if (isempty(&t->array[limit - 1])) {  /* empty? */
      /* there must be a boundary in the array after old limit,
         and it must be a valid new limit */
      unsigned int boundary = binsearch(t->array, t->alimit, limit);
      t->alimit = boundary;
      return boundary;
    /* else, new limit is present in the table; check the hash part */
  lua_assert(limit == luaH_realasize(t) &&
             (limit == 0 || !isempty(&t->array[limit - 1])));
  if (isdummy(t) || isempty(luaH_getint(t, cast(lua_Integer, limit + 1))))
    return limit;  /* 'limit + 1' is absent */
  else  /* 'limit + 1' is also present */
    return hash_search(t, limit);

static lua_Unsigned hash_search (Table *t, lua_Unsigned j) {
  lua_Unsigned i;
  if (j == 0) j++;  /* the caller ensures 'j + 1' is present */
  do {
    i = j;  /* 'i' is a present index */
    if (j <= l_castS2U(LUA_MAXINTEGER) / 2)
      j *= 2;
    else {
      if (isempty(luaH_getint(t, j)))  /* t[j] not present? */
        break;  /* 'j' now is an absent index */
      else  /* weird case */
        return j;  /* well, max integer is a boundary... */
  } while (!isempty(luaH_getint(t, j)));  /* repeat until an absent t[j] */
  /* i < j  &&  t[i] present  &&  t[j] absent */
  while (j - i > 1u) {  /* do a binary search between them */
    lua_Unsigned m = (i + j) / 2;
    if (isempty(luaH_getint(t, m))) j = m;
    else i = m;
  return i;


