老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第2集台词 中英对照

老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第2集台词

英文 中文
OK, where was I? OK,我们说到哪儿了?
You were telling us how you met mom 你在跟我们说你和妈妈是怎么认识的
and that excruciating detail. 而且真是折腾人的细节化
Right. So back in 2005 when I was 27 没错,要回溯到2005年,我还是27岁的时候
my two best friends got engaged. 我最好的两个朋友订婚了
And that got me thinking. Maybe I should get married. 这触动了我,也许我也该结婚了
And then I saw Robin. 这时我看见了Robin
She was incredible. 她真是太美了
I just knew I had to meet her. 我打心底里想要认识她
That's where your uncle Barney came in. 于是你们的Barney叔叔出现了
I suggest we play a little game I'd like to call 我提议玩一个游戏,我愿意称之为……
'have you met Ted?' “你见过Ted没有”
No, we are not playing 'have you met Ted.' 什么,不,我们不玩这游戏
Hi, have you met Ted? 嗨,你见过Ted没有?
So I asked her out. 接着我们约会了
And I know that sounds crazy, 我知道这听起来有点疯狂……
but just after one date, I was in love with her. 但只经过了一次约会abc我就爱上她了
which made me say something stupid. 也让我说了一句不该说的话……
I think I'm in love with you. 我想我爱上你了
What? 什么?
Oh, dad! 哦,老爸……
So then, what happened? 然后怎么样了?
Nothing. 什么也没发生
I mean, I'd made a complete fool of myself. 我是说,我那一次实在太笨了
So a week went by, and I decided not to call her. 所以那次之后,我决定不再给她打电话了
So you're not going to call her? 这么说你不打算给她打电话了
You went from "I think I'm in love with you" to "I'm not going to call her?" 你从“我想我爱上你了”转变成“我不会给她电话了”?
I wasn't in love with her, OK? 我没有爱上她好吗?
I was briefly in love with the abstract concept of getting married. 我只是爱上了“结婚”这个抽象概念
That's absolutely nothing to do with Robin. 这跟Robin没关系
-Robin?-Hey! -Robin?-嘿
Look who I ran into! 瞧瞧我碰见谁了
Since when do you guys know each other? 你们俩什么时候认识的?
Since about here. 大概在这里的时候吧
Lily recognized me from the news in that ... Lily认出我是新闻主播了,所以……
Hello, sailor! 悠着点,水手
They've just engaged. 他们刚刚订婚
I should get back to the station. See you guys! 我该回台里去了,回头见
-Nice to meet you, Ted.-Yeah, you, too. -很高兴见到你,Ted-是啊,我也是
-Damn it!-What? -糟糕!-怎么了?
I'm in love with her. 我真的爱上她了
No! 不行!
As your sponsor, I will not let you relapse. You blew it. It's over. Move on! 作为你的顾问,我可不想你一错再错,你这次搞砸了,故事结束,继续前进吧
I don't know. I just have this feeling: she's the future Mrs. Ted Mosbie. 我不知道,我就是有这样的感觉,她就是未来的Ted Mosbie夫人
Lily, you squeaked? Lily,你刚才尖叫了
She said something about me, didn't she? 她跟你谈起我了,是不是?
Come on! Spill it. 说出来吧,告诉我!
Fine. 好吧
So, what do you think of Ted? 嗯,你觉得Ted怎么样?
Ted's something else. 他是个“例外”
I'm going to spin that is good. 我觉得这是褒义的
Lots of guys are something. I'm something else. 别的男性都常例,而我是“例外”
Comes a little strong. 有些过于主动了
But that's part of my charm. 但……这也算我的魅力吧
But that's part of his charm. 但……这也算他的魅力吧
Oh, totally. I mean, he's sweet, he's charming, he's just 哦,那是当然,我是说,他很体贴,很有魅力,只是……
looking for something a little bit more serious than I am. 他想要的东西比我想要的更郑重一些
I mean, the most I can handle now is something casual. 我说,我现在需要的,是随性一点的关系
This stays between us, right? 这些话你不会外传的吧?
Are you kidding? This flapper afford knocks. 开什么玩笑,这两片唇闭得紧紧的
She wants casual. OK, I'll be casual. 她想要随性一点,好的,我可以很随性
This flapper afford knocks.
I'm going to be a mushroom cloud of casual. 我现在就是一颗“随性”号原子弹
You know why? 你知道为什么吗?
Because it's a game. I want to escape to the end and do the whole happily-ever-after thing. 因为这是个游戏,我是很想直达最后幸福圆满的结局
But you don't get there unless you play the game. 但是你必须先玩游戏过关,才能有大结局
So you're going to ask her out? 那么你要约她出来了?
Yeah! No! 是的……不!
I can't ask her out. If I ask her out, I'm asking her out. 我不能约她出来,因为如果我约她出来,我就是在约她出来了
So how do I ask her out without asking her out? 所以我怎么能约她出来,而又没有约她出来呢?
Did you guys get high? 你们几个家伙是不是抽大烟了?
I got it. I don't ask her out. 我有主意了,我们不约会
I invite her to our party next Friday. 我要请她来参加我们下周五的派对
-We're having a party next Friday?-We are now. -我们下周五要开派对?-刚刚决定的
Casual. “随性”
Yeah, because nothing is just casual like inviting a hundred people over just to meet on one girl. Oh, and Lily. 是啊,没有比“找来一百个人开派对,就是为了泡一个mm”更随性的了,哦,Lily……
That's my leg. 那是我的腿
You waited 5 minutes to tell me that? 你过了5分钟才告诉我?
Alright, so call her up. 好的,给她打电话吧
No, calling's not casual. I should get bumped into somewhere. 不,打电话一点也不“随性”,我得和她在什么地方偶遇
If only I knew her schedule I could arrange a chance encounter. 真希望我有她行程表,我就能安排一次偶然的邂逅了
That's great, Ted. You'll be the most casual stalker ever. 说得好,你就成了最最随性的跟踪者了
Now ever since Marshal put that ring on her finger 自从戴上Marshal送的戒指之后……
Lily had been, well, extra affectionate Lily变得有点……嗯……贪心
Baby, no! 宝贝,现在不行……
I have a 25-page paper on constitution. I'll due Monday. I barely started. 我周日要交一篇关于宪法的25页的论文,我才刚刚开始写
I am just sitting here. 我只不过是坐在这儿……
wearing my ring 戴着手上的戒指
my beautiful ring 我漂亮的戒指啊
kinda makes wearing other stuff seem wrong. 让我身上别的东西有点不对劲了
My shirt. Kinda don't want to wear my shirt anymore. 我的衬衫……我不想再穿了
or my underwear. 或者……我的内衣
That's right. I'm not wearing any. 哦,对了,我没穿内衣
-No underwear.-Not even slightly. -没穿内衣?-一点也没穿
Guys! 两位……
Boundaries. 有个限度
Thanks, Bill. 谢谢你,Bill
I'm reporting from the Razzle Dazzle Supermarket on 75th in Colombus. 我现在在Colombus大街75号abcrazzle dazzle超市为您报道
75th in Colombus. Colombus大街75号
Game on! 好戏开始!
There she is. A 4-year-old Nebroy Alenberg has climbed inside a grab-a-prize machine and got him stuck 4岁的Neroy Alenberg爬进了一台抓公仔机并受困其中……
and on the pursuit of a stuffed purple giraffe. 仅仅为了得到一个紫色的长颈鹿
Metro News 1. I'm Robin Trabowski. 都市新闻一台为您报道,我是Robin Trabonski
Ted? Ted?
Robin? Wow, what are the odds! Robin,哇,这巧啊
What are you doing here? 你在这儿干什么?
Oh, you know, just shopping for dip. 哦,我是来买东西的……买调味酱
I love dip. 我爱调味酱
Not I love dip. I like dip, as a friend, you know. 不,我不爱调味酱,我只是喜欢调味酱,朋友之间的那种
Hey, you're reporting a news story or something? 对了,你是在这报道什么新闻吗?
Yeah, kid's stuck in a cream machine. How sweet of you to call it news. 是啊,一个小孩捆在抓公仔机里了,如果你愿意称之为新闻的话
Wow, kid in a cream machine. 哦,小孩捆在抓公仔机里了
You just said to have that toy, didn't you? Couldn't play the game like everyone else. 你是真的很想要那个玩具咯,不想遵循常规
You're all sweaty. 你浑身都是汗
Cool kid. 孩子真可爱
It was so funny I should run into you. We're having a party next Friday 话说回来,既然这么巧遇见你,我们下周五要举办一个派对
If you like swinging by. But you know, whatever. 如果你有兴趣来的话,不过“不必太认真”
Oh, I'm going back home next weekend. 哦,我下周末要回家
It's too bad it's not tonight. 真可惜不是今晚
It is. It's tonight. 是的,就是今晚
This Friday. Did I say next Friday? 这周五,我说了下周五吗?
Yes, sorry. I've been, I guess, I've been saying 'next Friday' all week. 是的,我很抱歉,大概是整个星期都在说“下周五”
But, yes, tonight. The party's tonight. But you know, whatever. 不过,派对就是今晚,不过“不必太认真”
Hey, am I interrupting anything? 嘿,我打搅到你吗?
No, now I'm just writing my paper. 没有,我还在写论文,啃书本
Yeah, well, you and Lily may want to put some clothes on. 是啊,嗯,你和Lily也许该穿好衣服了
We're throwing a party in 2 hours. OK, bye. 我们两个小时之内要开派对,好的,拜
So, what are you going to do when Robin shows up? 那么,兄弟,Robin出现你打算怎样
OK, I got it all planned out. 好的,我的计划好了
She steps through the door. 她走进门来
And where is Ted? Not eagerly wait by the door. Ted在哪儿?并不是焦急的等候在门口
Now I'm across the room at my drafting table showing some foxy young thing all my cool architecture stuff. 我在房子的另一边,给一个惹火的姑娘展示我的建筑画图的工具
So Robin throws her over and I casually give her one of these. Robin走了过来,我很随性的跟她说……
Hey, what's up? 嘿,你好啊
She says, 'hey,nice place. etc. etc.' 然后她说,嘿,地方不错啊
Then I say, 然后我再说
'well, make yourself at home.' 那就别客气,把这里当你自己家吧
And I casually return to my conversation. 然后我就很随性的重新和别人聊天去了
Then, an hour later, 接着,一个小时后
'oh, you're still here?' 哦,你还在啊
I say, like I don't really care. 我很不经意的这么说
But it's a nice surprise and then very casually, 不过这也是个不错的开头,然后,我非常随性的……
'wanna see the roof?' 向上房顶看看吗?
-The roof!-You got to run up to the roof. And the roof takes care of the rest. -房顶……-带上房顶后,房顶会帮我料理好一切的
What's so special about the roof? 这房顶有什么特别的
Oh, the moon, stars, the shimmering skylight. 哦,月亮,星光,朦胧的远景
You cannot fall in love on that roof. 在那个房顶上,你不可能不陷入爱河
We do it up there sometimes. 我们还在上面“玩”过几次
Solid plan, my little friend. 计划很周详,我的小朋友
We were the same plate. 我们身高差不多……
But may I suggest one little modification? 不过让我提个小小的改动
That foxy young thing that you were chatting up? Take her up to the roof and have sex with her, 和你聊天的那个惹火的MM把她带上房顶去,两个人干柴烈火
-crazy monkey style..-That's not the plan! -疯狂的猴猴姿势……-这不是原计划!
That should be the plan. I mean, look at her! 这才应该是原计划,你瞧瞧她
Ted, look at her! She's smoking! Ted,你瞧瞧她,惹火的都冒烟了
Thank you! 谢谢
But she's not Robin. 但她不是Robin
Exactly. Ted, let's rap. 这就是问题所在,Ted,你听我说
Statistic. At every New York party, there's always a girl who has no idea who's party she's at. 统计学上来讲,在纽约的每一个派对上都会有这样一个小妞,她根本不知道这是谁开的派对
She knows no one you know and you will never see her again. 她根本不认识你周围的任何人,你也不会再见到她第二次了
Do you see where I'm going? How is this? 你明白……我的意思吗,这个提议怎么样?
Barney, I don't think so. Barney,我不这么觉得……
Scoping. 潜望中……
Scoping. 继续潜望……
Man, you are a dork. 天啊,你真口耐
Target acquired. 目标锁定
And now it's time we play a little game I'd like to call'have you met Ted.' 现在我们来玩个小游戏,我愿意称之为……
-'have you met Ted.'-Oh, come on. Not this. -“你见过Ted吗?”-哦,别这样,又来……
Hi, have you met Ted? 嗨,你见过Ted没有?
No. 没有
Hi.Hi. -你好-你好
You know Marshal and Lily? 你认识Marshal和Lily吗?
No. 不认识
Do you know anyone at this party? 这个派对里面你都认识谁啊?
I work with Carlos. 我和Carlos一起来的
Excuse me. 稍等……
Anyone know a Carlos? 你们谁认识Carlos?
No. 不认识
On a silver platter bone appetite. 银质大盘送上的……大肥肉
I don't think so. 我不这么想
You are loss or gain. 你放弃,我上场
Excuse me, can I show you the roof? 对不起,我能带你去看看房顶吗?
-It's magical up there. -Sure. -上面的美景很迷人-好啊
Wait. Hey, I got that roof reserved. 等等,嘿,房顶我预订了
Dude, Robin's not coming. Robin不会来了
She'll show up. 嘿,她会出现的!
Hey, she's going to show up. 她会来的
She didn't show up. 她没有来
At least it was a great party. 至少我们开了一个很棒的派对
I ate, like, 4 cans of dip. 我吃完了4大罐调味酱
You always know what to say, old friend. 你总是知道怎么安慰我,老朋友
It's Robin. 是Robin
-Answer it. -No, not right away. -接啊-不不不,我不能马上接


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