Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk

//Unity Personal Edition


Unity官网地址: Unity官方下载_Unity最新版_从Unity Hub下载安装 | Unity中国官网

Start Your Creative Projects and Download the Unity Hub | Unity

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Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第2张图片
然后用手机扫码即可 blog.csdn.net/Game_jqd/article/details/108352367
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Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第4张图片
Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第5张图片
Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第6张图片
Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第7张图片
Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第8张图片
Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第9张图片
选择【Unity Personal Editor】,再选择【I don’t use Unity in a professional capacity】,然后点击【Next】
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然后点击【Download license file】,保存许可证(.ulf)到本地
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Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第12张图片
Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第13张图片

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Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第15张图片
Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第16张图片
开始愉快地编程吧Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第17张图片

//Unity Hub  for Mac//



Node.js 安装配置

本章节我们将向大家介绍在 Windows Linux 上安装 Node.js 的方法。

本安装教程以 Node.js v4.4.3 LTS(长期支持版本)版本为例。

Node.js 安装包及源码下载地址为:Download | Node.js

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第18张图片

你可以根据不同平台系统选择你需要的 Node.js 安装包。

Node.js 历史版本下载地址:Index of /dist/

注意:Linux 上安装 Node.js 需要安装 Python 2.6 2.7 ,不建议安装 Python 3.0 以上版本。

Windows 上安装 Node.js


1Windows 安装包(.msi)


本文实例以 v0.10.26 版本为例,其他版本类似, 安装步骤:

步骤 1 : 双击下载后的安装包 v0.10.26,如下所示:

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第19张图片

步骤 2 : 点击以上的Run(运行),将出现如下界面:

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第20张图片

步骤 3 : 勾选接受协议选项,点击 next(下一步) 按钮 :

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第21张图片

步骤 4 : Node.js默认安装目录为 "C:\Program Files\nodejs\" , 你可以修改目录,并点击 next(下一步):

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第22张图片

步骤 5 : 点击树形图标来选择你需要的安装模式 , 然后点击下一步 next(下一步)

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第23张图片

步骤 6 :点击 Install(安装) 开始安装Node.js。你也可以点击 Back(返回)来修改先前的配置。 然后并点击 next(下一步):

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第24张图片


Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第25张图片

点击 Finish(完成)按钮退出安装向导。

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第26张图片

检测PATH环境变量是否配置了Node.js,点击开始=》运行=》输入"cmd" => 输入命令"path",输出如下结果:

c:\python32\python;C:\MinGW\bin;C:\Program Files\GTK2-Runtime\lib;
C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin;C:\Program Files\nodejs\;

我们可以看到环境变量中已经包含了C:\Program Files\nodejs\


2Windows 二进制文件 (.exe)安装

32 位安装包下载地址 : http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.26/node.exe

64 位安装包下载地址 : http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.26/x64/node.exe


步骤 1 : 双击下载的安装包 Node.exe ,将出现如下界面 :

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第27张图片

点击 Run(运行)按钮将出现命令行窗口:

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第28张图片


进入 node.exe 所在的目录,如下所示:


Linux 上安装 Node.js


Node 官网已经把 linux 下载版本更改为已编译好的版本了,我们可以直接下载解压后使用:

# wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.9.0/node-v10.9.0-linux-x64.tar.xz    // 下载
# tar xf  node-v10.9.0-linux-x64.tar.xz       // 解压
# cd node-v10.9.0-linux-x64/                  // 进入解压目录
# ./bin/node -v                               // 执行node命令 查看版本

解压文件的 bin 目录底下包含了 nodenpm 等命令,我们可以使用 ln 命令来设置软连接:

ln -s /usr/software/nodejs/bin/npm   /usr/local/bin/ 
ln -s /usr/software/nodejs/bin/node   /usr/local/bin/

Ubuntu 源码安装 Node.js

以下部分我们将介绍在 Ubuntu Linux 下使用源码安装 Node.js 其他的 Linux 系统,如 Centos 等类似如下安装步骤。

Github 上获取 Node.js 源码:

$ sudo git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git
Cloning into 'node'...


$ sudo chmod -R 755 node

使用 ./configure 创建编译文件,并按照:

$ cd node
$ sudo ./configure
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install

查看 node 版本:

$ node --version

Ubuntu apt-get命令安装


sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

CentOS 下源码安装 Node.js

1、下载源码,你需要在Download | Node.js下载最新的Nodejs版本,本文以v0.10.24为例:

cd /usr/local/src/
wget http://nodejs.org/dist/v0.10.24/node-v0.10.24.tar.gz


tar zxvf node-v0.10.24.tar.gz

3 编译安装

cd node-v0.10.24
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/node/0.10.24
make install

4 配置NODE_HOME,进入profile编辑环境变量

vim /etc/profile


#set for nodejs
export NODE_HOME=/usr/local/node/0.10.24
export PATH=$NODE_HOME/bin:$PATH

:wq保存并退出,编译/etc/profile 使配置生效

source /etc/profile


node -v

输出 v0.10.24 表示配置成功



注:Nodejs 官网提供了编译好的 Linux 二进制包,你也可以下载下来直接应用。

Mac OS 上安装

你可以通过以下两种方式在 Mac OS 上来安装 node

  • 1、在官方下载网站下载 pkg 安装包,直接点击安装即可。
  • 2、使用 brew 命令来安装:
brew install node



sudo npm install -g asar     blog.csdn.net/Game_jqd/article/details/108352367

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第29张图片

2.打开访达,在应用程序中找到Unity Hub,然后打开显示包内容,然后依次进入Contents ——> Resources,参照下图。

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第30张图片

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第31张图片

3. Resources文件夹上打开新建位于文件夹位置的终端窗口

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第32张图片

4. 接着在打开的终端命令窗口上,输入

asar extract app.asar app  blog.csdn.net/Game_jqd/article/details/108352367

5.修改Resources文件下的 app/src/services/licenseService/licenseClient.js 路径下js脚本

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第33张图片


6.修改Resources文件下的 app/src/services/licenseService/licenseCore.js 路径下js脚本

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第34张图片


Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第35张图片


npm install -g asar
2.打开UnityHub安装目录如 C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources。
3.在C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources打开命令行,执行以下命令解压app.asar。

C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources> asar extract .\app.asar app
解压后删除C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app.asar。
4.修改C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app\build\services\licenseService\licenseClient.js  hub 2.4 +

getLicenseInfo(callback) {
    // load license
    // get latest data from licenseCore
    //licenseInfo.activated = licenseCore.getLicenseToken().length > 0;//注释这行
    licenseInfo.activated = true;//新增这行
    licenseInfo.flow = licenseCore.getLicenseKind();
5.C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app\src\services\licenseService\licenseCore.js

C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app\build\services\licenseService\licenseCore.js  hub 2.4 +

verifyLicenseData(xml) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (xml === '') {






C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\NDK

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第36张图片




Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第37张图片

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\OpenJDK

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第38张图片unity2020.3.36包含sdkndkjdk\jdk8u172-b11_4be8440cc514099cfe1b50cbc74128f6955cd90fd5afe15ea7be60f832de67b4

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第39张图片

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第40张图片

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\tools

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第41张图片


Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第42张图片

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platform-tools

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第43张图片


Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第44张图片

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platforms

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platforms\android-29

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第45张图片


Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第46张图片

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\platforms\android-30

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第47张图片


C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\build-tools

C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.3.36f1c1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\build-tools\30.0.2

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第48张图片


Unity - Manual: Android environment setup

OpenJDK JDK GA Release



https://developer.android.com/studio  Tools –>SDK Manger

Download Android Studio & App Tools - Android Developers

NDK 修订历史记录  |  Android NDK  |  Android Developers

Unsupported Downloads · android/ndk Wiki · GitHub

Java Downloads | Oracle

Java Downloads | Oracle  

jdk-8u333-windows-x64.exe 这是jdk 8的

jdk-18_windows-x64_bin 18的不行

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第49张图片

android-ndk-r21d-windows-x86_64  android-ndk-r19-windows-x86_64

android-ndk-r21e-windows-x86_64 这个都不行


jdk 环境变量

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第50张图片

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第51张图片

JDK 环境变量配置


 系统变量→新建 JAVA_HOME 变量

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第52张图片

 系统变量→寻找 Path 变量→编辑 




注:注意原来 Path 的变量值末尾有没有;号,如果没有,先输入;号再输入上面的代码



注:注意原来 Path 的变量值末尾有没有;号,如果没有,先输入;号再输入上面的代码

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第53张图片



Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第54张图片

 4. 检验是否配置成功:运行 cmd 输入:java -version


2.右键选择 计算机→属性→高级系统设置→高级→环境变量→新建








Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第55张图片


如果百分号前面有其它字符,要加分号  ;  隔开



Android environment setup

To create a Unity application for Android, you first need to set up your Unity project to support Android. To support Android, a Unity project requires the following dependencies

  • The Android Build Support module.
  • The Android Software Development Kit (SDK).
  • The Native Development Kit (NDK).
  • A Java Development Kit. By default, Unity uses OpenJDK.

Before you get started, check Unity’s Requirements and compatibility documentation for Android to make sure you’re aware of any limitations for developing a Unity application for Android.

Installing dependencies

Unity distributes dependencies as modules which means you use the Unity Hub to install them. You can install them either when you install a new Unity Editor version, or add them to an existing Unity Editor install. To install modules:

  • At install time, see Downloading and installing Editors and modules with the Unity Hub.
  • To an existing install, see Add modules.

The three modules to install are:

  • Android Build Support
  • Android SDK & NDK Tools
  • OpenJDK

Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第56张图片

Unity Hub displaying the three dependency modules.

Unity installs Android SDK & NDK Tools and OpenJDK respectively in the SDKNDK, and OpenJDK folders under /Unity/Hub/Editor/[EditorVersion]/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/.

Customizing dependencies

You should use the Unity Hub to install Android SDK & NDK tools and OpenJDK to ensure that you receive the correct versions and configurations. However, there are situations where it’s useful to change the SDK, NDK, or JDK that Unity uses to build applications for Android. For example, if you have multiple versions of Unity with the same dependencies and you don’t want to duplicate the installation of the SDK, NDK, and JDK, you can specify a shared location.

To make Unity use a custom version of a dependency:

  1. Download the custom version of the dependency.
    Warning: Unity only officially supports versions of the OpenJDK, SDK, or NDK that it supplies through the Hub. For more information, see Supported dependency versions.
  2. In Unity, select Edit > Preferences (macOS: Unity > Preferences).
  3. In the left navigation column, select External Tools. The Android section of the External Tools panel contains entries for JDKSDKNDK, and Gradle
    . Each entry contains:
    • A checkbox that indicates whether to use the version that Unity provides or a custom version.
    • The path to the dependency’s installation folder.

      Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第57张图片

  4. To customize the installation for any of these dependencies, disable the dependency’s respective …installed with Unity (recommended) checkbox then click Browse and select the installation folder for the custom dependency.

Supported dependency versions

This section contains information on which versions of each dependency each Unity version supports. Each version of Unity requires a specific version of the Android NDK and Android JDK, but there are no exact version requirements for the Android SDK.


Unity relies on tools that the Android SDK provides and different versions of the SDK usually have the same tools available. This means you can use any recent version of the SDK since they all contain the build tools that Unity requires.

Important: The only exceptions are Android SDK Build-tools versions higher than version 30. Unity doesn’t support Android SDK Build-tools versions higher than 30.


The following table shows the NDK version that each Unity version supports:

Unity version NDK version
2019.4 LTS r19
2020.3 LTS r19
2021.2 r21d


The following table shows the JDK version that each Unity version supports:

Unity version JDK version
2019.4 LTS 8 (OpenJDK version 1.8)
2020.3 LTS 8 (OpenJDK version 1.8)
2021.2 8 (OpenJDK version 1.8)

Setting the Android SDK Target API

The Unity Hub installs the latest version of the Android SDK Target API that Google Play requires. If you need to use a more recent version, you can change it in the Android Player Settings. To do this:

  1. Select Edit > Project Settings.
  2. In the Project settings window, select the Player tab, then open Android Player Settings:Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第58张图片
  3. In the Other Settings section, change the Target API Level.

    Unity Hub for Mac for Windows 与 Unity Personal Edition,sdk ndk jdk_第59张图片

If you select a target API version newer than the latest installed version, the Unity Android SDK Updater can automatically download and install the new version. Unity displays a prompt and you can choose to either:

  • Automatically download and install the new version of the Android SDK.
  • Continue to use the highest installed version of the Android SDK.

If you select a target API version that isn’t installed and is older than the latest installed version, the Unity Android SDK Updater can’t perform the update and Unity displays an error message. In this case, to update the Android SDK Target API, you must use the Android sdkmanager from either Android Studio or the command-line tool. Regardless of the method you choose, make sure to select the correct Android SDK folder for Unity in the Edit > Preferences > External Tools window. For more information, see Customizing dependencies.

Important: On Windows, if you installed the Unity Editor in the default folder (/Program Files/), you must run the sdkmanager with elevated privilege (Run as Administrator) to perform the update.

Chrome OS

In Unity, Chrome OS is part of the Android development environment. This means you can deliver new and existing Android applications to Chrome OS. Also, since many Chrome OS devices are laptops or have a laptop mode, you can use features such as mouse and keyboard input. For more information:

  • On Chrome OS in Unity: Chrome OS.
  • On how to build an Android application for Chrome OS: Building your Chrome OS application.

