


package main

import (

func sayhelloName(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	io.WriteString(w, "hello world")

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", sayhelloName)       //设置访问的路由
    err := http.ListenAndServe(":9090", nil) //设置监听的端口
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("ListenAndServe: ", err)


HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Request)

// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern
// in the DefaultServeMux.
// The documentation for ServeMux explains how patterns are matched.
func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
	DefaultServeMux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler)


// DefaultServeMux is the default ServeMux used by Serve.
var DefaultServeMux = &defaultServeMux

var defaultServeMux ServeMux


// ServeMux is an HTTP request multiplexer.
// It matches the URL of each incoming request against a list of registered
// patterns and calls the handler for the pattern that
// most closely matches the URL.
// Patterns name fixed, rooted paths, like "/favicon.ico",
// or rooted subtrees, like "/images/" (note the trailing slash).
// Longer patterns take precedence over shorter ones, so that
// if there are handlers registered for both "/images/"
// and "/images/thumbnails/", the latter handler will be
// called for paths beginning "/images/thumbnails/" and the
// former will receive requests for any other paths in the
// "/images/" subtree.
// Note that since a pattern ending in a slash names a rooted subtree,
// the pattern "/" matches all paths not matched by other registered
// patterns, not just the URL with Path == "/".
// If a subtree has been registered and a request is received naming the
// subtree root without its trailing slash, ServeMux redirects that
// request to the subtree root (adding the trailing slash). This behavior can
// be overridden with a separate registration for the path without
// the trailing slash. For example, registering "/images/" causes ServeMux
// to redirect a request for "/images" to "/images/", unless "/images" has
// been registered separately.
// Patterns may optionally begin with a host name, restricting matches to
// URLs on that host only. Host-specific patterns take precedence over
// general patterns, so that a handler might register for the two patterns
// "/codesearch" and "codesearch.google.com/" without also taking over
// requests for "http://www.google.com/".
// ServeMux also takes care of sanitizing the URL request path and the Host
// header, stripping the port number and redirecting any request containing . or
// .. elements or repeated slashes to an equivalent, cleaner URL.
type ServeMux struct {
	mu    sync.RWMutex
	m     map[string]muxEntry	//路由规则
	es    []muxEntry // 从最长到最短排序
	hosts bool       // 是否在任意模式中包含主机信息

type muxEntry struct {
	h       Handler   //对应的handler
	pattern string	  //匹配字符串

// NewServeMux allocates and returns a new ServeMux.
func NewServeMux() *ServeMux { return new(ServeMux) }

ServeMux是一个HTTP请求的多路转接器。它根据注册的模式列表匹配每个传入请求的URL,并调用与URL最匹配的模式的处理程序。在最早给出的简单代码中,字符串“/”匹配所有与其他注册字符串不匹配的路径。而之前的HandleFunc调用了func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request))。

// HandleFunc registers the handler function for the given pattern.
func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request)) {
	if handler == nil {
		panic("http: nil handler")
	mux.Handle(pattern, HandlerFunc(handler))

在这个函数中,通过 HandlerFunc(handler)进行类型转换

// The HandlerFunc type is an adapter to allow the use of
// ordinary functions as HTTP handlers. If f is a function
// with the appropriate signature, HandlerFunc(f) is a
// Handler that calls f.
type HandlerFunc func(ResponseWriter, *Request)

// ServeHTTP calls f(w, r).
func (f HandlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
	f(w, r)

而在func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(ResponseWriter, *Request))中,调用了func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler)

// Handle registers the handler for the given pattern.
// If a handler already exists for pattern, Handle panics.
func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) {
	defer mux.mu.Unlock()

	if pattern == "" {
		panic("http: invalid pattern")
	if handler == nil {
		panic("http: nil handler")
	if _, exist := mux.m[pattern]; exist {
		panic("http: multiple registrations for " + pattern)

	if mux.m == nil {
		mux.m = make(map[string]muxEntry)
	e := muxEntry{h: handler, pattern: pattern}
	mux.m[pattern] = e
	if pattern[len(pattern)-1] == '/' {
		mux.es = appendSorted(mux.es, e)

	if pattern[0] != '/' {
		mux.hosts = true


func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler)

// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address addr and then calls
// Serve with handler to handle requests on incoming connections.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
// The handler is typically nil, in which case the DefaultServeMux is used.
// ListenAndServe always returns a non-nil error.
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler Handler) error {
	server := &Server{Addr: addr, Handler: handler}
	return server.ListenAndServe()

ListenAndServe侦听TCP网络地址addr,然后用处理程序调用Serve来处理传入连接的请求。其中调用了func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe()。

// ListenAndServe listens on the TCP network address srv.Addr and then
// calls Serve to handle requests on incoming connections.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
// If srv.Addr is blank, ":http" is used.
// ListenAndServe always returns a non-nil error. After Shutdown or Close,
// the returned error is ErrServerClosed.
func (srv *Server) ListenAndServe() error {
	if srv.shuttingDown() {
		return ErrServerClosed
	addr := srv.Addr
	if addr == "" {            
		addr = ":http"       //如果srv.Addr为空,则让它等于“:http”
	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return srv.Serve(tcpKeepAliveListener{ln.(*net.TCPListener)})


// Serve accepts incoming connections on the Listener l, creating a
// new service goroutine for each. The service goroutines read requests and
// then call srv.Handler to reply to them.
// HTTP/2 support is only enabled if the Listener returns *tls.Conn
// connections and they were configured with "h2" in the TLS
// Config.NextProtos.
// Serve always returns a non-nil error and closes l.
// After Shutdown or Close, the returned error is ErrServerClosed.
func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener) error {
	if fn := testHookServerServe; fn != nil {
		fn(srv, l) // call hook with unwrapped listener

	l = &onceCloseListener{Listener: l}
	defer l.Close()

	if err := srv.setupHTTP2_Serve(); err != nil {
		return err

	if !srv.trackListener(&l, true) {
		return ErrServerClosed
	defer srv.trackListener(&l, false)

	var tempDelay time.Duration     // how long to sleep on accept failure
	baseCtx := context.Background() // base is always background, per Issue 16220
	ctx := context.WithValue(baseCtx, ServerContextKey, srv)
	for {
		rw, e := l.Accept()
		if e != nil {
			select {
			case <-srv.getDoneChan():
				return ErrServerClosed
			if ne, ok := e.(net.Error); ok && ne.Temporary() {
				if tempDelay == 0 {
					tempDelay = 5 * time.Millisecond
				} else {
					tempDelay *= 2
				if max := 1 * time.Second; tempDelay > max {
					tempDelay = max
				srv.logf("http: Accept error: %v; retrying in %v", e, tempDelay)
			return e
		tempDelay = 0
		c := srv.newConn(rw)
		c.setState(c.rwc, StateNew) // before Serve can return
		go c.serve(ctx)

Serve方法调用Listener的Accept方法接收监听器l上的传入连接,并为每一个连接创建一个service goroutine,读取请求,调用newConn方法创建一个连接对象来保存请求的信息,调用setState方法设置Conn的状态。最后调用serve提供一个新连接,处理连接请求。

// Create new connection from rwc.
func (srv *Server) newConn(rwc net.Conn) *conn {
	c := &conn{
		server: srv,
		rwc:    rwc,
	if debugServerConnections {
		c.rwc = newLoggingConn("server", c.rwc)
	return c


func (c *conn) setState(nc net.Conn, state ConnState) {
	srv := c.server
	switch state {
	case StateNew:
		srv.trackConn(c, true)
	case StateHijacked, StateClosed:
		srv.trackConn(c, false)
	if state > 0xff || state < 0 {
		panic("internal error")
	packedState := uint64(time.Now().Unix()<<8) | uint64(state)
	atomic.StoreUint64(&c.curState.atomic, packedState)
	if hook := srv.ConnState; hook != nil {
		hook(nc, state)

在func (srv *Server) Serve(l net.Listener)中,对于每个连接,都创建了一个独立的协程,以此保证了go语言的高效率。
