对应的英文:牵头人:leader;牵头单位:organizer;牵头做:lead/take the lead to/take charge of/head up/spearhead。在口语表达中,我们也可以用take care of,handle,deal with等词
例句:Huawei is designated by international standard organizations to lead the drafting of international standards forXXX technology. (国际标准组织指定华为牵头制定XXX技术的国际规范。)
“梳理”借用了用梳子梳头的比喻含义,表示将杂乱或大量的事物进行整理、整合或分类、分析。在英文中,comb表示梳子,comb through:表示仔细遍历信息(to search carefully among things),与中文的“梳理”有相通之处。
·梳理流程:rearrange or streamline processes
·梳理人员名单:determine the list of XXX members,梳理知识:classify or summarize knowledge
·梳理考核关系:review performance appraisal relationships
·问题梳理:analyze or classify problems/.issues
·TopN梳理:identify top N issues
·用户梳理:sort or classify users(这里的sort指的是将一堆事物或按照某种规则分类。)
After the discussion,hope we can come to an agreement.
Let's quickly align on/get aligned on our next moves.
在日常交流中,我们还可以采用地道表达“on the same page”,表示思路一致、想法对齐:
Let's hold a meeting to get us all on the same page.
Let's see if we're on the same page.
有时,研发工程师还经常会提到“将配置/数据拉齐、对齐”,表示确保各系统间的数据一致,对应的英文表达:Ensure that the data stays consistent between these two devices.
拉通对齐后,我们还需要持续推动。日常交流中,除了用promote,pushforward等,我们还可以这么说:I'll try my best to expedite/accelerate/hasten the design process.
Is there anything you can do to speed this up?
We need to get the ball rolling.(让工作像球一样向前滚起来,非常形象!)
Please get all of the tasks moving asap.
“打法”原为军事用语,用其比喻含义指方法、术、策略等。在英文中,也有一个形神均匹配的同义词Tactics,可以直接使用tactics:表示“打法”,如:Salespromotion tactics(销售推广打法)
·应对问题的手段:measures/countermeasures解决问题的妙招/贴士:tips for XXX
·应对挑战的方法:methods/approaches to tackle the challenges
·战略:strategy(如marketing strategy).
那么相应的,组合拳指的是“打法”的合集,我们可以采用这样的结构:a batch of/a combination of/a set of(表示合集的短语)+“打法”英文,例如,a combination of design methods。
可落地的生态(表示具有实践性价值):an ecosystem that is open,converged,beneficial,and practical..(共建共赢、融合开放、可落地的生态系统)
需求落地(表示需求可满足):Ensure that service requirementscan be met/fulfilled.
策略落地(表示策略可实施、可行):Strategies must beimplemented/enforced./The sales policies are feasible.方案落地(表示方案可应用):The network solution can becommercially applied in different industries.
系统落地(标识系统建成):The service operations system hasbeen set up/built.