Teaching Diary of Sunday School 2022-07-03

Attended Students:9

Attendance Record:

Beatrice (27)    John (27)    Riley (23)  Jordane (22)  Jacob (12)  Jaden (12)    Bea (7)    Alfonso (7)  Atarah (2)

Unattended students:5

Gabriel (9)      Zihui (1)  Eliot (22)    Ethan (12)    Camila (7)


James (sing songs )              Hilde (Catechism)        George (Bible Story)

Rashel: Game                    Cici: (Coordinator)

Classroom: Room 408


The content of the class

1:Beginning prayer(  We prayed  Our Father、Hail Mary、Glory tobe.  )

Bea lead the prayer.

2: Sing songs All Things Bright and Beautiful

3Catechism    Ten Commandments  (The fifth to the Ninth).

Revere your parents.

Try to avoid angry passions.

You shall not commit adultery.

To be honest and industrious.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbors.

4: Bible Story    Seven Gifts of Holy Spirit

Wisdom、Understanding、Knowledge、 Courage、Right judgement 、 Reverence 、Awe and wander.

5:  Game  ( Build Fortress )

Thekids are separated into two teams. They use some materials to make solid andstable fortresses, then try to tear down the opponent’s fortress.


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