On Writing Well -Day19 (Ch19)


Part I | Principles

1. The Transaction

2. Simplicity

3. Clutter (Writing clean English Sentence)

4. Style (Preserving your identity)

5. The audience (Who am I writing for)

6. Words (The only tools you’ve got)

7. Usage (What is good usage)

Part II | Methods

8. Unity (Anchor of good writing)

9. The lead and the ending

10. Bits and pieces

Part II | Forms

11. Nonfiction as Literature

12. Writing About People: The Interview

13. Writing About Places: The travel article

14. Writing About Yourself: The Memoir

15. Science and Technology

16. Business Writing:Writing in Your Job

17. Sports

18. Writing About the Arts Critics and Columnists

19. Humor


Words and Expressions:

1. Joseph Heller and Stanley Kubrick heightened the truth about war just enough to catch its lunacy.


1. N-UNCOUNT 荒诞;愚蠢

If you describe someone's behaviour as lunacy, you mean that it seems very strange or foolish.


...thelunacyof the tax system...


It remainslunacyto produce yet more coal to add to power stations' stockpiles.


2.N-UNCOUNT 精神错乱

Lunacy is severe mental illness.


2. sermons are the death of humor.

N-COUNT 布道;讲道

A sermon is a talk on a religious or moral subject that is given by a member of the clergy as part of a church service.

【例】He gave a long sermon against abortion

3. The writer must find some comic device—satire, parody, irony, lampoon, nonsense—that he can use to disguise his serious point.

1.N-UNCOUNT 讽刺;讥讽

Satire is the use of humour or exaggeration in order to show how foolish or wicked some people's behaviour or ideas are.

The commercial side of the Christmas season is an easy target forsatire.


2.N-COUNT 讽刺作品

A satire is a play, film, or novel in which humour or exaggeration is used to criticize something.

【搭配模式】:oft Nonn

...a sharp satire on the American political process.


4. I wear baby pink rollers, jumbo size.

1.ADJ (主要用于广告和产品名称中)巨大的,巨型的,特大的

Jumbo means very large; used mainly in advertising and in the names of products.

【搭配模式】:ADJ n

...a jumbo box of tissues.


...grilled jumbo prawns.


2.N-COUNT 大型喷气式客机

A jumbo or a jumbo

jet is a very large jet aircraft that can carry several hundred passengers.

...a British Airwaysjumbo.


5. Today the outlandish becomes routine overnight.

1.ADJ-GRADED 稀奇古怪的;异乎寻常的;不切实际的

If you describe something as outlandish, you disapprove of it because you think it is very unusual, strange, or unreasonable.


They appeared at parties in outlandish clothes...


This idea is not as outlandish as it sounds.


6. How rattled we all become when dealing with banks.

VERB 使紧张;使不安

If something or someone rattles you, they make you nervous.

【语法信息】:V n

The news from Body Shop rattled the rest of the retail sector...


She refused to be rattled by his £3,000-a-day lawyer.



He swore in Spanish, another indication that he was rattled.





If you’re trying to write humor, almost everything you do is serious.
It’s a special angle of vision granted to certain writers who already write good English.


Enjoyment, is what all humorists must convey.


Master the craft of writing good “straight” English;

Don’t search for the outlandish and scorn what seems too ordinary;

Don’t strain for laughs; humor is built on surprise, and you can surprise the reader only so often.



Humor may seem to be an act of gross exaggeration. But, but control is vital to humor.

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