
Your Career Decision-Making Process(你的职业道路决策流程)

5. Compare and think seriously about your choices(比较并认真考虑你所做的选择)

What you know about yourself, ie: your values:(你对自己的了解如何,如:你的价值观)

Have i done all the self-assement?(所有的自我评估都做了吗)

Do i know my skills, values, achievements, etc?(我了解自己的技能、价值观和成就吗)

Can i do this job?(我能胜任这份工作吗)

Your commitments to others involved in the change:(这一改变对于你对他人所负的责任有何影响)

Who else will it affect ( eg: partner, children, parents, friends ) ?(你的选择将影响哪些人(例如:伴侣、孩子、父母、朋友))

What impact will it have on them ( eg: if we move then the children will have to change schools ) ?(对他们有什么影响(例如:如果我们发生变动,孩子们将不得不转校))

Your resources:(你所拥有的资源)

Can i/we afford the change, ie: the cost of houses in the new area?(我/我们能承受这一变化吗?例如:新区房子的价格)

Can i cope with commuting three hours every day?(我能承受每天上下班3小时的路程吗)

Your constraints:(你所受到的限制)

Is the timing right?(时机成熟吗)

Will it mean a move?(这意味着要搬家吗)

Will the children want to move?(孩子们愿意搬家吗)

Will your husband/wife find a job when we move?(如果我们搬家的话,丈夫/妻子要找一份新工作吗)
