Greenplum错误排查——query plan with multiple segworker groups is not supported

query plan with multiple segworker groups is not supported

likely caused by a function that reads or modifies data in a distributed table



出错场景: UDF调用:

create or replace function pg_tiered_storage_move_to_storage_cold4(target_oid bigint) returns bigint




    table_name      text;

    schema_name     text;

    tmp_sql         text;

    catalog_exists  bool;

    nattrs          int;

    max_content_id  int;

    tmp_count1      int;

    tmp_count2      int;

    state_id        bigint;

    new_oid         bigint;

    target          text;

    filesize_arr    bigint[];

    slicesize_arr   bigint[];

    progress_arr    bigint[];

    handle_arr      text[];

    md5_arr         text[];

    etags_arr       text[];

    md5_local       text;

    md5_remote      text;

    md5_str         text;

    all_complete    boolean;

    tmp             bigint;

    tmpstr          text;

    tmpsegid        int;

    tmpatt          int;

    tmp_sql2        text;

    filesizestr     text;

    slicesizestr    text;

    database_oid    bigint;

    is_hdfs_storage_type bool;

    is_oss_storage_type bool;

    storage_type    int;

    is_origin_aocs  bool;




    -- 7. State Schedule_TASK_STATE_GETINFO: get column size:

    select case when exists(select task_id from pg_tiered_storage_tasks where table_oid = target_oid and current_state='G') then true else false end into catalog_exists;

    if catalog_exists then

        filesizestr := 'array[';

        slicesizestr := 'array[';

        tmp_count1 := 1;


            IF tmp_count1 >= nattrs + 1 THEN

                EXIT;  -- exit loop

            END IF;

            tmp_count2 := 0;

            FOR target IN select pg_tiered_storage_column_size(target_oid, tmp_count1) LOOP

                    filesize_arr[ tmp_count2 * nattrs + tmp_count1 - 1] := split_part(target, ',', 2)::bigint;

                    slicesize_arr[ tmp_count2 * nattrs + tmp_count1 - 1] := split_part(target, ',', 3)::bigint;

                    tmp_sql := tmp_sql || 'set allow_system_table_mods = true;update pg_tiered_storage_tasks set current_state=''I'', filesize=' || filesize_arr[ tmp_count2 * nattrs + tmp_count1 - 1] || ',slicesize=' || slicesize_arr[ tmp_count2 * nattrs + tmp_count1 - 1] || ' where table_oid=' || target_oid || ' and attnum =' || tmp_count1 || ' and segment_id=' || tmp_count2 || ';';

                    raise notice 'get column sql: %', tmp_sql;


                    tmp_count2 := tmp_count2 + 1;

                END LOOP;

            tmp_count1 := tmp_count1 + 1;

        end loop;

        tmp_count1 := 0;


