An extended Frame that makes window menus and toolbars automatically.
Use GuiMakerFrameMenu for embedded components (makes frame-based menus).
Use GuiMakerWindowMenu for top-level windows (makes Tk8.0 window menus).
See the self-test code (and PyEdit) for an example layout tree format.
import sys
from tkinter import * # widget classes
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
class GuiMaker(Frame):
menuBar = [] # class defaults
toolBar = [] # change per instance in subclasses
helpButton = True # set these in start() if need self
def __init__(self, parent=None):
Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # make frame stretchable
self.start() # for subclass: set menu/toolBar
self.makeMenuBar() # done here: build menu bar
self.makeToolBar() # done here: build toolbar
self.makeWidgets() # for subclass: add middle part
def makeMenuBar(self):
make menu bar at the top (Tk8.0 menus below)
expand=no, fill=x so same width on resize
menubar = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=2)
menubar.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
for (name, key, items) in self.menuBar:
mbutton = Menubutton(menubar, text=name, underline=key)
pulldown = Menu(mbutton)
self.addMenuItems(pulldown, items)
if self.helpButton:
Button(menubar, text = 'Help',
cursor = 'gumby',
relief = FLAT,
command =
def addMenuItems(self, menu, items):
for item in items: # scan nested items list
if item == 'separator': # string: add separator
elif type(item) == list: # list: disabled item list
for num in item:
menu.entryconfig(num, state=DISABLED)
elif type(item[2]) != list:
menu.add_command(label = item[0], # command:
underline = item[1], # add command
command = item[2]) # cmd=callable
pullover = Menu(menu)
self.addMenuItems(pullover, item[2]) # sublist:
menu.add_cascade(label = item[0], # make submenu
underline = item[1], # add cascade
menu = pullover)
def makeToolBar(self):
make button bar at bottom, if any
expand=no, fill=x so same width on resize
this could support images too: see Chapter 9,
would need prebuilt gifs or PIL for thumbnails
if self.toolBar:
toolbar = Frame(self, cursor='hand2', relief=SUNKEN, bd=2)
toolbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
for (name, action, where) in self.toolBar:
Button(toolbar, text=name, command=action).pack(where)
def makeWidgets(self):
make 'middle' part last, so menu/toolbar
is always on top/bottom and clipped last;
override this default, pack middle any side;
for grid: grid middle part in a packed frame
name = Label(self,
width=40, height=10,
relief=SUNKEN, bg='white',
text = self.__class__.__name__,
cursor = 'crosshair')
name.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH, side=TOP)
def help(self):
"override me in subclass"
showinfo('Help', 'Sorry, no help for ' + self.__class__.__name__)
def start(self):
"override me in subclass: set menu/toolbar with self"
Customize for Tk 8.0 main window menu bar, instead of a frame
GuiMakerFrameMenu = GuiMaker # use this for embedded component menus
class GuiMakerWindowMenu(GuiMaker): # use this for top-level window menus
def makeMenuBar(self):
menubar = Menu(self.master)
for (name, key, items) in self.menuBar:
pulldown = Menu(menubar)
self.addMenuItems(pulldown, items)
menubar.add_cascade(label=name, underline=key, menu=pulldown)
if self.helpButton:
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win':
pulldown = Menu(menubar) # Linux needs real pull down
menubar.add_cascade(label='Help', menu=pulldown)
PyEdit ( user startup configuration module;
General configurations
comment-out any setting in this section to accept Tk or program defaults;
can also change font/colors from GUI menus, and resize window when open;
imported via search path: can define per client app, skipped if not on the path;
initial font # family, size, style
font = ('courier', 9, 'normal') # e.g., style: 'bold italic'
initial color # default=white, black
bg = 'lightcyan' # colorname or RGB hexstr
fg = 'black' # e.g., 'powder blue', '#690f96'
initial size
height = 20 # Tk default: 24 lines
width = 80 # Tk default: 80 characters
search case-insensitive
caseinsens = True # default=1/True (on)
2.1: Unicode encoding behavior and names for file opens and saves;
attempts the cases listed below in the order shown, until the first one
that works; set all variables to false/empty/0 to use your platform's default
(which is 'utf-8' on Windows, or 'ascii' or 'latin-1' on others like Unix);
savesUseKnownEncoding: 0=No, 1=Yes for Save only, 2=Yes for Save and SaveAs;
imported from this file always: sys.path if main, else package relative;
# 1) tries internally known type first (e.g., email charset)
opensAskUser = True # 2) if True, try user input next (prefill with defaults)
opensEncoding = '' # 3) if nonempty, try this encoding next: 'latin-1', 'cp500'
# 4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() platform default next
# 5) uses binary mode bytes and Tk policy as the last resort
savesUseKnownEncoding = 1 # 1) if > 0, try known encoding from last open or save
savesAskUser = True # 2) if True, try user input next (prefill with known?)
savesEncoding = '' # 3) if nonempty, try this encoding next: 'utf-8', etc
# 4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() as a last resort
create a label+entry row frame, with optional file open browse button;
this is a separate module because it can save code in other programs too;
caller (or callbacks here): retain returned linked var while row is in use;
from tkinter import * # widgets and presets
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename # file selector dialog
def makeFormRow(parent, label, width=15, browse=True, extend=False):
var = StringVar()
row = Frame(parent)
lab = Label(row, text=label + '?', relief=RIDGE, width=width)
ent = Entry(row, relief=SUNKEN, textvariable=var)
row.pack(fill=X) # uses packed row frames
lab.pack(side=LEFT) # and fixed-width labels
ent.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=X) # or use grid(row, col)
if browse:
btn = Button(row, text='browse...')
if not extend:
lambda: var.set(askopenfilename() or var.get()) )
lambda: var.set(var.get() + ' ' + askopenfilename()) )
return var
PyEdit 2.1: a Python/tkinter text file editor and component.
Uses the Tk text widget, plus GuiMaker menus and toolbar buttons to
implement a full-featured text editor that can be run as a standalone
program, and attached as a component to other GUIs. Also used by
PyMailGUI and PyView to edit mail text and image file notes, and by
PyMailGUI and PyDemos in pop-up mode to display source and text files.
New in version 2.1 (4E)
-updated to run under Python 3.X (3.1)
-added "grep" search menu option and dialog: threaded external files search
-verify app exit on quit if changes in other edit windows in process
-supports arbitrary Unicode encodings for files: per settings
-update change and font dialog implementations to allow many to be open
-runs self.update() before setting text in new editor for loadFirst
-various improvements to the Run Code option, per the next section
2.1 Run Code improvements:
-use base name after chdir to run code file, not possibly relative path
-use launch modes that support arguments for run code file mode on Windows
-run code inherits launchmodes backslash conversion (no longer required)
New in version 2.0 (3E)
-added simple font components input dialog
-use Tk 8.4 undo stack API to add undo/redo text modifications
-now verifies on quit, open, new, run, only if text modified and unsaved
-searches are case-insensitive now by default
-configuration module for initial font/color/size/searchcase
TBD (and suggested exercises):
-could also allow search case choice in GUI (not just config file)
-could use re patterns for searches and greps (see text chapter)
-could experiment with syntax-directed text colorization (see IDLE, others)
-could try to verify app exit for quit() in non-managed windows too?
-could queue each result as found in grep dialog thread to avoid delay
-could use images in toolbar buttons (per examples of this in Chapter 9)
-could scan line to map Tk insert position column to account for tabs on Info
-could experiment with "grep" tbd Unicode issues (see notes in the code);
Version = '2.1'
import sys, os # platform, args, run tools
from tkinter import * # base widgets, constants
from tkinter.filedialog import Open, SaveAs # standard dialogs
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showerror, askyesno
from tkinter.simpledialog import askstring, askinteger
from tkinter.colorchooser import askcolor
from guimaker import * # Frame + menu/toolbar builders
general configurations
import textConfig # startup font and colors
configs = textConfig.dict # work if not on the path or bad
except: # define in client app directory
configs = {}
helptext = """PyEdit version %s
April, 2010
(2.0: January, 2006)
(1.0: October, 2000)
Programming Python, 4th Edition
Mark Lutz, for O'Reilly Media, Inc.
A text editor program and embeddable object
component, written in Python/tkinter. Use
menu tear-offs and toolbar for quick access
to actions, and Alt-key shortcuts for menus.
Additions in version %s:
- supports Python 3.X
- new "grep" external files search dialog
- verifies app quit if other edit windows changed
- supports arbitrary Unicode encodings for files
- allows multiple change and font dialogs
- various improvements to the Run Code option
Prior version additions:
- font pick dialog
- unlimited undo/redo
- quit/open/new/run prompt save only if changed
- searches are case-insensitive
- startup configuration module
START = '1.0' # index of first char: row=1,col=0
SEL_FIRST = SEL + '.first' # map sel tag to index
SEL_LAST = SEL + '.last' # same as 'sel.last'
FontScale = 0 # use bigger font on Linux
if sys.platform[:3] != 'win': # and other non-Windows boxes
FontScale = 3
Main class: implements editor GUI, actions
requires a flavor of GuiMaker to be mixed in by more specific subclasses;
not a direct subclass of GuiMaker because that class takes multiple forms.
class TextEditor: # mix with menu/toolbar Frame class
startfiledir = '.' # for dialogs
editwindows = [] # for process-wide quit check
# Unicode configurations
# imported in class to allow overrides in subclass or self
if __name__ == '__main__':
from textConfig import ( # my dir is on the path
opensAskUser, opensEncoding,
savesUseKnownEncoding, savesAskUser, savesEncoding)
from .textConfig import ( # 2.1: always from this package
opensAskUser, opensEncoding,
savesUseKnownEncoding, savesAskUser, savesEncoding)
ftypes = [('All files', '*'), # for file open dialog
('Text files', '.txt'), # customize in subclass
('Python files', '.py')] # or set in each instance
colors = [{'fg':'black', 'bg':'white'}, # color pick list
{'fg':'yellow', 'bg':'black'}, # first item is default
{'fg':'white', 'bg':'blue'}, # tailor me as desired
{'fg':'black', 'bg':'beige'}, # or do PickBg/Fg chooser
{'fg':'yellow', 'bg':'purple'},
{'fg':'black', 'bg':'brown'},
{'fg':'lightgreen', 'bg':'darkgreen'},
{'fg':'darkblue', 'bg':'orange'},
{'fg':'orange', 'bg':'darkblue'}]
fonts = [('courier', 9+FontScale, 'normal'), # platform-neutral fonts
('courier', 12+FontScale, 'normal'), # (family, size, style)
('courier', 10+FontScale, 'bold'), # or pop up a listbox
('courier', 10+FontScale, 'italic'), # make bigger on Linux
('times', 10+FontScale, 'normal'), # use 'bold italic' for 2
('helvetica', 10+FontScale, 'normal'), # also 'underline', etc.
('ariel', 10+FontScale, 'normal'),
('system', 10+FontScale, 'normal'),
('courier', 20+FontScale, 'normal')]
def __init__(self, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
if not isinstance(self, GuiMaker):
raise TypeError('TextEditor needs a GuiMaker mixin')
self.lastfind = None
self.openDialog = None
self.saveDialog = None
self.knownEncoding = None # 2.1 Unicode: till Open or Save
self.text.focus() # else must click in text
if loadFirst:
self.update() # 2.1: else @ line 2; see book
self.onOpen(loadFirst, loadEncode)
def start(self): # run by GuiMaker.__init__
self.menuBar = [ # configure menu/toolbar
('File', 0, # a GuiMaker menu def tree
[('Open...', 0, self.onOpen), # build in method for self
('Save', 0, self.onSave), # label, shortcut, callback
('Save As...', 5, self.onSaveAs),
('New', 0, self.onNew),
('Quit...', 0, self.onQuit)]
('Edit', 0,
[('Undo', 0, self.onUndo),
('Redo', 0, self.onRedo),
('Cut', 0, self.onCut),
('Copy', 1, self.onCopy),
('Paste', 0, self.onPaste),
('Delete', 0, self.onDelete),
('Select All', 0, self.onSelectAll)]
('Search', 0,
[('Goto...', 0, self.onGoto),
('Find...', 0, self.onFind),
('Refind', 0, self.onRefind),
('Change...', 0, self.onChange),
('Grep...', 3, self.onGrep)]
('Tools', 0,
[('Pick Font...', 6, self.onPickFont),
('Font List', 0, self.onFontList),
('Pick Bg...', 3, self.onPickBg),
('Pick Fg...', 0, self.onPickFg),
('Color List', 0, self.onColorList),
('Info...', 0, self.onInfo),
('Clone', 1, self.onClone),
('Run Code', 0, self.onRunCode)]
self.toolBar = [
('Save', self.onSave, {'side': LEFT}),
('Cut', self.onCut, {'side': LEFT}),
('Copy', self.onCopy, {'side': LEFT}),
('Paste', self.onPaste, {'side': LEFT}),
('Find', self.onRefind, {'side': LEFT}),
('Help',, {'side': RIGHT}),
('Quit', self.onQuit, {'side': RIGHT})]
def makeWidgets(self): # run by GuiMaker.__init__
name = Label(self, bg='black', fg='white') # add below menu, above tool
name.pack(side=TOP, fill=X) # menu/toolbars are packed
# GuiMaker frame packs itself
vbar = Scrollbar(self)
hbar = Scrollbar(self, orient='horizontal')
text = Text(self, padx=5, wrap='none') # disable line wrapping
text.config(undo=1, autoseparators=1) # 2.0, default is 0, 1
vbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) # pack text last
text.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES) # else sbars clipped
text.config(yscrollcommand=vbar.set) # call vbar.set on text move
vbar.config(command=text.yview) # call text.yview on scroll move
hbar.config(command=text.xview) # or hbar['command']=text.xview
# 2.0: apply user configs or defaults
startfont = configs.get('font', self.fonts[0])
startbg = configs.get('bg', self.colors[0]['bg'])
startfg = configs.get('fg', self.colors[0]['fg'])
text.config(font=startfont, bg=startbg, fg=startfg)
if 'height' in configs: text.config(height=configs['height'])
if 'width' in configs: text.config(width =configs['width'])
self.text = text
self.filelabel = name
# File menu commands
def my_askopenfilename(self): # objects remember last result dir/file
if not self.openDialog:
self.openDialog = Open(initialdir=self.startfiledir,
def my_asksaveasfilename(self): # objects remember last result dir/file
if not self.saveDialog:
self.saveDialog = SaveAs(initialdir=self.startfiledir,
def onOpen(self, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
2.1: total rewrite for Unicode support; open in text mode with
an encoding passed in, input from the user, in textconfig, or
platform default, or open as binary bytes for arbitrary Unicode
encodings as last resort and drop \r in Windows end-lines if
present so text displays normally; content fetches are returned
as str, so need to encode on saves: keep encoding used here;
tests if file is okay ahead of time to try to avoid opens;
we could also load and manually decode bytes to str to avoid
multiple open attempts, but this is unlikely to try all cases;
encoding behavior is configurable in the local
1) tries known type first if passed in by client (email charsets)
2) if opensAskUser True, try user input next (prefill wih defaults)
3) if opensEncoding nonempty, try this encoding next: 'latin-1', etc.
4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() platform default next
5) uses binary mode bytes and Tk policy as the last resort
if self.text_edit_modified(): # 2.0
if not askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text has changed: discard changes?'):
file = loadFirst or self.my_askopenfilename()
if not file:
if not os.path.isfile(file):
showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not open file ' + file)
# try known encoding if passed and accurate (e.g., email)
text = None # empty file = '' = False: test for None!
if loadEncode:
text = open(file, 'r', encoding=loadEncode).read()
self.knownEncoding = loadEncode
except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError): # lookup: bad name
# try user input, prefill with next choice as default
if text == None and self.opensAskUser:
self.update() # else dialog doesn't appear in rare cases
askuser = askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter Unicode encoding for open',
initialvalue=(self.opensEncoding or
sys.getdefaultencoding() or ''))
self.text.focus() # else must click
if askuser:
text = open(file, 'r', encoding=askuser).read()
self.knownEncoding = askuser
except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError):
# try config file (or before ask user?)
if text == None and self.opensEncoding:
text = open(file, 'r', encoding=self.opensEncoding).read()
self.knownEncoding = self.opensEncoding
except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError):
# try platform default (utf-8 on windows; try utf8 always?)
if text == None:
text = open(file, 'r', encoding=sys.getdefaultencoding()).read()
self.knownEncoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
except (UnicodeError, LookupError, IOError):
# last resort: use binary bytes and rely on Tk to decode
if text == None:
text = open(file, 'rb').read() # bytes for Unicode
text = text.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') # for display, saves
self.knownEncoding = None
except IOError:
if text == None:
showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not decode and open file ' + file)
self.text.edit_reset() # 2.0: clear undo/redo stks
self.text.edit_modified(0) # 2.0: clear modified flag
def onSave(self):
self.onSaveAs(self.currfile) # may be None
def onSaveAs(self, forcefile=None):
2.1: total rewrite for Unicode support: Text content is always
returned as a str, so we must deal with encodings to save to
a file here, regardless of open mode of the output file (binary
requires bytes, and text must encode); tries the encoding used
when opened or saved (if known), user input, config file setting,
and platform default last; most users can use platform default;
retains successful encoding name here for next save, because this
may be the first Save after New or a manual text insertion; Save
and SaveAs may both use last known encoding, per config file (it
probably should be used for Save, but SaveAs usage is unclear);
gui prompts are prefilled with the known encoding if there is one;
does manual text.encode() to avoid creating file; text mode files
perform platform specific end-line conversion: Windows \r dropped
if present on open by text mode (auto) and binary mode (manually);
if manual content inserts, must delete \r else duplicates here;
knownEncoding=None before first Open or Save, after New, if binary Open;
encoding behavior is configurable in the local
1) if savesUseKnownEncoding > 0, try encoding from last open or save
2) if savesAskUser True, try user input next (prefill with known?)
3) if savesEncoding nonempty, try this encoding next: 'utf-8', etc
4) tries sys.getdefaultencoding() as a last resort
filename = forcefile or self.my_asksaveasfilename()
if not filename:
text = self.getAllText() # 2.1: a str string, with \n eolns,
encpick = None # even if read/inserted as bytes
# try known encoding at latest Open or Save, if any
if self.knownEncoding and ( # enc known?
(forcefile and self.savesUseKnownEncoding >= 1) or # on Save?
(not forcefile and self.savesUseKnownEncoding >= 2)): # on SaveAs?
encpick = self.knownEncoding
except UnicodeError:
# try user input, prefill with known type, else next choice
if not encpick and self.savesAskUser:
self.update() # else dialog doesn't appear in rare cases
askuser = askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter Unicode encoding for save',
initialvalue=(self.knownEncoding or
self.savesEncoding or
sys.getdefaultencoding() or ''))
self.text.focus() # else must click
if askuser:
encpick = askuser
except (UnicodeError, LookupError): # LookupError: bad name
pass # UnicodeError: can't encode
# try config file
if not encpick and self.savesEncoding:
encpick = self.savesEncoding
except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
# try platform default (utf8 on windows)
if not encpick:
encpick = sys.getdefaultencoding()
except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
# open in text mode for endlines + encoding
if not encpick:
showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not encode for file ' + filename)
file = open(filename, 'w', encoding=encpick)
showerror('PyEdit', 'Could not write file ' + filename)
self.setFileName(filename) # may be newly created
self.text.edit_modified(0) # 2.0: clear modified flag
self.knownEncoding = encpick # 2.1: keep enc for next save
# don't clear undo/redo stks!
def onNew(self):
start editing a new file from scratch in current window;
see onClone to pop-up a new independent edit window instead;
if self.text_edit_modified(): # 2.0
if not askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text has changed: discard changes?'):
self.text.edit_reset() # 2.0: clear undo/redo stks
self.text.edit_modified(0) # 2.0: clear modified flag
self.knownEncoding = None # 2.1: Unicode type unknown
def onQuit(self):
on Quit menu/toolbar select and wm border X button in toplevel windows;
2.1: don't exit app if others changed; 2.0: don't ask if self unchanged;
moved to the top-level window classes at the end since may vary per usage:
a Quit in GUI might quit() to exit, destroy() just one Toplevel, Tk, or
edit frame, or not be provided at all when run as an attached component;
check self for changes, and if might quit(), main windows should check
other windows in the process-wide list to see if they have changed too;
assert False, 'onQuit must be defined in window-specific sublass'
def text_edit_modified(self):
2.1: this now works! seems to have been a bool result type issue in tkinter;
2.0: self.text.edit_modified() broken in Python 2.4: do manually for now;
return self.text.edit_modified()
#return, 'edit') + ('modified', None))
# Edit menu commands
def onUndo(self): # 2.0
try: # tk8.4 keeps undo/redo stacks
self.text.edit_undo() # exception if stacks empty
except TclError: # menu tear-offs for quick undo
showinfo('PyEdit', 'Nothing to undo')
def onRedo(self): # 2.0: redo an undone
except TclError:
showinfo('PyEdit', 'Nothing to redo')
def onCopy(self): # get text selected by mouse, etc.
if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL): # save in cross-app clipboard
showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
text = self.text.get(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)
def onDelete(self): # delete selected text, no save
if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):
showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
self.text.delete(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)
def onCut(self):
if not self.text.tag_ranges(SEL):
showerror('PyEdit', 'No text selected')
self.onCopy() # save and delete selected text
def onPaste(self):
text = self.selection_get(selection='CLIPBOARD')
except TclError:
showerror('PyEdit', 'Nothing to paste')
self.text.insert(INSERT, text) # add at current insert cursor
self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END)
self.text.tag_add(SEL, INSERT+'-%dc' % len(text), INSERT)
self.text.see(INSERT) # select it, so it can be cut
def onSelectAll(self):
self.text.tag_add(SEL, '1.0', END+'-1c') # select entire text
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0') # move insert point to top
self.text.see(INSERT) # scroll to top
# Search menu commands
def onGoto(self, forceline=None):
line = forceline or askinteger('PyEdit', 'Enter line number')
if line is not None:
maxindex = self.text.index(END+'-1c')
maxline = int(maxindex.split('.')[0])
if line > 0 and line <= maxline:
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '%d.0' % line) # goto line
self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END) # delete selects
self.text.tag_add(SEL, INSERT, 'insert + 1l') # select line
self.text.see(INSERT) # scroll to line
showerror('PyEdit', 'Bad line number')
def onFind(self, lastkey=None):
key = lastkey or askstring('PyEdit', 'Enter search string')
self.lastfind = key
if key: # 2.0: nocase
nocase = configs.get('caseinsens', True) # 2.0: config
where =, INSERT, END, nocase=nocase)
if not where: # don't wrap
showerror('PyEdit', 'String not found')
pastkey = where + '+%dc' % len(key) # index past key
self.text.tag_remove(SEL, '1.0', END) # remove any sel
self.text.tag_add(SEL, where, pastkey) # select key
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, pastkey) # for next find
self.text.see(where) # scroll display
def onRefind(self):
def onChange(self):
non-modal find/change dialog
2.1: pass per-dialog inputs to callbacks, may be > 1 change dialog open
new = Toplevel(self)
new.title('PyEdit - change')
Label(new, text='Find text?', relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=0, column=0)
Label(new, text='Change to?', relief=RIDGE, width=15).grid(row=1, column=0)
entry1 = Entry(new)
entry2 = Entry(new)
entry1.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=EW)
entry2.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=EW)
def onFind(): # use my entry in enclosing scope
self.onFind(entry1.get()) # runs normal find dialog callback
def onApply():
self.onDoChange(entry1.get(), entry2.get())
Button(new, text='Find', command=onFind ).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=EW)
Button(new, text='Apply', command=onApply).grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=EW)
new.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # expandable entries
def onDoChange(self, findtext, changeto):
# on Apply in change dialog: change and refind
if self.text.tag_ranges(SEL): # must find first
self.text.delete(SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST)
self.text.insert(INSERT, changeto) # deletes if empty
self.onFind(findtext) # goto next appear
self.text.update() # force refresh
def onGrep(self):
new in version 2.1: threaded external file search;
search matched filenames in directory tree for string;
listbox clicks open matched file at line of occurrence;
search is threaded so the GUI remains active and is not
blocked, and to allow multiple greps to overlap in time;
could use threadtools, but avoid loop in no active grep;
grep Unicode policy: text files content in the searched tree
might be in any Unicode encoding: we don't ask about each (as
we do for opens), but allow the encoding used for the entire
tree to be input, preset it to the platform filesystem or
text default, and skip files that fail to decode; in worst
cases, users may need to run grep N times if N encodings might
exist; else opens may raise exceptions, and opening in binary
mode might fail to match encoded text against search string;
TBD: better to issue an error if any file fails to decode?
but utf-16 2-bytes/char format created in Notepad may decode
without error per utf-8, and search strings won't be found;
TBD: could allow input of multiple encoding names, split on
comma, try each one for every file, without open loadEncode?
from PP4E.Gui.ShellGui.formrows import makeFormRow
# nonmodal dialog: get dirnname, filenamepatt, grepkey
popup = Toplevel()
popup.title('PyEdit - grep')
var1 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Directory root', width=18, browse=False)
var2 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Filename pattern', width=18, browse=False)
var3 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Search string', width=18, browse=False)
var4 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Content encoding', width=18, browse=False)
var1.set('.') # current dir
var2.set('*.py') # initial values
var4.set(sys.getdefaultencoding()) # for file content, not filenames
cb = lambda: self.onDoGrep(var1.get(), var2.get(), var3.get(), var4.get())
Button(popup, text='Go',command=cb).pack()
def onDoGrep(self, dirname, filenamepatt, grepkey, encoding):
on Go in grep dialog: populate scrolled list with matches
tbd: should producer thread be daemon so it dies with app?
import threading, queue
# make non-modal un-closeable dialog
mypopup = Tk()
mypopup.title('PyEdit - grepping')
status = Label(mypopup, text='Grep thread searching for: %r...' % grepkey)
status.pack(padx=20, pady=20)
mypopup.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda: None) # ignore X close
# start producer thread, consumer loop
myqueue = queue.Queue()
threadargs = (filenamepatt, dirname, grepkey, encoding, myqueue)
threading.Thread(target=self.grepThreadProducer, args=threadargs).start()
self.grepThreadConsumer(grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup)
def grepThreadProducer(self, filenamepatt, dirname, grepkey, encoding, myqueue):
in a non-GUI parallel thread: queue find.find results list;
could also queue matches as found, but need to keep window;
file content and file names may both fail to decode here;
TBD: could pass encoded bytes to find() to avoid filename
decoding excs in os.walk/listdir, but which encoding to use:
sys.getfilesystemencoding() if not None? see also Chapter6
footnote issue: 3.1 fnmatch always converts bytes per Latin-1;
from PP4E.Tools.find import find
matches = []
for filepath in find(pattern=filenamepatt, startdir=dirname):
textfile = open(filepath, encoding=encoding)
for (linenum, linestr) in enumerate(textfile):
if grepkey in linestr:
msg = '%s@%d [%s]' % (filepath, linenum + 1, linestr)
except UnicodeError as X:
print('Unicode error in:', filepath, X) # eg: decode, bom
except IOError as X:
print('IO error in:', filepath, X) # eg: permission
myqueue.put(matches) # stop consumer loop on find excs: filenames?
def grepThreadConsumer(self, grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup):
in the main GUI thread: watch queue for results or [];
there may be multiple active grep threads/loops/queues;
there may be other types of threads/checkers in process,
especially when PyEdit is attached component (PyMailGUI);
import queue
matches = myqueue.get(block=False)
except queue.Empty:
myargs = (grepkey, encoding, myqueue, mypopup)
self.after(250, self.grepThreadConsumer, *myargs)
mypopup.destroy() # close status
self.update() # erase it now
if not matches:
showinfo('PyEdit', 'Grep found no matches for: %r' % grepkey)
self.grepMatchesList(matches, grepkey, encoding)
def grepMatchesList(self, matches, grepkey, encoding):
populate list after successful matches;
we already know Unicode encoding from the search: use
it here when filename clicked, so open doesn't ask user;
from PP4E.Gui.Tour.scrolledlist import ScrolledList
print('Matches for %s: %s' % (grepkey, len(matches)))
# catch list double-click
class ScrolledFilenames(ScrolledList):
def runCommand(self, selection):
file, line = selection.split(' [', 1)[0].split('@')
editor = TextEditorMainPopup(
loadFirst=file, winTitle=' grep match', loadEncode=encoding)
editor.text.focus_force() # no, really
# new non-modal widnow
popup = Tk()
popup.title('PyEdit - grep matches: %r (%s)' % (grepkey, encoding))
ScrolledFilenames(parent=popup, options=matches)
# Tools menu commands
def onFontList(self):
self.fonts.append(self.fonts[0]) # pick next font in list
del self.fonts[0] # resizes the text area
def onColorList(self):
self.colors.append(self.colors[0]) # pick next color in list
del self.colors[0] # move current to end
self.text.config(fg=self.colors[0]['fg'], bg=self.colors[0]['bg'])
def onPickFg(self):
self.pickColor('fg') # added on 10/02/00
def onPickBg(self): # select arbitrary color
self.pickColor('bg') # in standard color dialog
def pickColor(self, part): # this is too easy
(triple, hexstr) = askcolor()
if hexstr:
self.text.config(**{part: hexstr})
def onInfo(self):
pop-up dialog giving text statistics and cursor location;
caveat (2.1): Tk insert position column counts a tab as one
character: translate to next multiple of 8 to match visual?
text = self.getAllText() # added on 5/3/00 in 15 mins
bytes = len(text) # words uses a simple guess:
lines = len(text.split('\n')) # any separated by whitespace
words = len(text.split()) # 3.x: bytes is really chars
index = self.text.index(INSERT) # str is unicode code points
where = tuple(index.split('.'))
showinfo('PyEdit Information',
'Current location:\n\n' +
'line:\t%s\ncolumn:\t%s\n\n' % where +
'File text statistics:\n\n' +
'chars:\t%d\nlines:\t%d\nwords:\t%d\n' % (bytes, lines, words))
def onClone(self, makewindow=True):
open a new edit window without changing one already open (onNew);
inherits quit and other behavior of the window that it clones;
2.1: subclass must redefine/replace this if makes its own popup,
else this creates a bogus extra window here which will be empty;
if not makewindow:
new = None # assume class makes its own window
new = Toplevel() # a new edit window in same process
myclass = self.__class__ # instance's (lowest) class object
myclass(new) # attach/run instance of my class
def onRunCode(self, parallelmode=True):
run Python code being edited--not an IDE, but handy;
tries to run in file's dir, not cwd (may be PP4E root);
inputs and adds command-line arguments for script files;
code's stdin/out/err = editor's start window, if any:
run with a console window to see code's print outputs;
but parallelmode uses start to open a DOS box for I/O;
module search path will include '.' dir where started;
in non-file mode, code's Tk root may be PyEdit's window;
subprocess or multiprocessing modules may work here too;
2.1: fixed to use base file name after chdir, not path;
2.1: use StartArgs to allow args in file mode on Windows;
2.1: run an update() after 1st dialog else 2nd dialog
sometimes does not appear in rare cases;
def askcmdargs():
return askstring('PyEdit', 'Commandline arguments?') or ''
from PP4E.launchmodes import System, Start, StartArgs, Fork
filemode = False
thefile = str(self.getFileName())
if os.path.exists(thefile):
filemode = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Run from file?')
self.update() # 2.1: run update()
if not filemode: # run text string
cmdargs = askcmdargs()
namespace = {'__name__': '__main__'} # run as top-level
sys.argv = [thefile] + cmdargs.split() # could use threads
exec(self.getAllText() + '\n', namespace) # exceptions ignored
elif self.text_edit_modified(): # 2.0: changed test
showerror('PyEdit', 'Text changed: you must save before run')
cmdargs = askcmdargs()
mycwd = os.getcwd() # cwd may be root
dirname, filename = os.path.split(thefile) # get dir, base
os.chdir(dirname or mycwd) # cd for filenames
thecmd = filename + ' ' + cmdargs # 2.1: not theFile
if not parallelmode: # run as file
System(thecmd, thecmd)() # block editor
if sys.platform[:3] == 'win': # spawn in parallel
run = StartArgs if cmdargs else Start # 2.1: support args
run(thecmd, thecmd)() # or always Spawn
Fork(thecmd, thecmd)() # spawn in parallel
os.chdir(mycwd) # go back to my dir
def onPickFont(self):
2.0 non-modal font spec dialog
2.1: pass per-dialog inputs to callback, may be > 1 font dialog open
from formrows import makeFormRow
popup = Toplevel(self)
popup.title('PyEdit - font')
var1 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Family', browse=False)
var2 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Size', browse=False)
var3 = makeFormRow(popup, label='Style', browse=False)
var2.set('12') # suggested vals
var3.set('bold italic') # see pick list for valid inputs
Button(popup, text='Apply', command=
lambda: self.onDoFont(var1.get(), var2.get(), var3.get())).pack()
def onDoFont(self, family, size, style):
self.text.config(font=(family, int(size), style))
showerror('PyEdit', 'Bad font specification')
# Utilities, useful outside this class
def isEmpty(self):
return not self.getAllText()
def getAllText(self):
return self.text.get('1.0', END+'-1c') # extract text as str string
def setAllText(self, text):
caller: call self.update() first if just packed, else the
initial position may be at line 2, not line 1 (2.1; Tk bug?)
self.text.delete('1.0', END) # store text string in widget
self.text.insert(END, text) # or '1.0'; text=bytes or str
self.text.mark_set(INSERT, '1.0') # move insert point to top
self.text.see(INSERT) # scroll to top, insert set
def clearAllText(self):
self.text.delete('1.0', END) # clear text in widget
def getFileName(self):
return self.currfile
def setFileName(self, name): # see also: onGoto(linenum)
self.currfile = name # for save
def setKnownEncoding(self, encoding='utf-8'): # 2.1: for saves if inserted
self.knownEncoding = encoding # else saves use config, ask?
def setBg(self, color):
self.text.config(bg=color) # to set manually from code
def setFg(self, color):
self.text.config(fg=color) # 'black', hexstring
def setFont(self, font):
self.text.config(font=font) # ('family', size, 'style')
def setHeight(self, lines): # default = 24h x 80w
self.text.config(height=lines) # may also be from
def setWidth(self, chars):
def clearModified(self):
self.text.edit_modified(0) # clear modified flag
def isModified(self):
return self.text_edit_modified() # changed since last reset?
def help(self):
showinfo('About PyEdit', helptext % ((Version,)*2))
Ready-to-use editor classes
mixes in a GuiMaker Frame subclass which builds menu and toolbars
these classes are common use cases, but other configurations are possible;
call TextEditorMain().mainloop() to start PyEdit as a standalone program;
redefine/extend onQuit in a subclass to catch exit or destroy (see PyView);
caveat: could use for icons, but quit protocol is custom here.
2.1: on quit(), don't silently exit entire app if any other changed edit
windows are open in the process - changes would be lost because all other
windows are closed too, including multiple Tk editor parents; uses a list
to keep track of all PyEdit window instances open in process; this may be
too broad (if we destroy() instead of quit(), need only check children
of parent being destroyed), but better to err on side of being too inclusive;
onQuit moved here because varies per window type and is not present for all;
assumes a TextEditorMainPopup is never a parent to other editor windows -
Toplevel children are destroyed with their parents; this does not address
closes outside the scope of PyEdit classes here (tkinter quit is available
on every widget, and any widget type may be a Toplevel parent!); client is
responsible for checking for editor content changes in all uncovered cases;
note that tkinter's bind event won't help here, because its callback
cannot run GUI operations such as text change tests and fetches - see the
book and for more details on this event;
when text editor owns the window
class TextEditorMain(TextEditor, GuiMakerWindowMenu):
main PyEdit windows that quit() to exit app on a Quit in GUI, and build
a menu on a window; parent may be default Tk, explicit Tk, or Toplevel:
parent must be a window, and probably should be a Tk so this isn't silently
destroyed and closed with a parent; all main PyEdit windows check all other
PyEdit windows open in the process for changes on a Quit in the GUI, since
a quit() here will exit the entire app; the editor's frame need not occupy
entire window (may have other parts: see PyView), but its Quit ends program;
onQuit is run for Quit in toolbar or File menu, as well as window border X;
def init(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
# editor fills whole parent window
GuiMaker.init(self, parent) # use main window menus
TextEditor.init(self, loadFirst, loadEncode) # GuiMaker frame packs self
self.master.title('PyEdit ' + Version) # title, wm X if standalone
self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.onQuit)
def onQuit(self): # on a Quit request in the GUI
close = not self.text_edit_modified() # check self, ask?, check others
if not close:
close = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text changed: quit and discard changes?')
if close:
windows = TextEditor.editwindows
changed = [w for w in windows if w != self and w.text_edit_modified()]
if not changed:
GuiMaker.quit(self) # quit ends entire app regardless of widget type
numchange = len(changed)
verify = '%s other edit window%s changed: quit and discard anyhow?'
verify = verify % (numchange, 's' if numchange > 1 else '')
if askyesno('PyEdit', verify):
class TextEditorMainPopup(TextEditor, GuiMakerWindowMenu):
popup PyEdit windows that destroy() to close only self on a Quit in GUI,
and build a menu on a window; makes own Toplevel parent, which is child
to default Tk (for None) or other passed-in window or widget (e.g., a frame);
adds to list so will be checked for changes if any PyEdit main window quits;
if any PyEdit main windows will be created, parent of this should also be a
PyEdit main window's parent so this is not closed silently while being tracked;
onQuit is run for Quit in toolbar or File menu, as well as window border X;
def init(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', winTitle='', loadEncode=''):
# create own window
self.popup = Toplevel(parent)
GuiMaker.init(self, self.popup) # use main window menus
TextEditor.init(self, loadFirst, loadEncode) # a frame in a new popup
assert self.master == self.popup
self.popup.title('PyEdit ' + Version + winTitle)
self.popup.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.onQuit)
def onQuit(self):
close = not self.text_edit_modified()
if not close:
close = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text changed: quit and discard changes?')
if close:
self.popup.destroy() # kill this window only
TextEditor.editwindows.remove(self) # (plus any child windows)
def onClone(self):
TextEditor.onClone(self, makewindow=False) # I make my own pop-up
when editor embedded in another window
class TextEditorComponent(TextEditor, GuiMakerFrameMenu):
attached PyEdit component frames with full menu/toolbar options,
which run a destroy() on a Quit in the GUI to erase self only;
a Quit in the GUI verifies if any changes in self (only) here;
does not intercept window manager border X: doesn't own window;
does not add self to changes tracking list: part of larger app;
def init(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', loadEncode=''):
# use Frame-based menus
GuiMaker.init(self, parent) # all menus, buttons on
TextEditor.init(self, loadFirst, loadEncode) # GuiMaker must init 1st
def onQuit(self):
close = not self.text_edit_modified()
if not close:
close = askyesno('PyEdit', 'Text changed: quit and discard changes?')
if close:
self.destroy() # erase self Frame but do not quit enclosing app
class TextEditorComponentMinimal(TextEditor, GuiMakerFrameMenu):
attached PyEdit component frames without Quit and File menu options;
on startup, removes Quit from toolbar, and either deletes File menu
or disables all its items (possibly hackish, but sufficient); menu and
toolbar structures are per-instance data: changes do not impact others;
Quit in GUI never occurs, because it is removed from available options;
def init(self, parent=None, loadFirst='', deleteFile=True, loadEncode=''):
self.deleteFile = deleteFile
GuiMaker.init(self, parent) # GuiMaker frame packs self
TextEditor.init(self, loadFirst, loadEncode) # TextEditor adds middle
def start(self):
TextEditor.start(self) # GuiMaker start call
for i in range(len(self.toolBar)): # delete quit in toolbar
if self.toolBar[i][0] == 'Quit': # delete file menu items,
del self.toolBar[i] # or just disable file
if self.deleteFile:
for i in range(len(self.menuBar)):
if self.menuBar[i][0] == 'File':
del self.menuBar[i]
for (name, key, items) in self.menuBar:
if name == 'File':
standalone program run
def testPopup():
# see PyView and PyMail for component tests
root = Tk()
Button(root, text='More', command=TextEditorMainPopup).pack(fill=X)
Button(root, text='Quit', command=root.quit).pack(fill=X)
def main(): # may be typed or clicked
try: # or associated on Windows
fname = sys.argv[1] # arg = optional filename
except IndexError: # build in default Tk root
fname = None
TextEditorMain(loadFirst=fname).pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH) # pack optional
if name == 'main': # when run as a script
main() # run .pyw for no DOS box