纸牌屋House of Cards第1季第1集台词 中英对照

纸牌屋House of Cards第1季第1集台词

英文 中文
Hey, what are you doing? 你在干什么?
Jesus. Did you get a good look? 老天,你看清楚了吗?
Blue Toyota Camry, that's all I saw. 我只看到蓝色丰田房车
-It's the Wartons' dog.-Oh, man. - 是沃顿家的狗- 天啊
It's not gonna make it. 看来是没救了
Go see if they're home. 看他们在不在家
It's okay. 不要紧
There are two kinds of pain. 世上有两种苦痛
The sort of pain that makes you strong 一种会让你变得强壮
or useless pain,the sort of pain that's only suffering. 另一种是无用的痛只让人煎熬
I have no patience for useless things. 我没耐性应付无用的事物
Moments like this require someonewho will act. 这种情况需要果断的人
Who will do the unpleasant thing, 能为他人所不愿为
the necessary thing. 做出必须要做的事
There. 好了
No more pain. 不会痛了
It was a hit and run. I'm awfully sorry. 有人肇事逃逸我真的感到很抱歉
He must've jumped over the fence again. 它一定又越过护栏
Look, Steve is gonna file a report on the car.He'll put his people on it. 听着,史提夫会去报案他会派人去追查
We'll track them down. 一定会把他们揪出来
Stunning. 好美
Shall we? 出发吧?
Happy New Year! 新年快乐!
President-elect Garrett Walker. 总统当选人葛瑞沃克
Do I like him? No. 我喜欢他吗?不喜欢
Do I believe in him? That's beside the point. 信任他吗?这不是重点
Any politician that gets 70 million votes 任何能赢得七千万选票的政客
has tapped into something largerthan himself, 拥有的权势大过于他本人
Iarger than even me,as much as I hate to admit it. 也大过于我,就算我不想承认
Look at that winning smile,those trusting eyes. 看看那胜者的微笑那充满信任的眼神
I latched onto him early onand made myselfvital. 我早些时候就跟他搭上线成为他的得力助手
After 22 years in Congress,I can smell which way the wind is blowing. 在国会混了22年我早摸清了局势
Jim Matthews,his Right Honorable Vice President. 吉姆马修他那刚正不阿的副总统
Former governor of Pennsylvania. 前宾州州长
He did his duty in deliveringthe Keystone State, bless his heart. 他很称职地拉拢了宾州的选民愿神眷顾他
Now they're about to put him out to pasture. 他们这会却打算扔下他
But he looks happy enough, doesn't he? 但他看来还真快乐,不是吗?
For some, it's simply the size of the chair. 对某些人来说位子的大小才是最重要的
Linda Vasquez, Walker's chief of staff.I got her hired. 琳达瓦克斯,沃克的参谋是我帮她谋得职位
She's a woman, check. And a Latina, check.But more important than that, 她是拉丁裔女人但最重要的是
she's as tough as a two-dollar steak.Check, check, check. 她够强悍,符合所有的条件
When it comes to the White House, you notonly need the keys in your back-pocket, 想要入白宫靠的可不只是大门钥匙
you need the gatekeeper. 还得找个看门人
As for me,I'm just the lowly House Majority Whip. 至于我,我只不过是个小小的众议院多数党党鞭
I keep things moving in a Congresschoked by pettiness and lassitude. 我负责在党间斗争的国会中推动议案
My job is to clear the pipesand keep the sludge moving. 我的工作就是让管道通畅
But I won't have to be a plumbermuch longer. 但我很快就不用通水管了
I've done my time. I've backed the right man. 我熬出头了,跟对了老大
Give and take. 有舍就有得
Welcome to Washington. 欢迎来到华府
You need a haircut. 你该去理发了
You think? 是吗?
A little trim. 稍微修一下
What are you going to wear? 你到时要穿什么?
-You mean for the meeting?-For the announcement. - 你是指会议吗?- 宣布时
I'll wear my navy blue,the one with the pinstripes. 我打算穿深蓝色条纹那套
Good. You look handsome in that suit. 很好,你穿那套西装很帅气
I don't know if they'll announcebefore your board meeting. 我不清楚他们会不会在你的董事会开始前宣布
As long as I can say the donation is coming. 只要献金不会停止就好
Soon as it's official,SanCorp will write you a check. 只要正式宣布善可工业就会开支票给你
This is going to be a big year for us. 今年对我们将是重要的一年
-I wanna start with something here.-That's why I'm here. - 我想要从这里开始- 所以我才在这
Really? What? 真的?什么呢?
I'd say immigration, banking or education. 我想应该与移民银行或教育相关吧
But none of my regular sourcescan confirm that. 但我以往的线民都没法确认消息
Because they don't know,or because they're not talking? 是因为不知道还是他们不肯透露?
Because they don't know. 因为他们不知道
Keep at it. Get me something. 继续跟,总得挖出些什么
Sorry. Sorry, Mr. Hammerschmidt. Zoe. 抱歉,翰默史密先生我是乔伊
-Barnes.-Right. - 邦斯- 没错
Did it take him a yearto remember your name? 他是否花了一年才记住你的名字?
Longer. 更长
Good morning, Lucas. 早安,卢卡斯
What can I do for you, Zoe? 有何贵干,乔伊?
I am sick of the Fairfax County Council. 我真是受够了费郡的郡议会
You tell me every day. 你天天这么说
Move me online. 让我上线吧
My own blog. 我自己的部落格
First person. Subjective. 500 words. 第一人称、主观性、五百字
-Not gonna happen.-I'll go underground. - 办不到- 我可以移居幕后
Back rooms, the urinals. 在后面的小房间里,厕所里
I'll win over staff members on the Hill. 让我去说服国会的人
-They need a place to vent.-A gossip column. - 他们都需要地方发泄- 八卦专栏
No. We lift the veil. 不,我们掀开面纱
What's really going on. 揭发事实
This is The Washington Herald, Zoe,it's not TMZ. 我们可是《华府先躯报》乔伊,不是壹电视
-Do you know how many people watch TMZ?-I couldn't care less. - 你知道有多少人看壹电视吗?- 我才不在乎
Which is why print journalism is dying. 正因此传统报纸才快混不下去
Then it'll die with dignity.At least at this paper. 要死也要死得有尊严至少这家报社是如此
You're stuck in the 20th century, Lucas.You lack imagination. 你还卡在上个世纪,卢卡斯你缺乏想像力
Maybe so, but right now,I don't need imagination, I need copy. 或许吧,但我现在不需要想像力我需要的是销售量
Your nights and weekends are yours. 晚上与周末是你的自由
I applaud whatever you want to do, 我很支持你想做的
as long as it's not on my time. 只要不是在上班时间
-You're telling me to get back to work.-I am. - 你是要我回去工作- 我是
What you're really telling me is to fuck off. 其实是要我别再烦你
I'm telling you both. 两者都是
It's Mr. Chapman, already,from Province Trust. 是普伦斯基金会的查普曼先生
Hold my calls, Christina. 帮我挡电话,克里丝汀娜
Henry. 亨利
It's good to see you. 你好
-How long are you in town for?-Just today. - 这次待多久?- 就今天
You gotta come back downfor the inauguration. 就职典礼时你一定要来
I can hook you up. 我能让你入场
How about you hook me upwith the zoning laws 不如在区划法给我行个方便
you promised to get changed? 你答应要改的?
We've got 12 million sitting in escrowfor an empty lot we can't build on. 我们有一千两百万托管一块没法破土的空地
I know. But you gotta understand,it's a local municipal issue. 我明白,但你得知道这是市政府的问题
-I can't just pick up the phone...-You can't? - 我可没法拿起电话…- 不能吗?
Because that's not what you led us to believewhen you begged for 50 grand in donations. 因为你跟我们要五万献金时可不是这么说的
Right. 没错
One sec. 等等
Christina, I said no calls.Not while I'm meeting with Mr. Chapman. 克里丝汀娜,我说过别接进来别打扰我与查普曼先生
The President-elect? 总统当选人?
Do you mind? 不好意思
No, go ahead, please. 不,请接
Put him through, Christina. 接进来,克里丝汀娜
Mr. President-elect. 总统当选人先生
Thank you. Yes, we were...We were pleased to win by double digits. 谢谢,没错,我们…很高兴以双位数领先获选
Absolutely, anything you need. 当然,只要您有需要
I need you to put your long, wet,talented tongue between my thighs 我需要你将你那三寸不烂之舌伸入我大腿中间
and make me squeal like Monica... 让我像莫妮卡一样呻吟…
Me too, me too. 我也是
Okay. Thank you, sir. 好的,谢谢您
I'm so sorry. Where were we? 抱歉,刚说到哪?
Walker, what's he like? 沃克,这人怎样?
Is the President-elect running late? 总统当选人迟到了吗?
No. He couldn't make it. I'll brief him, though. 他无法赶到我会再向他汇报的
Okay. 好吧
This is the memo I drafted 这是我写的公文
on our Middle East policywe've been developing. 我们正在构思的中东政策
Now, I wanna borrow from Reagan, 我想要引用雷根
I'd like to coin the phrase"trickle-down diplomacy." 发明一个新词“滴流外交”
-That way...-Frank, I'm going to stop you there. - 这么一来…- 法兰,容我先打个岔
We're not nominating youfor Secretary of State. 我们并未打算提名你出任国务卿
I know he made you a promise,but circumstances have changed. 我知道他承诺过你但现在情势有所变化
The nature of promises, Linda, 琳达,所谓承诺
is that they remain immuneto changing circumstances. 就表示不受情势变化所影响
Garrett has thought longand hard about this, 葛瑞斟酌了很久
and he's decided we need youto stay in Congress. 他认为我们比较需要你身处国会
When was this decision made? 什么时候下的决定?
And why wasn't I part of a conversation? 为何完全没有经过我?
I'm sorry, Frank. If it had been up to me, 抱歉,我若作得了主
I wouldn't have waited this long to tell you. 就不会等到现在才告诉你
So you knew you were going to do this. 所以老早就打算这么做
It has been an evolving discussion. 一直都有在谈
It's a chicken-shit move. 这是个没胆的决定
-Frank...-I was vetted. - 法兰…- 我受过审查
-Was that a ruse?-No. - 也是做样子?- 不
Let's be absolutely clear. 听清楚了
You wouldn't have won without me. 少了我根本不可能胜选
You're right. But now we have to lead,and that means making tough choices. 没错,但我们必须要领导这代表要做些困难的决定
As you know,education is a top priority for us. 你也知道教育这块对我们来说是首要
A complete federal overhaul. 整体的大改革
But it's not just education, Frank.Congress is split. 不只是教育,法兰国会分裂得很厉害
We need you there more than we need youin the State Department. 你在那的重要性比在国务院高
I got you hired, Linda. 你当初可是我雇用的,琳达
-I know.-Donations, endorsements. - 我知道- 献金、背书
I wrote the campaign'sentire foreign policy platform. 整个竞选的外交政策都是我写的
I bring years of foreign affairs committee... 多年外交委员会的经验…
Frank, please. 法兰,拜托你
I wanna speak to Walker personally. 我要亲自跟沃克谈
The decision is made. 这已成定案了
We need you, Frank. 我们需要你,法兰
Will you stand beside us or not? 你愿不愿意跟我们同一阵线?
Of course. If that's what the President wants. 当然,若这是总统的意思
I'm very glad to hear that. 很高兴听到你这么说
I'm curious. If not me, then who? 我很好奇,不是我是谁?
Michael Kern. 麦克凯恩
Michael Kern. 麦克凯恩
Well, that is an excellent choice. 是个很好的人选
Can we make it more clear? 能再清楚一点吗?
I just want to make sure it doesn't look likewe're neglecting our domestic... 我只是要确定不会让人觉得我们忽略了国内的…
No. No, no, no. I'm gonna saythat we're expanding our mission. 不,我的意思是我们在扩大任务范围
Okay. 好的
And we're bringing on a new organizationto help us. 我们打算请另一个组织来协助我们
-Do you know which one yet?-I'm still looking into a few options, but... - 知道要找哪一个了吗?- 还有几个要看的,但是…
Tell me, what did we agree on,that we could hire how many new people? 告诉我,我们的协议是什么可以聘请多少人?
-Six?-Six, maybe seven. - 六名吗?- 六、七名吧
We'll have enough. 够啦
It's exciting. 真令人兴奋
This new direction we're heading. 我们的新方向
I just don't know where we're going to fitall the people. 只是不知道这么多人要塞哪里
Do you think we have to lookinto additional space? 是否该扩展空间?
No, no, no, no. I'll find a way. 不,我来想法子
Okay, so make the changesto the PowerPoint 好吧,记得修改报表
and let's meet again at 2:30. 我们2点半再开一次会
It's me. 是我
I feel like an idiot leaving messages like this. 这样留言感觉好白痴
Call me back. 回我电话
What is it, Zoe? 怎么了,乔伊?
I know you're going to have your hands fullat the White House, 我知道你在忙白宫的事
so if you need someone to do researchor punch out background... 若需要帮忙查资料还是一些幕后工作…
I think I'll be fine. 应该没问题
Well, if things get hectic,and you need any help. 若太忙了,或是需要帮忙


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