



#!/usr/bin/env python

Setuptools bootstrapping installer.

Maintained at https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/tree/bootstrap.

Run this script to install or upgrade setuptools.

This method is DEPRECATED. Check https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/581 for more details.

import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import zipfile
import optparse
import subprocess
import platform
import textwrap
import contextlib

from distutils import log

    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    from urllib2 import urlopen

    from site import USER_SITE
except ImportError:
    USER_SITE = None

# 33.1.1 is the last version that supports setuptools self upgrade/installation.
DEFAULT_URL = "https://pypi.io/packages/source/s/setuptools/"
DEFAULT_SAVE_DIR = os.curdir
DEFAULT_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = "ez_setup.py is deprecated and when using it setuptools will be pinned to {0} since it's the last version that supports setuptools self upgrade/installation, check https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/581 for more info; use pip to install setuptools"

MEANINGFUL_INVALID_ZIP_ERR_MSG = 'Maybe {0} is corrupted, delete it and try again.'


def _python_cmd(*args):
    Execute a command.

    Return True if the command succeeded.
    args = (sys.executable,) + args
    return subprocess.call(args) == 0

def _install(archive_filename, install_args=()):
    """Install Setuptools."""
    with archive_context(archive_filename):
        # installing
        log.warn('Installing Setuptools')
        if not _python_cmd('setup.py', 'install', *install_args):
            log.warn('Something went wrong during the installation.')
            log.warn('See the error message above.')
            # exitcode will be 2
            return 2

def _build_egg(egg, archive_filename, to_dir):
    """Build Setuptools egg."""
    with archive_context(archive_filename):
        # building an egg
        log.warn('Building a Setuptools egg in %s', to_dir)
        _python_cmd('setup.py', '-q', 'bdist_egg', '--dist-dir', to_dir)
    # returning the result
    if not os.path.exists(egg):
        raise IOError('Could not build the egg.')

class ContextualZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile):

    """Supplement ZipFile class to su
