

  • 解决 JPA 多表动态查询
  • JPA EntityManager createNativeQuery 多表联合查询出某几个字段并转化为对象
  • spring data jpa 多表 分页 多条件 查询


public class JoinQueryRepoImpl {

  private EntityManager entityManager;
   * 客户和账户级联查询
  public Page findAcctPopup(AcctVo condition, Pageable pageable) {

    StringBuilder countSelectSql = new StringBuilder();
    countSelectSql.append(" SELECT    count(1)                     ");
    countSelectSql.append(" FROM                                   ");
    countSelectSql.append("     t_biz_acct m,                        ");
    countSelectSql.append("     t_biz_customer_info n                ");
    countSelectSql.append(" WHERE                                  ");
    countSelectSql.append("     m.cust_no =                     ");

    StringBuilder selectSql = new StringBuilder();
    selectSql.append(" SELECT                                 ");
    selectSql.append("  m.*,                                 ");
    selectSql.append("  n.cert_no AS cust_cert_no,           ");
    selectSql.append("  n.cert_type AS cust_cert_type,       ");
    selectSql.append("  n.NAME AS cust_name,                 ");
    selectSql.append(" AS cust_sex,                   ");
    selectSql.append(" AS cust_mobile,             ");
    selectSql.append(" AS cust_phone,               ");
    selectSql.append(" AS cust_email,               ");
    selectSql.append("  n.type AS cust_type,                 ");
    selectSql.append("  n.STATUS AS cust_status              ");
    selectSql.append(" FROM                                   ");
    selectSql.append("  t_biz_acct m,                        ");
    selectSql.append("  t_biz_customer_info n                ");
    selectSql.append(" WHERE                                  ");
    selectSql.append("  m.cust_no =                     ");

    Map params = new HashMap<>();
    StringBuilder whereSql = new StringBuilder();
    if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(condition.getAcctType())) {
      whereSql.append(" AND m.acct_type = :acctType ");
      params.put("acctType", condition.getAcctType());
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(condition.getCustCertNo())) {
      whereSql.append(" AND n.cert_no = :custCertNo ");
      params.put("custCertNo", condition.getCustCertNo());
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(condition.getCustName())) {
      whereSql.append(" AND like :custName ");
      params.put("custName", condition.getCustName() + "%");
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(condition.getCustMobile())) {
      whereSql.append(" AND = :custMobile ");
      params.put("custMobile", condition.getCustMobile());
    if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(condition.getStatsList())) {
      whereSql.append(" AND n.status in (:status) ");
      params.put("status", condition.getStatsList());

    String orderSql = "  order by asc ";

    String countSql = new StringBuilder().append(countSelectSql).append(whereSql).toString();
    Query countQuery = entityManager.createNativeQuery(countSql);

    for (Map.Entry entry : params.entrySet()) {
      countQuery.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    BigInteger totalCount = (BigInteger) countQuery.getSingleResult();

    String querySql = new StringBuilder().append(selectSql).append(whereSql).append(orderSql).toString();

    // select s.*,c.* 这种,两个表有相同字段的,因为第二个表的对应字段会用第一个表的对应字段,数据信息不对。
    //Query query = this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(querySql,"StudentResults");
    Query query = this.entityManager.createNativeQuery(querySql, TBizAcctPopup.class);
    for (Map.Entry entry : params.entrySet()) {
      query.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
    query.setFirstResult((int) pageable.getOffset());

    List resultList = query.getResultList();
    Page page = new PageImpl<>(resultList, pageable, totalCount.longValue());

    return page;

public class TBizAcctPopup implements Serializable {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = -6712496907168087009L;

  @Column(name = "id")
  private Long id;

  @Column(name = "cust_no", nullable = false)
  private Long custNo;

  @Column(name = "name", nullable = false)
  private String name;
  @Column(name = "available_balance", nullable = false, precision = 2)
  private BigDecimal availableBalance;

  @Column(name = "freeze_balance", nullable = false, precision = 2)
  private BigDecimal freezeBalance;

  @Column(name = "acct_type", nullable = false)
  private Long acctType;

  @Column(name = "balance_type")
  private Long balanceType;

  @Column(name = "status")
  private Long status;

  @Column(name = "version")
  private Long version;

   * 创建人
  @Column(name = "create_by", updatable = false)
  private Long createBy;

   * 修改人
  @Column(name = "modified_by")
  private Long modifiedBy;

   * 创建时间
  @Column(name = "create_at", updatable = false)
  private Timestamp createAt;

   * 修改时间
  @Column(name = "update_at")
  protected Timestamp updateAt;

  @Column(name = "cust_cert_no")
  private String custCertNo;

  @Column(name = "cust_cert_type")
  private Long custCertType;

  @Column(name = "cust_name")
  private String custName;

  @Column(name = "cust_sex")
  private Long custSex;

  @Column(name = "cust_mobile")
  private String custMobile;

  @Column(name = "cust_phone")
  private String custPhone;

  @Column(name = "cust_email")
  private String custEmail;

  @Column(name = "cust_type")
  private Long custType;

  @Column(name = "cust_status")
  private Long custStatus;

  private String acctTypeName;

  private String statusName;

