
1. It's in poor taste. 太低级趣味了/没眼光/品味太差了 #great taste 有品味/品味好

2. Visualize it as your pressure, and toss it out of your life. 把它想象成你的压力,然后将它扔出你的人生。 #visualize 想象/视觉化/形象化,toss…out of… 把…从…丢弃

3. I'm good to go. 开始吧/我准备好了/来吧

4. I'm having a primal urge to throw it. 我有股冲动想把它扔了。#primal urge原始冲动

5. I'm happy with who I am. 我对自己的状态很满意。

6. You're all set. 可以了/都好了/手续都办好了/准备就绪了

7. Way ahead of you. 早就想到了。

8. Your award is well-deserved. 你拿奖是实至名归的。#You deserve better. 你值得更好的 。

