
Passage 6

(On one) (of her trips) (to New York) (several years ago), Eudora Welty decided (to take a couple of New York friends out) (to dinner). They settled in (at a comfortable East Side cafe) and (within minutes), another customer was approaching their table. 

在一个/她的旅行的/去纽约/几年之前,E.W 决定/去带着两个纽约朋友出去/去晚饭。他们坐定/在一个舒服的“东边”咖啡厅,然后在几分钟之内,另外一个顾客正在靠近他们的桌子。【E.W 吃晚饭,陌生人靠近】

a couple of 两个

couple 情侣 n. 

settle 定/定居 v. 

customer 顾客 n. 

approach 接近/靠近 v.途径 n. 

within 在...之内 prep.

“Hey, aren’t you (from Mississippi)?” the elegant, white-haired writer remembered being asked (by the stranger). “I’m (from Mississippi) too.” 

“嘿,你不是从密西西比来的吗?”这个优雅的、白发的作家记得被问到/被这个。“我也是 来自密西西比。”【陌生人是老乡

elegant 优雅的 adj. 

white-haired 白发的 adj.

(Without a second thought), the woman joined the Welty party. (When her dinner partner showed up), she also pulled up a chair. “They began telling me all the news (of Mississippi),” Welty said. “I didn’t know (what my New York friends were thinking).” 没有一个第二个思考,这个女人加入了这个 W 的聚会。 当她的晚饭的同伴出现的时候,她也拽上来一个椅子。“他们开始告诉我所有的这个消息/密西西比的,”W 说,“我不知道/我的纽约的友们在想什么。” 【和陌生人聊天】

a second thought = 三思

partner 同伴 n. 

show up 出现 v. 

show off 显摆 v. 

pull 拽 v. 

push 推 v. 

chair 椅子 n. 

chairman 主席 n. 

president 总统 n.

Taxis (on a rainy New York night) are rarer (than sunshine). (By the time the group got up) (to leave), it was pouring outside. Welty’s new friends immediately sent a waiter (to find a cab). (Heading back downtown) (toward her hotel), her big-city friends were amazed (at the turn) (of events) (that had changed their Big Apple dinner (into a Mississippi state reunion) (团聚). 

出租车/在一个下雨的纽约晚上/是更少的/比阳光。到这个时间/这群人起身/去离开,天在下大雨/在外面。W 的新朋友立刻派一个服务生/去找一个出租车。前往回去市中心/朝着她的酒店,她的大城 市朋友们是惊讶的/在这个转折/事件的/它已经改变这个纽约晚饭/成为一个密西西比州团聚。【晚饭结束】

Taxi 出租车 n. 

rare 少见的 adj. 

rarer 更少见的 adj. 

pour 泼 v. 

cab 出租车 n. 

head back 往回走

downtown 市中心 n. 

event 事件 n. 大活动 n. 

state 州 n. 

union 联合 n.

Big Apple = New York 

United States of America 美国 

“My friends said: ‘Now we believe your stories,’” Welty added. “And I said: ‘Now you know. These are the people (that make me write them).’” 

“我的朋友说:‘现在我们相信你的故事了,’” W 补充说“然后我说‘现在你知道。这些是这些人/ 他们让我写他们。’”【W 作品中的人】

(Sitting) (on a sofa) (in her room), Welty, a slim figure (in a simple gray dress), looked pleased (with this explanation). 坐/在一个沙发上/在她的房间,W,一个苗条的身材/在一个简单的灰色的裙子看上去感到满意/对于这个解释。【W 满意

sofa 沙发 n. 

skinny 皮包骨头 adj. 

slim 苗条 adj. 

slender 苗条 adj. 

figure 身材,数字 n. 

gray 灰色 adj. 

dress 裙子 n. 

pleased 感到满意的 adj. 

explain 解释 v. 

explanation 解释 n.

“I don’t make them up,” she said (of the characters) (in her fiction) (these last 50 or so years). “I don’t have to.” 

“我没有编造它们,”她说/关于这些人物/在她的小说里/这些过去的 50 年左右。“我不必要。”【小说人物不是编造的】

make up 编造 v.化妆 v. 

or so 左右

say of = talk about 

fiction =novel= story

Beauticians, bartenders, piano players and people (with purple hats), Welty’s people come (from afternoons) (spent) (visiting) (with old friends), (from walks) (through the streets) (of her native Jackson, Miss.), (from conversations) (overheard) (on a bus). It annoys Welty (that), (at 78), (her left ear has now given out). Sometimes, (sitting) (on a bus or a train), she hears only a fragment(片段) (of a particularly interesting story). 

美容师,酒保,钢琴演奏家和人们/有紫色的帽子,W 的人来自一些下午/被度过/拜访/跟老朋友,从散步/穿过这些街道/她的当地的 J.M,从对话/被偷听到/在一辆公交车上。这件事让 W 心烦,说/在78岁,她的左耳朵已经精疲力尽了。有时候,坐在一辆公交车或者火车上,她听到仅仅一个片段/一个特别有趣的故事的。【创作的来源

beauty 美/美女 n. 

beautician 美容人 n. 

bartender 酒保 n. 

piano 钢琴 n. 

purple 紫色 n. adj. 

walk 散步 n. 

native 本土的 adj. 

conversation 对话 n. 

overhear 偷听 v. 

annoy 使心烦 v. 

give out 精疲力尽 v. 

particularly 特别地 adv. 

Passage 7

(If you are a fruit grower) — or would like to become one — take advantage (of Apple Day) (to see) (what’s around). It’s called Apple Day but (in practice) it’s more (like Apple Month). The day itself is (on October 21), but (since it has caught on), events now spread out (over most of October) (around Britain). 

如果你是一个种水果的人——或者想要变成一个——利用“苹果日”/去看/周围有什么。它被叫做 “苹果日”,但是/在实践中/它是更/像“苹果月”。这天本身是/在十月 21 日,但是/因为它已经流行起来了,活动现在扩散出来/跨越大部分的十月/在英国。【苹果日

fruit-growing 种水果 n. 

fruit-grower 种水果的人 n. 

take advantage of 利用

practice 实践 n.练习 v. 

catch on 流行 v. 

event 事件/活动 n. 

spread 扩散 v.

would like to do =want to do

Visiting an apple event is a good chance (to see, and often taste, a wide variety of apples). (To people) (who are used) (to the limited choice) (of apples) (such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala) (in supermarkets), it can be quite an eye opener (to see the range) (of classical apples) (still in existence), (such as Decio) (which was grown) (by the Romans). (Although it doesn’t taste) (of anything special), it’s still 

worth a try, (as is the knobbly (多疙瘩的) Cat’s Head) (which is more of a curiosity) (than anything else). 参观一个苹果节是一个好机会/去看,并且经常品尝很多种的苹果。对于人们/他们已经习惯/于有限的选择/苹果的/例如 G.D 和 R.G/在超市,这可以是相当的一个令人大开眼界的东西/去看到这个范围/经典苹果的范围/依然存在着。尽管它不尝起来/像任何特殊的东西,它是依然值得一个尝试,同样的是这个多疙瘩的猫头/它是更加好奇的/比任何其他东西。【看各种苹果

taste 品尝 v. 口味/品味 n. 

tasty 美味的 adj.=delicious 

vary 变化 v. 

variety 种类 n. 

various 各种各样的 adj. 

a variety of 各种各样的 adj. 

limit 限制 v. 

limited 有限的 adj. 

used to do 过去常常做某事

be used to sth 习惯于某物

be used to do 被用来去做某事

such as 例如

royal 皇家的 adj. 

gala 联欢会 n. 

Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会

eye opener 令人大开眼界的东西

range 范围 n. 

classical 经典的 adj. 

in existence 存在着

exist 存在 v. 

existing 现存的 adj. 

be worth+n. 值得 XXX 

curiosity 好奇心 n. 

curious 好奇的 adj. 

There are also varieties (developed) (to suit specific local conditions). One (of the very best varieties) (for eating quality) is Orleans Reinette, but you’ll need a warm, sheltered place (with perfect soil) (to grow it), so it’s a pipe dream (for most apple lovers) (who fall for it). 

那里也有品种/被开发/去适合特定的当地情况。一个/那最好的品种的/对于吃的品质/是 O.R,但是你将需要一个温暖的、被遮盖的地方/伴随着完美的土壤/去种植它,所以这是一个白日梦/对于大部分爱苹果的人/他们爱上它。【特殊苹果种类

suit 适合 v. 

specific 特定的 adj. 

local 当地的 adj. 

condition 状况 n. 

shelter 避难所 n. 

sheltered 被遮盖的 adj. 

pipe dream 白日梦 n. 

soil 土壤 n. 

fall for sth. =fall in love with sth. 

(At the events), you can meet expert growers and discuss (which ones will best suit your conditions), and (because these are family affairs), children are well catered for (with apple-themed fun and games). 


affair 事务 n. 

have an affair 有外遇

cater for 迎合 v.

Apple Days are being held (at all sorts of places) (with an interest) (in fruit), (including stately gardens and commercial orchards) (果园).(If you want) (to have a real orchard experience), try visiting the National Fruit Collection (at Brogdale), (near Faversham) (in Kent). 

苹果日正在被举办/在各种各样的地方/伴随着一个兴趣/在水果方面,包括豪华的花园和商业的果园。如果你想要一个真的果园经历,尝试参观这个国家水果集/在 B,靠近 F,在 K。【呼吁参加

all sorts of = all kinds of 各种各样的 adj. 

commercial 商业的 adj. 

try to do 努力去做

try doing 试着做做

Passage 8

Bad news sells. (If it bleeds), it leads. No news is good news, and good news is no news. Those are the classic rules (for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers). But (now that information is being spread and monitored) (监控) (in different ways), researchers are discovering new rules. (By tracking people’s e-mails and online posts), scientists have found (that good news can spread faster and farther) (than disasters and sob stories).



bleed 流血 v. 

blood 血 n. 

lead 带领 v. 

classic 经典的 adj. 

rule 规则 n. 

broad 广泛的 adj. 

cast 投掷 v. 

broadcast 广播 n. 

paper 纸 n.(不可数) 

paper 报纸 n.(可数) 

now that 既然=since 

information 信息 n. 

spread 传播 v. 

monitor 监控 v.班长 n. 

research 研究 n.v. 

researcher 研究人员 n. 

discover 发现 v. 

email 电子邮件 n. 

online 在线 n. 

post 帖子 n. 发帖子 v. 

disaster 悲剧/灾难 n. 

sob 抽泣 v.n. 

“The ‘if it bleeds’ rule works (for mass media),” says Jonah Berger, a scholar (at the University) (of Pennsylvania). “They want your eyeballs and don’t care (how you’re feeling). But (when you share a story) (with your friends), you care a lot more (how they react). You don’t want them (to think of you) (as a Debbie Downer).” 

“这个‘如果流血’规则管用/对于大规模媒体,”J.B 说,一个学者/在这个大学/宾夕法尼亚的。“他们想要你的眼球,然后不关心/你感觉怎样。”但是,当你发分享一个故事/跟你的朋友时,你关心更多/他们如何反应。你不想要他们/去认为你/作为一个 D.D。【因为你在乎朋友的反应

work 管用 v. 

works 作品 n. 

masterpiece 杰作 n. 

craft 工艺 n. 

mass 大规模的 adj. 

mass media 大规模媒体 n. 

scholar 学者 n.

eyeballs 眼球 n. 

share 分享 v.份儿 n. 

react 反应 v.

Researchers (analyzing word-of-mouth communication) — e-mails, Web posts and reviews, face-to-face conversations— found (that it tended) (to be more positive) (than negative)(消极的), but (that didn’t necessarily mean) (people preferred positive news). Was positive news shared more often (simply because people experienced more good things) (than bad things)? (To test) (for that possibility), Dr.Berger 

looked (at how people spread a particular set of news stories): thousands of articles (on The New York Times’ website). He and a Penn colleague analyzed the “most e-mailed” list (for six months). One (of his first findings) was (that articles) (in the science section) were much more likely (to make the list) (than 

non-science articles). He found (that science amazed Times’ readers and made them) (want) (to share this positive feeling) (with others). 

研究人员/研究口语交流(如电子邮件、网上帖子或评论、面对面对话等)的/发现/说它们倾向于/是更积极而不是消极,但是那并不必意味着/人们更喜欢积极的新闻。是否积极的新闻被分享更经常/仅仅因为人们经历更多好事情/比坏事情?去测试/为了那个可能性,B 博士看/着人们怎样传播一套特定的新闻故事:成千的文章/在那个纽约时报的网站上。他和一个宾州同事分析了哪些“最被邮件(转 


mouth 嘴 n. 

analyze 分析 v. 

review 评论 n. 

face-to-face 面对面的 adj. 

conversation 对话 n. 

tend 倾向 v. 

tend to do 倾向于做某事

positive 积极的 adj. 

test 考试,测试 n. 

possibility 可能性 n. 

a set of 一套

particular 特定的 adj. 

story 故事 n. 

article 文章 n. 

website 网站 n. 

colleague 同事 n. 

list 列表 n. 

first 最早的 adj. 

finding 发现 n. 

section 部分/部门 n. 

likely 很可能的 adj. 

amaze 使..惊讶 v. 

amazing 令人惊讶的 adj. 

amazed 感到惊讶的 adj. 

Readers also tended (to share articles) (that were exciting or funny), or (that inspired negative feelings) (like anger or anxiety), but not articles (that left them merely sad). They needed (to be aroused)(激发) (one way or the other), and they preferred good news (to bad). The more positive an article, the more likely (it was to be shared), (as Dr.Berger explains) (in his new book), “Contagious: Why Things Catch On.” 

读者也倾向于/去分享文章/它们是令人兴奋的和有趣的,或者/它们启发消极的感觉/如愤怒和焦 虑,但是不是文章/它们仅仅使得他们悲伤。他们需要被激发/以一种或其他的方式,然后他们更喜欢好消息/相对于坏的。一篇文章越积极,它就越容易被分享,正如 B 博士解释的/在他的新书,“蔓延:为什么有的东西流行?”。【人们喜欢找刺激,越积极的文章越容易分享】

inspire 启发 v. 

anger 愤怒 n. 

anxiety 焦虑 n. 

merely 仅仅 adv. 

leave + sb. + adj. 使得某人怎样

prefer A to B 更喜欢 A 相对于 B 

contagious* 蔓延的 adj. 

catch on 流行 v.

Passage 9

What’s On?

Electric Underground 

7.30pm-1.00am Free (at the Cyclops Theatre) 

Do you know (who’s playing) (in your area)? We’re bringing you an evening (of live rock and pop music) (from the best local bands). Are you interested (in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract)(合同)? (If so), come early (to the talk) (at 7.30pm) (by Jules Skye), a successful record producer. He’s going to talk (about) (how you can find the right person) (to produce your music). 

你知道吗/谁正在弹奏/在你的区域?我们正在带给你一个夜晚/现场直播的摇滚和流行乐的/从这个最好的当地乐队。你感兴趣吗/在变成一个音乐家和得到一个录音合同(方面)?如果是这样的话,来早点/到这个谈话/在 7:30PM/被 J.S,一个成功的录音生产商。他将要去谈话/关于/怎样你能找到这个正确的人/去生产你的音乐。【生产音乐】

on “吸附” 

electricity 电 n. 

electric 电的 adj. 

electrical 电气的 adj. 

electronic 电子的 adj. 

underground 地铁 n. 

theater 剧院 n.(theatre) 

area 区域 n. 

live 现场直播 adj. 

rock music 摇滚乐 n. 

pop music 流行乐 n. 

local 当地的 adj. 

locate 定位 v. 

location 位置 n. 

lock 锁 v. 

band 乐队 n.

in “范围里” 

be interested in 在...方面感兴趣  

muse 缪斯 n. 

music 音乐 n. 

musical 音乐的 adj. 

musician 音乐家 n. 

museum 博物馆 n. 

amuse 逗...乐 v. 

amusing 逗乐的 adj. 

amused 被逗乐的 adj. 

amusement 娱乐 n. 

record 录音 n.v. 

contract 合同 n. 

If so,... 如果是这样的话, .. 

produce 生产 v. 

producer 生产商 n. 

product 产品 n. 

productive 高产的 adj. 

of “的”(所属/修饰) 


The “内(那)” 

Gee Whizz 

8.30pm-10.30pm Comedy (at Kaleidoscope) 

Come and see Gee Whizz perform. He’s the funniest stand-up comedian (on the comedy scene). This joyful show will please everyone, (from the youngest) (to the oldest). Gee Whizz really knows (how to make you laugh)! Our bar is open (from 7.00pm) (for drinks and snacks)(快餐). 来然后看看 G.W 表演。他是这个 最有趣的脱口秀喜剧演员/在这个喜剧场景上。这个充满快乐的表演/将会取悦每一个人,从这个最年轻的/到这个最老的。G.W 真的知道/如何去让你笑!我们的酒吧是开门的/从 7:00PM/为了饮料和快餐。【脱口秀表演

comedy 喜剧 n. 

perform 表演 v. 

see sb. do 看某人做某事(经常做)

see sb. doing 看某人正在做某事

stand-up comedy 脱口秀(黄西)

stand-up comedian 脱口秀演员 n. 

talk show 谈话节目(金星)

cross talk 相声 n. 

scene 场景 n.(seen 被看见) 

scenery 风景 n. 

joy 快乐 n. 

joyful 有趣的 adj.

beauty 美 n. 

beautiful 美丽的 adj. 

full 满的 adj. 

please 取悦 v. 

pleasant 令人高兴的 adj. 

pleased 感到满意的 adj. 

make A+B 把 A 变成 B 

bar 酒吧 n. 

drink 饮料 n. 

snack 零食 n.

Simon’s Workshop 

5.00pm-7.30pm Wednesdays (at Victoria Stage) 

This is a good chance (for anyone) (who wants) (to learn) (how to do comedy). The workshop looks (at every kind) (of comedy), and practices many different ways (of making people laugh). Simon is a comedian and actor (who has 10 years’ experience) (of teaching comedy). His workshops are exciting and fun. An evening (with Simon) will give you the confidence (to be funny). 这个是一个好机会/对于任何一个人/他 想要/去学习/如何去做喜剧。这个工作坊看/着每一种/的喜剧,然后练习很多不同的方式/让人们笑的。S 是一个喜剧演员和演员/他有十年的经验/教喜剧的。他 

的工作坊是令人兴奋的和有趣的。一个晚上/伴随着 S/将给你这个信心/去变得有趣。【S 的喜剧工作坊】

workshop 工作坊 n.(边做边学) 

Wednesday 周三

Wednesdays 每周三

Sundays 每周日

Victoria’s Secret 维多利亚的秘密

Victoria 维多利亚 n. 

Victor 维克多 n. 

victory 胜利 n. 

victim 受害者,牺牲品 n. 

victorious 胜利的 adj. 

stage 舞台,阶段 n. 

music 音乐 n. 

musician 音乐家 n. 

comedian 喜剧演员 n. 

comedy 喜剧 n.(来~) 

tragedy 悲剧 n.(踹~) 

disaster 灾难 n. 

catastrophe 灾难 n. 

practice 练习 v.n. 

make A+B 让 A 变成 B 

actor 演员 n. 

actress 女演员 n. 

excite 使...兴奋 v. 

exciting 令人兴奋的 adj. 

excited 感到兴奋的 adj. 

shock 使...震惊 v. 

shocking 令人震惊的 adj. 

shocked 感到震惊的 adj. 

embarrass 使...尴尬 v. 

embarrassing 令人尴尬的 adj. 

embarrassed 感到尴尬的 adj. 

tire 使...劳累 v. 

tiring 令人劳累的 adj. 

tired 感到劳累的 adj. 

bore 使...无聊 v. 

boring 令人无聊的 adj. 

bored 感到无聊的 adj. 

amaze 使...惊讶 v. 

amazing 令人惊讶 adj. 

amazed 感到惊讶的 adj. 

fun 有趣 adv. 

Charlotte Stone 

8.00pm-11.00pm Pizza World Fine food (with beautiful jazz music); this is a great evening out. Charlotte Stone will perform songs (from her new best-selling CD), (with James Pickering) (on the piano). The menu is Italian, (with excellent meat and fresh fish, pizzas and pasta)(面食). Book early (to get a table). Our bar is open (all day), and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine. 

好的食物/伴随着美丽的爵士乐;这是一个棒极了的晚上/出来。C.S 会表演歌曲/来自她的新的畅销 CD,伴随着 J.P/在这个钢琴上。这个菜单是意大利的,伴随着棒极了的肉和新鲜的鱼、披萨和面食。早预定/去得到一个桌子。我们的酒吧是开业的/一整天,然后提供鸡尾酒、咖啡、啤酒和白葡萄酒。【C.S 的酒吧

pizza 披萨 n. 

jazz 爵士 n. 

perform 表演 v. 

piano 钢琴 n. 

menu 菜单 n. 

excellent 优秀的 adj. 

meat 肉 n. 

pork 猪肉 n. 

mutton 羊肉 n. 

beef 牛肉 n. 

fresh 新鲜的 adj. 

book 预定 v. 

bar 酒吧 n. 

serve 把食物端上餐桌 vt. 

cock 公鸡 n. 

tail 尾巴 n. 

cocktail 鸡尾酒 n. 

beer 啤酒 n. 

Passage 10

(Five years ago), (when I taught art) (at a school) (in Seattle), I used Tinkertoys (as a test) (at the beginning) (of a term) (to find out something) (about my students). I put a small set of Tinker toys (in front) (of each student), and said: “Make something (out of the Tinker toys).”You have 45 minutes today - and 45minutes each day (for the rest) (of the week).” 

五年之前,当我教艺术/在一个学校/在西雅图,我使用 Tinkertoys/作为一项测试/在这个开始/一个学期的/去发现一些事情/关于我的学生。我放以小套的 Tinker toys/在前面/每个学生的,然后说:“做一些东西/从这些 Tinker toys。”你有 45 分钟今天——然后 45 分钟每天/对于这个剩余的/这周的。【我用 Tinker toys 了解学生】 

art 艺术 n. 

Tinkertoy 积木玩具

test 测试 n. 

term 学期 n. 

semester 学期 n. 

a set of 一套

Minute 分 n. 

second 秒 n. 

rest 剩余的 adj.

find out something about XXX = 了解 XXX 

A few students hesitated (to start). They waited (to see) (what the rest of the class would do). Several others checked the instructions and made something (according to one) (of the model plans) (provided). Another group built something (out of their own imaginations). 


hesitate 犹豫 v. 

several 几个 adj. 

check 检查,看 v. 

instruction 指导 n. 

according to 依照,依据

model 模型 n. 

plan 计划/方案 n. 

provide 提供 n. 

imagine 想象 v.

Once I had a boy (who worked experimentally) (with Tinker toys) (in his free time). His constructions filled a shelf (in the art classroom and a good part) (of his bedroom) (at home). I was delighted (at the presence) (of such a student). Here was an exceptionally creative mind (at work). His presence meant (that I had an unexpected teaching assistant) (in class) (whose creativity would infect(感染) other students). 

一次,我有一个男孩/他工作/实验性地/伴随着 Tinker toys/在他的空闲时间。他的建造物装满了一个架子/在这个艺术教室和一个很大的部分/他的卧室的/在家。我是感到高兴的/对于这个出现/这样的一个学生的。这里有一个特别有创造性的思想/在工作。他的出现意味着/说我有一个出人意料的教学助手/在班上/他的创造性会感染其他学生。【一个特别有创造性的学生

once 一次 adv. 

experiment 实验 n. 

experimental 实验性的 adj. 

construction 建筑/建造的东西 n. 

fill 装满 v. 

shelf 架子 n. 

bookshelf 书架 n. 

bedroom 卧室 n. 

delight 使...高兴 v. 

delighting 令人愉悦的 adj. 

delighted 感到高兴的 adj. 

present 到场的 adj. 出席 v. 

presence 出现 n. 

such 这样的 adj. 

except 除了 prep. 

exceptional 额外的 adj. 

mind 思想 n. 

expect 预料 v. 

unexpected 出人意料的 adj. 

assistant 助理/助手 n. 

assist 协助 v. 

creative 有创造性的 adj. 

creativity 创造性 n. 

create 创造 v. 

creator 造物主 n. 

creature 生物 n. 

Encouraging this kind of thinking has a downside. I ran the risk (of losing those students) (who had a different style) (of thinking). (Without fail) one would declare, “But I’m just not creative.” 


courage 勇气 n. 

courageous 勇敢的 adj. 

encourage 鼓励 v. 

discourage 使泄气 v. 

downside =drawback 缺点

risk 风险 n.

style/kind/type 种类

declare 宣称 v. 

run the risk of doing sth 冒..的风险 

“Do you dream (at night) (when you’re asleep)?” 

“Oh, sure.” 

“So tell me one (of your most interesting dreams).” The student would tell something wildly imaginative. (Flying) (in the sky) or (in a time machine) or (growing three heads). “That’s pretty creative. Who does that (for you)?” 

“Nobody. I do it.” 

“Really-(at night), (when you’re asleep)?” 


“Try doing it (in the daytime), (in class), okay?” 








wild 狂野的 adj. 

imaginative 有想象力的 adj. 

time machine 时间机器 n. 

pretty 相当 adv. 

daytime 白天的时间 n. 

Passage 11

Reading can be a social activity. Think (of the people) (who belong) (to book groups). They choose books (to read) and then meet (to discuss them). Now, the website Book Crossing.com turns the page (on the traditional idea) (of a book group). 

阅读可以是一个社会的活动。想/到这些人/他们归属/于书籍小组。他们选择书籍/去阅读/然后见面/去讨论他们。现在,这个网站 Book Crossing.com 翻了这个页/在这个传统观点方面/一个书籍小组的。【新网站 Book Crossing.com

social 社会的 adj. 

society 社会 n. 

socialist 社会主义者 n. (-ist 专业人才) 

socialism 社会主义 n. (-ism 主义,思想理论) 

capital 首都/资本/大写字母 n. 

capitalism 资本主义 n. 

capitalist 资本主义者 n. 

Maoism 毛泽东思想 n. 

Dengism 邓小平理论 n. 

Taoism 道家学说 n. 

think of 想到/想起 

think about 考虑

belong 归属 vi.(to..) 

choose 选择 v. 

now 换话题(=转折)

web 网 n. 

site 站 n. 

page 页 n. 

on 在..方面/关于 prep. 

tradition 传统 n. 

traditional 传统的 adj.

(today/ fortunately/ unfortunately也表示转折) 

Members go (on the site) and register the books (they own and would like to share). Book Crossing provides an identification number (to stick) (inside the book). Then the person leaves it (in a public place), (hoping) (that the book will have an adventure), (traveling far and wide) (with each new reader) (who finds it). 

会员走/上这个网站/然后注册这些书/他们拥有的并且想要去分享的。Book Crossing 提供了一个身 份识别码/去粘贴/在这个书里。然后这个人丢它/在一个公共的地方,希望/说这本书会有一个冒险,旅行得又远又广泛/伴随着每一个新读者/他找到它。【解释 Book Crossing.com 的模式

member 会员 n. 

register 注册 v. 

provide 提供 v. 

identify 识别 v. 

identity 身份 n. 

identification 身份识别 n. 

stick 粘贴 v. 

adventure 冒险 n.

Bruce Peterson, the managing director (of Book Crossing), says, “The two things (that change your life) are the people (you meet) and books (you read). Book Crossing combines both.”

B.P,这个管理主管/B.C 的/说,“这两个东西/它们改变你的生活/是人/你遇到的/和/书/你读过的。Book Crossing 结合了两者。”【Book Crossing 的意义

manage 管理 v. 

manager 经理 n. 

direct 指导 v.直的 adj. 

director 指导员 n. 

direction 指导/方向 n. 

combine 结合 v.

Members leave books (on park benches and buses), (in train stations and coffee shops). (Whoever finds their book) will go (to the site) and record (where they found it).


leave 丢 v. 

park 公园 n. 

bench 长椅 n. 

train 火车 n. 

station 车站 n. 

whoever 无论谁

where 的那个地方(名从)

People (who find a book) can also leave a journal entry (describing) (what they thought) (of it). E-mails are then sent (to the Book Crossing) (to keep them updated) (about) (where their books have been found). Bruce Peterson says (the idea is) (for people) (not to be selfish) (by keeping a book) (to gather dust) (on a shelf) (at home). 

人们/他们找到这本书/也可以留下一个日志条目/描述/他们认为这本书怎么样。电子邮件然后被发送/到这个 Book Crossing/去保持他们被更新/关于/他们的书已经被找到的那个地方。B.P 说/这个想法是/为了人们/不要去成为自私的/通过保持一本书/去收集灰尘/在一个架子上/在家。【得到书后该怎么做 & Book Crossing 的意义】 

journal 日志 n. 

entry 条目 n. 

describe 描述 v. 

update 更新 v. 

selfish 自私的 adj. 

gather 收集 v. 

dust 灰尘 n. 

shelf 架子 n. 

keep sb. updated 保持某人一直获得最新消息

Book Crossing is part (of a trend) (among people) (who want) (to get back) (to the“real” and not the virtual)(虚拟). The site now has more than one million members (in more than one hundred thirty-five countries). Book Crossing 

是部分/一个趋势的/在人们中间/他们想要/去回去/到这个“真实”的而不是这个虚拟的。这个网站现在有更多/比一百万会员/在超过 135 个国家。【网站的意义和发展

trend 趋势 n. 

among 在..中间 prep.

Passage 12

A new collection (of photos) brings an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back (to life). 


collect 收集 vt. 

collection 收集 n. 收藏 n. 一批衣服 n. 

photo 照片 n. 

Antarctic 南极的 adj. 

voyage 航行 n

Frank Hurley’s pictures would be outstanding----undoubtedly first-rate photo-journalism---(if they had been made) (last week). (In fact), they were shot (from 1914) (through 1916), most of them (after a disastrous shipwreck)(海滩), (by a cameraman) who had no reasonable expectation of survival. Many (of the images) were stored (in an ice chest), (under freezing water), (in the damaged wooden ship). 

F.H 的照片将会是杰出的——毫无疑问地第一流的摄影新闻——如果他们被制作/上周。事实上,它们被拍摄/从 1914/到 1916,他们中的大部分/在一个灾难性的海难之后,被一个摄影师/他没有合理的期待/生存的。很多/这些照片中的/被储存/在一个冰柜里,在冻人的水下面,在这个被破坏了的木船里。【发现老照片/关于海难

outstanding 杰出的 adj. 

undoubtedly 毫无疑问地 adv. 

常位于“be 后,实前,助实间”:

English is undoubtedly difficult. 

I undoubtedly love you. 

You should undoubtedly respect your parents. 

first-rate 一流的 adj. 

photo-journalism 摄影新闻 n. 

shoot 射击 vt. 

disaster 灾难 n. 

disastrous 灾难性的 adj. 

cameraman 摄影师 n 

reasonable 合理的adj.

reason 原因 n. 推理 v. 

expectation 期待 n. 

expect 期待 v. 

survival 生存 n. 

survive 生存 v. 

image 图画 n. 

imagine 想象 vt. 

imagination 想象力 n. 

store 储存 v. 

ice-chest 冰柜 n. 

chest 胸腔 n. 

freeze 冷冻 vt. 

Freeze! 不许动!

freezing 冻人的 adj. 

frozen 冻住的 adj. 

damage 破坏 vt. 

damaged 被破坏的 adj. 

wooden 木制的 adj.

The ship was the Endurance, a small, tight, Norwegian-built three-master (that was intended) (to take Sir Ernest Shackleton and a small crew of seamen and scientists), 27 men (in all), (to the southernmost shore) (of Antarctica’s Weddell Sea). (From that point) Shackleton wanted (to force a passage) (by dog sled)(雪橇) (across the continent). The journey was intended (to achieve more) (than) (what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done). Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early (in 1912) but had died (with his four companions) (on the march back). 

这个船是这个忍耐号,一个小的、紧的、挪威造的三桅船/它被打算/去带着 E.S 爵士和一小群船员和科学家,27 个人/总共,去这个最南端的海岸/南极的 W 海的。从那个点,S 想要/去推动一个通路/被狗雪橇/跨越这个大洲。这个旅途被打算/去实现更多/比/R.F.S 船长之前做的。S 船长之前到达这个南极/很早/在 1912 年/但是之前死了/跟他的四个伙伴/在回来的征途中。【沉船是忍耐号】

endure 忍耐 v. 

endurance 忍耐 n. 

tight 紧的 adj.

three-master 三桅船*n. 

intend 打算 v. 

crew 船员 n. 

in all 总共

southernmost 最南方的 adj. 

shore 海岸 n. 

force 力/武力 n. 逼迫/推动 v. 

passage 文章/通路 n. 

continent 大洲 n. 大陆 n. 

captain 船长 n. 

South Pole 南极 n. 

companion 同伴 n. 

march 行军 n. 

Mars. 火星 n. 战神 n. 

match 比赛/火柴 n. 匹配 v. 

watch 手表 n. 观看 v.

(As writer Caroline Alexander makes clear) (in her forceful and well-researched story) The Endurance, adventuring was (even then) a thoroughly commercial effort. Scott’s last journey, (completed)(as he lay) (in a tent) (dying) (of cold and hunger), caught the world’s imagination, and a film (made) (in his honor) drew crowds. Shackleton, a onetime British merchant-navy officer (who had got) (to) (within 100 miles) (of the 

South Pole) (in 1908), started a business (before his 1914 voyage) (to make money) (from movie and still photography). Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer (who knew the Antarctic), was hired (to make the images), most (of which) have never before been published. 

正如作家 C.A 写清楚的/在她强有力的和经过精密调查研究的故事,《忍耐号》,冒险是/甚至那会儿/是一个完全的商业努力。S 船长的最后的旅途,被完成/当他躺/在一个帐篷里/死于寒冷和饥饿,抓住了这个世界的想象力,然后一个电影/被制作/为了荣耀他/吸引了人群。S 爵士,一个曾经的英国商业海军军官/他之前到达了/100 英里以内/这个南极的/在 1908 年,创了个业/在他的 1914 航行之前/去挣钱/从电影和还有照片中。F.H,一个自信的和有天赋的澳大利亚摄影师/他了解这个南极,被雇佣 /去制造这个图像,它们中的大部分/之前从来没有被出版过。【忍耐号的缘起】

make clear 把...说清楚 v. 

forceful 强有力的 adj. 

research 研究 v. 

adventure 冒险 n.v. 

thorough 全面的 adj. 

thoroughly 全面地 adv. 

commercial 商业的 adj. 

effort 努力 n. 

in one’s honor 为了荣耀 XXX 

draw 拉/吸引 v. 

draw one’s attention 吸引...的注意力 

crowd 群 n. 拥挤 v. 

onetime 曾经的 adj. 

merchant-navy 商业海军 n. 

officer 官员 n. 

start a business 创业

gifted 有才华的 adj. 

hire 雇佣 vt. 

fire 解雇 vt. 

publish 出版 vt. 

public 公共的 adj.
