机器学习:4.3 模型验证 Model Validation

Generalization Error

  • Approximated by the error on a holdout test dataset, which has never been seen by the model and can be only used once

    • Your midterm exam score

    • The final price of a pending house sale

    • Dataset used in private leaderboard in Kaggle

  • Validation dataset:

    • Often a subset of the dataset, not used for model training

    • Can be used multiple times for hyper param tuning

    • “test error” usually refers to error on “validation” dataset

Hold Out Validation

  • Split your data into “train” and “valid” sets (often calls “test”)
  • Train your model on the train set, use the error on the valid set to approximate the generalization error
  • Often randomly select examples as the valid set
    • Typical choices n = 50, 40, 30, 20, 10

Split non I.I.D. data

  • Random data splitting may lead to underestimate of generalization error

  • Sequential data

    • e.g. house sales, stock prices

    • Valid set should not overlap with train set in time

  • Examples are highly clustered

    • e.g. photos of the same person, clips of the same video

    • Split clusters instead of examples

  • Highly imbalanced label classes

    • sample more from minor classes

K-fold Cross Validation

  • Useful when not sufficient data

  • Algorithm:

    • Partition the training data into K parts

    • For i = 1, …, K

      • Use the i-th part as the validation set, the rest for training
    • Report the validation error averaged over K rounds

  • Popular choices: K = 5 or 10

Common Mistakes

  • If your ML model performance is too good to be true, very likely
    there is a bug, and contaminated valid set is the #1 reason.
  • Valid set has duplicated examples from train set
    • Often happens when integrating multiple datasets
      • Scrape images from search engine to evaluate models trained on ImageNet
  • Information leaking from train set to valid set
    • Often happens for non I.I.D data
      • use future to predict past, see a person’s face before
  • Excessive use of valid set for hyper param tuning is cheating


  • The test data is used once to evaluate your model

  • One can hold out a validation set from the training data to estimate the test data

    • You can use valid set multiple times for model selections and hyper
      param tuning

    • Validation data should be close to the test data

    • Improper valid set is a common mistake that lead to over estimate of the model performance

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