11-25 Clear

1 clear your throat 非常熟悉的表达

2 形容天气:weather

(雾霭)消散,退去 (fog/mist/haze)

eg:The mist clear by morning

3 兑现(支票);(支票)结算 When a bank clears a cheque or when a cheque clears, the bank agrees to pay the sum of money mentioned on it.

造句:Chinese bank usually takes ten days to clear a cheque

4 透明的,清澈的

例句:The water is clear and lots of fish are visible

clear bottle

5 .VERB 动词批准,准许(行动) If a course of action is cleared, people in authority give permission for it to happen.

例句:Within an hour, the helicopter was cleared for take-off...不到一个小时,直升机获准起飞。

»His appointment had been cleared by the board. 


6 (良心)无愧的,不内疚的 if you have a clear conscience or your conscience is clear, you do not feel guilty

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