

英文 中文
Last king christmas last arrived 最棒的圣诞 终于来到
On the christmas christmas 在圣诞这一天到来
Mmm. Jerry, you are really giving it to this ham. 我这火腿简直人间美味
Um, merry christmas. Hello? 圣诞快乐 嘿
My parents are coming over for the first time in years. 我爸妈这么多年才来一次
Can we stow the gadgets and look alive? 咱能把手里的玩意儿都收了 有点生气吗
Alive? For your parents? 在你爸妈面前表现的有点生气
Mm, good one. 呵呵 真好笑
Hey, man! 你干嘛
You"Hey, man!" 你干嘛
This holiday is about humanity. 这个节日就是要有人情味儿
You know, I thought it was about being born half-god or something. 是吗 我还以为是什么半神的生日之类的
Whatever. All electronic items are going in the stocking now. 不管怎样 所有电子设备都给我放进这个袜子里
Dad, I'm not giving you my phone. 爸 我才不会把手机给你
Put it in the stocking, summer, or I'm joining facebook. 乖乖放进来 不然我就去注册Facebook
A-ho, ho, ho, everybody. 嚯嚯嚯 大家好
More like "Whoa, whoa, whoa." 我看是"啧啧啧"吧
What is this? My parents are coming! 你这是搞啥 我爸妈马上要来了
Calm down, Jerry. 淡定 Jerry
This is Reuben, an old friend. 这是Reuben 我一老朋友
Pearl harbor. 珍珠港
I check in on him once a year and give him a little medical evaluation. 我每年给他做一次医学诊断
Aww! Dad, that is so sweet! 爸 真感人
Yeah, it is. I don't get it. 呵呵 真感人 我不懂了
Korea. 韩国
Don't worry about your C-christmas, Jerry. 不用担心你的圣诞聚会 Jerry
I'll be with Reuben in my workshop 我跟Reuben去我的工作间
while you guys are having another day in Phil Collins' proverbial paradise. 你们就好好在著名的Phil Collins所谓"天堂"里过着吧
Huh. You think you know a guy. 真是不识庐山真面目
Okay, there's my parents. 我爸妈来啦
Now, remember no tv, no phones, no laptops. 别看电视 别玩手机 别碰电脑
We are connecting this Christmas, like old-school Jews on a saturday. 好好增进一下感情 就和传统的犹太人过周六一样
Hey, hey!
Merry christmas, son. 圣诞快乐 儿子
Uh, hi.
Can I help you? 你有事吗
Jerry, this is Jacob. Jerry 这是Jacob
Didn't you get our text message? 你们没收到我们的短信吗
You must be Jerry. 你就是Jerry吧
That's a fine-looking apron. 这围裙很好看啊
Williams-sonoma? 威廉姆斯索诺玛的吗
I wish! 我倒想呢
But thank you. 不过谢谢
So, you're a... friend of the family? 你是我父母的朋友吗
Uh, the way we see it, he's a part of the family. 在我们眼中 他是家人
After your father's brush with cancer 你爸和癌症擦肩而过
and losing your uncle, we looked at life and wondered, how have we spent it, 你叔叔也走了 所以我们决定重新审视我们过去的人生
And how do we spend the rest of it? 和剩下的时光
What are we going to be when we die 我们死的时候会是什么样的
a list of fears and questions 是充满了恐惧和怀疑
or a collection of real experiences? 还是过了充实的一生
Holy crap. Joyce, that's amazing. 天啊 Joyce 真了不起
Then Jacob came into our lives, and... we're learning to live again. 然后Jacob出现了 我们开始重新享受生活
All three of us. 我们三个一起
Eggnog? 来点蛋奶酒吗
Now we are talking! This man's got the apron and the eggnog, huh? 这才像话嘛 这爷们有围裙还有蛋奶酒
Hi, Joyce. Leonard. 嗨 Joyce Leonard
Hello, there. 你好
Merry christmas, man. 圣诞快乐
Morty, a moment of your time? Morty 能过来一下吗
He's in bad shape, morty. 他快不行了 Morty
Aw, geez, Rick. What'd you do? 天啊 Rick 你干了啥
Gee, thanks, Morty. W-w-what kind of monster do you think I am? 呵呵 Morty 你把我当成什么了
I-I-I'm sitting here trying to save the guy's life. 我是在救他的命
I need your help. 我需要你帮忙
I want you to find Dr. Xenon Bloom. 去找Xenon Bloom博士
He'll know what's going on. 他知道是怎么回事
Uh, w-w-w-where where do I find dr. Bloom? 我去哪哪哪哪儿找Bloom博士啊
Reuben In Reuben.
Reuben, Minne-minnesota? 明尼苏达的Reuben吗
Reuben on the table, morty. 桌子上的Reuben
Look, I-I-I I don't have time for you to wrap your little walnut around everything. 我没时间让你刨根问底了
Just hold your breath until the process is over or your lungs will collapse. 结束之前屏住呼吸 不然你的肺就完了
What proc... 什么结
Hey, dad, where's Morty? 爸 Morty呢
He's busy. 在忙
Morty, can you hear me? Morty 能听见吗
Head north. 往北走
Rick, where am I? Rick我这是在哪儿
Depending on my aim, you should be just south of the entrance. 按我注射的位置 你应该在入口的南边
Entrance to what? 啥入口
Welcome, Morty. 欢迎 Morty
Welcome... ... to Anatomy park! 欢迎来到人体公园
It's a little business venture I've been cooking up on the side with Dr. Bloom 这是我和Bloom博士一起搞的一个小副业
An amusement park inside a human body. 人体内的主题公园
Science isn't ch-cheap, morty. This should really help put a dent in the overhead. 搞科学很费钱的 这玩意多多少少能补贴一点
Oh, my god! This is insane! 天啊 太不可思议了
Spleen mountain? 脾山
Bladder falls? 膀胱瀑布
Pirates of the pancreas? 胰之海盗
胰之海盗→ 就在腹腔乐园
You got a problem with that last one, Morty? 你对最后一个有什么意见吗
Huh? No, no. 没有
I'm just reading'em out loud in the order that I'm seeing'em. 我只是看到什么就念出来而已
Okay. All right. If I sounded a little defensive, 好吧 我有点敏感
It's because pirates of the pancreas was my baby. 因为胰之海盗是我的宝贝
You know, I got I got a lot of pushback when I pitched it, Morty. 我想建这个的时候遇到了不少阻力 Morty
I guess I'm still a little defensive. 我现在还是有点护短
Let's just find dr. Bloom, all right? 总之快去找Bloom博士
I-I'm picking up a distress signal in the liver, Morty. 我在肝脏发现了求救信号
Proceed to the liver. 去肝那儿
Arriving at... ... liver. 前方到站 肝脏
Mind the gap. 小心站台间隙
It's really scary in here, Rick. 这儿好恐怖啊 Rick
The liver's under maintenance. 肝的情况不太好
Reuben's seen some rough years, Morty. Reuben这几年过得很苦
Don't judge. 不要说三道四
You don't agree to have a theme park built inside you if your life's going great. 日子过得好的人是不会同意在自己体内修一座主题公园的
Rick! It's a monster! Rick 有妖怪啊
No, no, no. Morty. 不 Morty
The only monster here is alco...... holism. 这儿唯一的妖怪只有酗酗酗酒
That is an animatronic werewolf. 那只是个机械狼人
Who are you?! 你是谁
Answer me! 快说
Where'd you come from? 哪儿来的
My my my grandpa Rick sent me! 我我我外公Rick让我来的
Poncho! That's quite enough. Poncho 够了
Morty, that's Poncho. Morty 这是Poncho
This is Roger and Annie. 这是Roger和Annie
And I am Dr. Xenon Bloom. 我是Xenon Bloom博士
Hey, Bloom, it's Rick. 嗨 Bloom 我是Rick
What the hell's going on here? 到底出什么事儿了
I don't know why, but the entire security system has shut down 我也不知道 整个安全系统都停止运作了
and I'm afraid... the exhibits are unlocked. 似乎展品也逃出来了
Exhibits? 展品
Anatomy park's greatest attraction, young man, 年轻人 人体公园最吸引人的部分
isn't the music or the food or the... 不是音乐 食物 或者
Pirates of the pancreas. 胰之海盗
Watch it. 说话注意点
It is, first and foremost, a living museum of humanity's most noble and ferocious diseases. 而是人体内最凶恶宏伟的病原体活体博物馆
Diseases? 病原体
Hey, doc. I got news for you. 嘿 博士 最新消息
Your living museum is officially a wild safari! 你的活体博物馆现在正式成为野生动物园了
Hepatitis A! Run! 是甲肝病毒 快跑
Oh, the food goes in your mouth, girl. 东西要吃进嘴里去啊
Oh, Jacob. 噢 Jacob
I-I'm sorry, Jacob. 不好意思 Jacob
I-I guess I'm still confused about 我还是不太明白 你和我父母
the precise nature and origin of your relationship with my parents. 到底具体是啥关系 怎么开始的
Are you, like, uh are you, like, their caretaker? Is that what it is? 你照顾他们的生活起居吗
We can go into detail later, son. 细节我们待会儿再说
Now, wait. Th-there's no point to secrecy. 没什么可隐瞒的
Let's all live and die honestly. 无论生死都要坦诚
Your mother and I have shared 40 years of each other, mind, body, and soul, 你妈妈和我共度了四十年人生 从身心到灵魂
and when minds and souls are joined for eternity 当心和灵魂永远相依
and when eternity is At the door, 而永恒的死亡在招手
it's an invitation to let go of the body 就该放身体自由
and an opportunity to share and experiment. 去分享和尝试
Dad, please. What are you saying? 爸 你到底在说什么
Whatever it is, it's beautiful, Leonard, and we support you. 不管说的是什么 听上去都很美好 Leonard 我们支持你
Hey, speak for yourself 你自己支持去吧
because it sounds like you're about to say jacob is your lover. 爸 你这好像马上要说Jacob是你的情人一样
No, no, no, no, no, no. 不不不
Jacob is your mother's lover. Jacob是你妈妈的情人
I watch them sometimes from a chair 有时候我坐在椅子上看他们
and sometimes from a closet, almost always dressed as superman. 有时候在衣柜里 基本上都穿着超人服
Jerry, this ham has got to be all you, right? Jerry 这火腿是你的杰作吧
It's incredible. 真是美味至极
Happy human holiday, dad. 真有人情味儿啊 节日快乐 爸
Hepatitis won't follow us into the respiratory system. 肝炎病毒不会跟进呼吸系统里来的
That's strange. 奇怪
Airflow is down 20%. 含气量下降了百分之二十
So, the brain isn't getting enough oxygen. 那大脑肯定供氧不足
That's why security's offline. 难怪安全系统停掉了
Well, I guess we better check it out. 我们最好去看看
Hey! Wait for me! 嘿 等等我
Put that back on! 戴上
If we got up to the bronchial catwalk, we could look for a blockage. 如果上到支气管那的过道去 就能找找是哪儿堵住了
I'll go. 我去
Don't be a hero, kid. 别逞英雄 孩子
I'm not. 我没有
I'm doing it because it's fun. 纯属找乐子
We shouldn't be here. 我们不该在这儿
Whatever you do, do not fire that thing in here. 任何情况下都不要开枪
We must save Reuben. 我们必须救下Reuben
This is my life's work. 这是我毕生的心血
It's all right, my dear. 没事的
Nearly all human lungs contain a strain of these bacteria, but 几乎所有人的肺里都会有这种细菌
The scar tissue keeps them... Dormant. 瘢痕组织能抑制它们的活动
Morty, get down! Morty 快下来
Oh, what are those things? 这些是什么
Tuberculosis coming in fast! 肺结核杆菌冲过来了
Not faster than a bullet! 看我的子弹
No! Do you know what you've done?! 不 你知道你干了什么吗
Get to the digestive tract! 快去消化道
He's coughing! 他开始咳嗽了
Don't let me die! 我不想死
Just take a deep breath, Reuben. 深呼吸 Reuben
You're not gonna die! 你不会死的
What's your name? 你叫什么名字
My name is... Alexand 我叫 Alexand
Rick R-r-reuben's got tuberculosis! Rick Reunben得了肺结核
Oh, great work, Morty. 干得好 Morty
Okay, I'll just cure it and then 我这就治好他
Okay. 好吧
Well, I can't cure death. 我治不好死人
This is bad, morty. 情况不妙 Morty
You're trapped in a dead man. 你们被困在一死人的身体里了
Listen, if the situation keeps darkening, do yourself a favor 如果情况继续恶化 对自己好点
And pop by pirates of the pancreas. 去胰之海盗玩玩
Obviously I'm biased, but I think it's great, morty. 很明显我不太客观 但我觉得真的超级棒
It's a bunch of pirates running around a pancreas. 一堆海盗围着胰腺跑啊跑
We don't whitewash it, either, Morty. 我们也没刻意美化 Morty
I mean, the pirates are really rapey. 那些海盗都特吓人
The top priority is to get, you know, you guys out of there, but 第一要务当然是把你们救出来
I'm just saying, if that becomes impossible, please, you gotta treat yourself. 如果实在是出不来了 一定要去玩玩啊
Oh, man. W-w-w-what is that horrible smell? 天啊 什么东西这么难闻
You mean the panda express? 熊猫快餐吗
Kidding. I-I'm kidding. 开玩笑 我开玩笑的
The body is beginning to constrict and fill with gas. 尸体开始收缩并且产生气体了
We're inside a corpse, my boy. 我们在一具死尸里面啊
Anatomy park is doomed. 人体公园完蛋了
Forget about the park, doctor! 别管公园了 博士
How do we get out? 我们怎么出去
The digestive tract is the evacuation route. 消化道就是疏散(排泄)通道
Get it? 笑点有懂吗
There's an emergency station in the colon with a ray that can enlarge us all. 结肠有一个应急站点 能把我们变回原来的大小
Everybody, head for the colon! 我们去结肠
Now I'm taking orders from a 12-year-old boy? 我还得听一个十二岁小孩儿的
Morty, the scar sacs containing the tuberculosis were sabotaged. Morty 那些有结核杆菌的液泡是被人故意弄破的
This disaster was an inside job. 这件事绝对是内鬼干的
Keep your eye on Annie. 盯着点Annie
She was written up several times by her manager at the churro stand. 她在西班牙油条摊的时候被经理记了几次过
Intestines are ahead to the left, then to the right, then left, et cetera. 进了肠道先往左 然后往右 再往左 以此类推
Hey, just so you know, i-I-I'm actually 14. So, you know... 那啥 我其实十四了 所以 你懂的...
Not 12. 不是十二
Okay. 好吧
You know, because he just said I was 12. 因为他刚才说我十二
Oh. Good for you. 哦 挺好的
Oof. Ugh. Morty. Strike one. 啊哦 出师不利啊 Morty
It's a road of wonder, a trail of food 奇妙之路呀食物之旅
It's a pathway to break up the bad and good 是好是坏都消化干净
It's a tube that digests and then sends out the rest 吸收剩下的全排出去
It's a small, small intestine 小小的小肠呀
It goes on like this for miles. 这还得走好一阵呢
Then we get to the large intestine! 然后就到大肠啦
Shh! I hear something. 嘘 有动静
Don't move. 别动
Gonorrhea can't see us if we don't move. 只要我们不动 淋球菌是看不见我们的
Wait, I was wrong. I was thinking of a T. Rex. 哦不对 记成霸王龙了
Move! 快跑
We're sitting ducks! 我们现在就是活靶子啊
Doc, didn't you say that the body was filling with gas? 博士 现在尸体里开始产生气体了是吗
Yes. Why? 是的 怎么了
Kid, you're a genius. 孩子 你真是个天才
Are you mad?! 你疯啦

