Adam and Eve

I believe in the fundamental faith that human beings are originally sinful. We all inherited the instincts from the very first man Adam. He ate the fruit from the tree of wisdom and had Eve to blame : " Lord it is the woman you put there who gave me the fruit."  Man and woman never stopped fighting ever since.

我相信人类是有原罪的这一基本信条。 我们所有的人都从第一个男人亚当那里继承了他的本能。他吃了智慧树上的果子, 却把这个责任推给了夏娃:“上帝啊,是你放在那里的那个女人给我吃的”. 从那以后,男人和女人就再也没有停止过相杀。

On the other hand, when Adam opened his eyes out of the deep sleep God put him in, he was so joyful and happy to see Eve. He loved her so much and shouted :" this is the bone of my bones, the flesh of my fleshes". Man never stopped loving woman ever since.

另一方面,当亚当睁开眼睛从上帝给他的沉睡中醒来的时候,见到夏娃,他欣喜若狂。 他多么爱她,大声喊道:“这是我骨中之骨,肉中之肉”。 从那以后,男人也从来沒有停止过爱女人。

Human history is the history of man loving woman, and equally the history of man fighting woman. The loves and fights have woven numerous fascinating stories that touched and affected us profoundly.

人类的历史是男人与女人相爱的历史,同样也是男人与女人相杀的历史。 相爱相杀中谱写了多少令人着迷的故事,这些故事对我们的影响深远悠长。

I also believe in the fundamental faith that human beings still have the basic goodness. That is the reason for us to have hope. Let's dream and hope we all become a better person by being together.

我也相信人类仍然具有基本善良的这一基本信念。 这就是我们还能抱有希望的原因。 让我们梦想并希望在一起能够帮助我们成为一个更好的人类。

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