
Jair Bolsonaro, far-right populist,elected president of Brazil

Brazil on Sunday became the latest country to drift toward the far right, electing a strident populist as president in the nation’s most radical political change since democracy was restored more than 30 years ago.

The new president, Jair Bolsonaro, won by tapping into a deep well of resentment at the status quo in Brazil—a country whiplashed by rising crime and two years of political and economic turmoil—and by presenting himself as the alternative.

“We have everything we need to become a great nation, ” Bolsonaro said Sunday night in a video broadcast on his Facebook account shortly after the race was called. “Together we will change the destiny of Brazil.”

Bolsonaro, who will take the helm of Latin America’s biggest nation, is farther to the right than any president in the region.

Reeling from the deepest recession in the country’s history, a corruption scandal that tarnished politicians across the ideological spectrum, and a record-high number of homicides last year, Brazilians picked a candidate who not only rejected the political establishment but at times also seemed to reject the most basic democratic tenets.

Part of the reason for his victory was the collapse of the left. Many cried foul after former President Luiz Inácio da Silva, the longtime front-runner in the race, was ruled ineligible after he was imprisoned in April to start serving a 12-year sentence for corruption and money laundering.


Far-right populist极右名粹主义,传统守旧

Drift toward 往别的方向偏移

e.g.The cloud drifting across the sky


Radical change彻底的改变



Tap into开发;利用,tap(vi. Vt.)(into) resource开发资源

e.g.These magazines has tapped into the target market of consumers

A deep well of resentment很深的民怨

Status quo=the present situation

Present himself as the alternative将自己作为一条新出路

Whiplash n. 鞭打 v.晃动

A country whiplash by rising crime国家因犯罪而震荡

State political and economic turmoil=a state of great exhaustic and confusion

小,emotional and mental turmoil


Call the race胜负已定,可以预测

Helm  n.掌权

Take the helm of sth=Start being in charge of sth

Be father to the right than any president in the region

Reel(蹒跚,踉跄) from sth =因为受挫而茫然不知所措

e.g.I was still reeling from the shock

Tarnish, 金属褪色,名誉受损

Tarnish the good name of the school

Across the ideological spectrum,多个政治派别的政客



Tenet信条  collapse=a sudden failure of sth

The establishment政治上的当权派

foul体育运动中的犯规,cry foul (at sth)(因某事)伸冤抗议

e.g.many Asian American students cry foul at racial quota

front-runner 领先的人


serve a sentence服刑

money laundering洗钱
