Install pydot and install graphviz

I encountered the following problem when running keras code:

Install pydot and install graphviz_第1张图片

Here is my solution:

Download | Graphviz

Install pydot and install graphviz_第2张图片

Then run the exe to install graphviz:

Install pydot and install graphviz_第3张图片

Here I choose  "add Graphviz to the system path" so that I don not add it to path manually.

Install pydot and install graphviz_第4张图片

Input  " dot -V " to test in the cmd:

The  install pydot in the cmd:

pip install pydot

Finally, run again:

Install pydot and install graphviz_第5张图片

Install pydot and install graphviz_第6张图片
