





1 概述

2 运行结果

3 参考文献

4 Matlab代码实现

1 概述







2 运行结果

【傅里叶梅林图像配准】用于图像配准的傅里叶梅林相位相关性的实现(Matlab代码实现) - 知乎


% The procedure is as follows (note this does not compute scale)

    % (1)   Read in I1 - the image to register against
    % (2)   Read in I2 - the image to register
    % (3)   Take the FFT of I1, shifting it to center on zero frequency
    % (4)   Take the FFT of I2, shifting it to center on zero frequency
    % (5)   Convolve the magnitude of (3) with a high pass filter
    % (6)   Convolve the magnitude of (4) with a high pass filter
    % (7)   Transform (5) into log polar space
    % (8)   Transform (6) into log polar space
    % (9)   Take the FFT of (7)
    % (10)  Take the FFT of (8)
    % (11)  Compute phase correlation of (9) and (10)
    % (12)  Find the location (x,y) in (11) of the peak of the phase correlation
    % (13)  Compute angle (360 / Image Y Size) * y from (12)
    % (14)  Rotate the image from (2) by - angle from (13)
    % (15)  Rotate the image from (2) by - angle + 180 from (13)
    % (16)  Take the FFT of (14)
    % (17)  Take the FFT of (15)
    % (18)  Compute phase correlation of (3) and (16)
    % (19)  Compute phase correlation of (3) and (17)
    % (20)  Find the location (x,y) in (18) of the peak of the phase correlation
    % (21)  Find the location (x,y) in (19) of the peak of the phase correlation
    % (22)  If phase peak in (20) > phase peak in (21), (y,x) from (20) is the translation
    % (23a) Else (y,x) from (21) is the translation and also:
    % (23b) If the angle from (13) < 180, add 180 to it, else subtract 180 from it.
    % (24)  Tada!

    % Requires (ouch):

    % 6 x FFT
    % 4 x FFT Shift
    % 3 x IFFT
    % 2 x Log Polar
    % 3 x Phase Correlations
    % 2 x High Pass Filter
    % 2 x Image Rotation

    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Load first image (I1)

    I1 = imread('lena.bmp');


    % Load second image (I2)

    I2 = imread('lena_cropped_rotated_shifted.bmp');

    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Convert both to FFT, centering on zero frequency component

% The procedure is as follows (note this does not compute scale)

    % (1)   Read in I1 - the image to register against
    % (2)   Read in I2 - the image to register
    % (3)   Take the FFT of I1, shifting it to center on zero frequency
    % (4)   Take the FFT of I2, shifting it to center on zero frequency
    % (5)   Convolve the magnitude of (3) with a high pass filter
    % (6)   Convolve the magnitude of (4) with a high pass filter
    % (7)   Transform (5) into log polar space
    % (8)   Transform (6) into log polar space
    % (9)   Take the FFT of (7)
    % (10)  Take the FFT of (8)
    % (11)  Compute phase correlation of (9) and (10)
    % (12)  Find the location (x,y) in (11) of the peak of the phase correlation
    % (13)  Compute angle (360 / Image Y Size) * y from (12)
    % (14)  Rotate the image from (2) by - angle from (13)
    % (15)  Rotate the image from (2) by - angle + 180 from (13)
    % (16)  Take the FFT of (14)
    % (17)  Take the FFT of (15)
    % (18)  Compute phase correlation of (3) and (16)
    % (19)  Compute phase correlation of (3) and (17)
    % (20)  Find the location (x,y) in (18) of the peak of the phase correlation
    % (21)  Find the location (x,y) in (19) of the peak of the phase correlation
    % (22)  If phase peak in (20) > phase peak in (21), (y,x) from (20) is the translation
    % (23a) Else (y,x) from (21) is the translation and also:
    % (23b) If the angle from (13) < 180, add 180 to it, else subtract 180 from it.
    % (24)  Tada!

    % Requires (ouch):

    % 6 x FFT
    % 4 x FFT Shift
    % 3 x IFFT
    % 2 x Log Polar
    % 3 x Phase Correlations
    % 2 x High Pass Filter
    % 2 x Image Rotation

    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Load first image (I1)

    I1 = imread('lena.bmp');


    % Load second image (I2)

    I2 = imread('lena_cropped_rotated_shifted.bmp');

    % ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    % Convert both to FFT, centering on zero frequency component

3 参考文献


[1]李翰威,崔飞易,凌庆庆,等.基于傅里叶梅林变换的图像配准方法[J].中国医学物理学杂志, 2023, 40(5):562-567.

[2]李傲梅,姜万里.基于图像特征的傅里叶梅林变换在图像配准中的应用[J].计算机与数字工程, 2017, 45(4):5.DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-9722.2017.04.030.

[3]周刚.一种傅里叶-梅林变换空间图像快速配准算法[J].  2010.

[4]焦继超1,赵保军1,周刚2.一种傅里叶—梅林变换空间图像快速配准算法[J].兵工学报, 2010, 31(12):1551-1556.

4 Matlab代码实现
