
本期主题是《Nimbus是什么》,我是本次的主持人,Nimbus社区志愿者Linda 。

Alexandra Serebrennikova:Nimbus全球市场总监
Rico Pang:圣德穆资本联合创始人,Nimbus投资方




1.Nimbus landed in China for the first time. Our Chinese users are very curious, what kind of project is Nimbus?

Nimbus was launched in 2019 and accumulated 50,000 users as of today. Now, we are an established Fintech company with a reputable team and a year-long track-record of offering blockchain-based financial tools to the market.
Our goal has always been to open up the best financial tools to everyone in the world and make them available in crypto with higher efficiency. That’s why, as a logical step in our development strategy, we’re launching a new decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem of dApps with 10 earning strategies for users based on real-world use cases - from P2P loans to IPOs and crowdfunding.
At our launch in December 2020, we shall list the first of our three new tokens, NUS token, at Uniswap and make our first two dApps available to the public: Crypto Arbitrage-Trading dApp and P2P Lending dApp. For this, we already have pending tech and security audits from top blockchain auditor firms such as Zokyo and pending agreements with liquidity providers.

Nimbus于2019年推出,到今天为止已累积50,000个用户。 现在,我们是一家成熟的金融科技公司,拥有一支知名的团队,并且在为市场提供基于区块链的金融工具方面拥有长达一年的往绩。
我们的目标一直是向全世界的每个人开放最好的金融工具,并使其以更高的加密效率提供。 因此,作为我们发展战略中合乎逻辑的一步,我们将启动一个新的DAPP分散式金融(DeFi)生态系统,其中包含10种基于现实世界用例的用户获利策略-从贷款到IPO和众筹。
在2020年12月发布时,我们将在Uniswap中列出我们的三个新代币中的第一个,即NUS代币,并向公众公开我们的前两个DAPP:量化交易DAPP和借贷DAPP。 为此,我们已经有来自顶级区块链审计公司(例如Zokyo)的未决技术和安全审计,以及与流动性提供商的未决协议。

2. Could you tell us about the team behind Nimbus?

Our international team consists of 15+ renowned professionals with a great reputation, including ex top-managers of the biggest international corporations of today. We cover all the required areas of expertize to be successful with our new launch, including Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, DeFi, AI/ML, Finance, and Cyber Security. Read more about our team here:

我们的国际团队由15多名知名专家组成,这些专家享有很高的声誉,其中包括当今最大的国际公司的前高级管理人员。 我们涵盖了新发行成功所需的所有专业知识领域,包括加密货币,区块链,DeFi,AI / ML,金融和网络安全。 在此处了解有关我们团队的更多信息:。

3. What are the highlights of the Nimbus project?

1)We have a well-seasoned international team and all the required connections to external partners to launch a successful DeFi ecosystem.
2)Nimbus Ecosystem shall provide 10 products with different earning strategies - all in one place, without extra fees and registrations.
3)We have rich expertize in traditional finance so we merge the best tools from traditional finance with the best practices in DeFi and digital asset risk management in order to enable unprecedented crypto opportunities.
4)We engage in thorough surveillance of regulatory landscape and continuous compliance in all our activities to ensure the best experience for our users.


4. Compared to other DAOs, what advantages does Nimbus DAO have and how will it work?

Alexandra:The Nimbus DAO unique value for participants and users is:
Nimbus revenues shall be shared between DAO participants
Our DAO offers true stakeholder participation, with only 10% of governance tokens, GNUS, left to the Nimbus Organization, meaning everybody can participate.
DAO participants shall be able to co-create Nimbus by submitting proposals and voting on the technological, economic, and governance-related matters.
Our Smart Contracts are being audited by one of the most reputable auditors worldwide, Zokyo, to make sure our users and their assets stay safe.
Our specially designed DAO mechanisms aim to protect users and participants from pumps and dumps and prevent fraud from the market participants, ensuring fair conditions for prosperity of all stakeholders

Nimbus DAO对于参与者和用户的独特价值是:

5. What are Nimbus dApps and what are their unique advantages compared with other dApps?

Alexandra:Unlike many other dApps, Nimbus dApps are based on real-world use cases. Now users can forget about the far-fetched reward generation models based on game theories and inexistent things that few people can trust or even understand. Nimbus has clear processes and revenue generation mechanisms backing each dApp which makes users’ life easier and lets everybody participate.

What’s also important, Nimbus has everything you need in one place! All our dApps can be accessed with the same tokens and without extra fees and registrations! So, when you use Nimbus, you should have direct access to many dApps and pools at once, starting with 10 earning strategies once we have our first 4 dApps launched.

In the near future, Nimbus shall add more proprietary dApps and integrate seamlessly with 3rd party dApps, too.

Here are our four initial dApps:
Nimbus Crypto Arbitrage-Trading dApp is an arbitrage and trading tool that’s been in use for nearly a year now. It has accumulated a highly engaged community of 50,000 users which can’t wait for upcoming dApps and grows organically.
Our P2P lending dApp brings tried-and-true traditional lending mechanics to DeFi while leveraging the best practices in digital asset risk management. Unlike many other P2P lending dApps, it provides multiple lending and borrowing tiers based on the risk-adjusted criteria and also enables direct matching of lenders and borrowers per location.
Nimbus Crowdfunding dApp is a unique decentralized tool enabling anyone with crypto assets to participate in startups crowdfunding in a regulated and secure way. Global Users can participate in pools with access to convertible notes and startup equity and enjoy sophisticated due diligence evaluation processes and automatic asset distribution, usage, and accountability via Smart Contracts.
IPO hub dApp is the most unique tool enabling users with any crypto sums to participate in IPOs. Now anybody can have 1-click access to IPOs without paying extra brokerage fees and enjoy sophisticated evaluation mechanisms and all analytics in one spot. Perfect both for pros and for newbies from anywhere in the world!
与许多其他DAPP不同,Nimbus DAPP是基于实际用例的。 现在,用户可以忽略基于游戏理论的高深莫测的奖励生成模型,和很少有人能信任甚至无法理解的不存在事物的。 Nimbus具有清晰的流程和创收机制来支持每个DAPP,这使用户的生活更加轻松,并使每个人都能参与。

同样重要的是,Nimbus一站式提供您所需的一切! 我们所有的DAPP都可以使用相同的代币访问,而无需额外的费用和注册! 因此,当您使用Nimbus时,您应该可以一次直接访问许多DAPP和池,一旦我们启动了首批4个DAPP,便从10种赚钱策略开始。


Nimbus DAPPs介绍



✔️Nimbus 借贷DAPP-一种金融借贷工具,将经过实践检验的传统借贷机制引入DeFi,同时利用数字资产风险管理的最佳实践。它根据风险调整后的标准提供了多个借贷层,并可以按地点进行直接匹配。

✔️Crowdfunding DAPP-独特的去中心化工具,使拥有加密货币的任何人都能以受监管和安全的方式参与创业公司的融资。全局用户可以参与,以获取可转换和启动资产,并通过智能合约享受复杂的尽职调查评估流程以及自动资产分配,使用和问责制。正在申请相关的欧盟许可证。


6. What are Nimbus Tokens and the functionality of each?

In 2020-2021, Nimbus aims to launch three tokens with thoroughly audited tokenomics and liquidity providers support, resulting in increased benefits for users:1. NUS - ERC20 utility token. Provides access to all Nimbus solutions. To be launched in December 2020.
1)Staked in liquidity pools for dApps usage
2)Required in order to gain access to GNUS
3)Distributed as dApps rewards
4)Revenue shares for GNUS holders are also distributed in NUS
2.GNUS - ERC-1155 governance token. Enables anybody to partake in Nimbus governance. To be launched in Q1 2021.
1)Enables users to create voting proposals and vote on technical, economic, and governance related matters by users.
2)Enables platform revenue distribution for GNUS holders
3)Only 10% of GNUS shall be reserved for the Nimbus Organization, opening all the doors for the users

  1. STAN - ERC20 stablecoin, 100% backed by USD. Provides stability to Nimbus users. The Nimbus Team keeps looking for more options to make STAN as stable as possible. To be launched in Q1 2021


实用代币。 提供对所有Nimbus解决方案的访问。 将于2020年12月启动。

2.GNUS-ERC-1155 治理代币。 使任何人都可以参与Nimbus治理。 将于2021年第一季度推出。

  1. STAN-ERC20稳定币,100%由美元支持。 为Nimbus用户提供稳定性。 Nimbus团队一直在寻找更多选择,以使STAN尽可能稳定。 将于2021年第一季度推出

7. As the CMO of the Nimbus project, what do you think of the current DEFI boom? What layout will Nimbus do in the DEFI field in the future?

DeFi is a new phenomenon emerging in an experimental environment and it’s no surprise that today, many DeFi projects are popping up and dying fast without offering real value to users. But the good projects of today which approach DeFi wisely may well become the market leaders of tomorrow, reaping the benefits along the way together with a few other winners. Nimbus has all the chances to be among those and help bring DeFi solutions to the masses. Why? Because we have a special approach that few DeFi startups share today.

For us, launching a DeFi project is not a way to follow the hype or get some quick gains for the team. We have been developing the Nimbus Platform for a year now, and switching to DeFi is our way to fulfill Nimbus’ mission in the most efficient way.

What we’re building is a carefully crafted and audited ecosystem that provides tangible long-term value to users and stakeholders on both sides of liquidity pools. In other words, we’re launching a real solution which addresses real pain points of real people out there. Moreover, we have an exceptionally strong capacity to deliver what we planned rather than just dream about it. These two factors combined are a very substantial basis that poises us for success, and we’re looking for people like you to join us and share it!

DeFi是在实验环境中出现的一种新现象,不足为奇的是,如今,许多DeFi项目如雨后春笋般冒出,并迅速消失,而没有为用户提供真正的价值。但是,明智地采用DeFi的当今优秀项目很可能会成为明天的市场领导者,并与其他一些赢家一道收获收益。 Nimbus很有机会跻身其中,并帮助将DeFi解决方案推向大众。为什么?因为我们有一种特殊的方法,所以今天很少有DeFi初创公司分享。



8. What are the next steps for Nimbus?

Right now, we’re finalizing our DeFi functionality development and audit and getting ready for our launch slated for December 2020.

Within our launch, we shall list the first of our three tokens, NUS token, at Uniswap.

At the same time, we aim to make our first two dApps available to the public: Crypto Arbitrage-Trading dApp and P2P Lending dApp. Other two dApps will follow in 2021 and we also plan to integrate seamlessly with 3rd party dApps, too, and add more proprietary dApps as we grow.

In the long-run, Nimbus aims to become a one-stop-shop that bridges digital assets to investment products for global users and provide access to additional asset-classes and investment products - e.g. Pre-IPO Secondary Markets Equities and Fixed-Income Participation. You can find more details in our Roadmap



同时,我们的目标是向公众提供我们的前两个DAPP:量化交易DAPP和借贷DAPP。 其他两个DAPP将于2021年面世,我们还计划与第三方DAPP无缝集成,并随着我们的发展添加更多专有DAPP。

从长远来看,Nimbus的目标是成为一站式商店,将数字资产连接到面向全球用户的投资产品,并提供访问其他资产类别和投资产品的渠道,例如 首次公开募股前二级市场股票和固定收益参与。 您可以在我们的路线图:中找到更多详细信息:



Alexandra:Our global team is currently working on the Chinese translation and we should launch the Chinese version within a couple of days

Alexandra:Once our dApps are launched, anyone can use them, all you need is to have some NUS tokens in order to be able to participate.

用户: 怎么参与这个项目?
Alexandra:All you need to do is wait for our launch in December 2020 and then go to Uniswap to get our NUS tokens to be the first one to use our platform! NUS tokens offer many opportunities for users and you should surely read more about them at our website:
您需要做的就是等待2020年12月我们的发布,然后去Uniswap获取我们的NUS代币,使其成为第一个使用我们的平台的代币! NUS代币为用户提供了许多机会,您一定应该在我们的网站上阅读有关它们的更多信息:

Alexandra:There shall be a bounty program launched soon and I’m sure our community will love it! If you stay tuned in this chat, you’ll hear more information about it soon .
即将推出赏金计划,我敢肯定我们的社区会喜欢它的! 如果您继续关注本群信息,很快就会听到有关它的更多信息。

Alexandra:We are always looking forward to forming mutually beneficial partnerships when it comes to spreading the word about our project and bringing new users to Nimbus in China and Asia in general. So if you have any proposals, feel free to share in private messages! Thank you.
在传播有关我们项目的消息并在中国和整个亚洲将新用户吸引到Nimbus方面,我们始终期待建立互惠互利的伙伴关系。 因此,如果您有任何建议,请随时分享私人消息! 谢谢。

Alexandra:There are no tokens for which you can predict stable value But when it comes to NUS, one thing we can say for sure is that we have a top-notch team experienced in the field and cutting-edge technology combined with a very carefully crafted tokenomics which together set a great basis for our tokens to be highly useful and relevant in the market.
没有可以预测稳定价值的代币:)但是,对于NUS,我们可以肯定地说的是,我们拥有一支在该领域经验丰富的顶尖团队和尖端技术,并且非常谨慎 精心设计的代币经济学为我们的代币在市场上高度有用和相关性奠定了良好的基础。

Plus we already have 50,000 users around the world who can’t wait or our new dApps and tokens to be launched! We’re not just a startup, we’re an established company with solid market traction。
另外,我们已经在全球范围内拥有50,000名迫不及待的用户,即将推出我们的新dApp和代币! 我们不仅仅是一家初创公司,我们还是一家拥有强大市场吸引力的老牌公司。

Alexandra:If our community wants more AMA sessions, we will certainly arrange some for you! And once our website and other documentation is translated to Chinese, you will have more information about Nimbus. I’m sure you’ll discover something interesting there.
如果我们的社区想要更多的AMA会议,我们一定会为您安排一些! 并且,一旦我们的网站和其他文档翻译成中文,您将获得有关Nimbus的更多信息。 我相信你会在那发现一些有趣的东西。
