具体迭代器(Concrete Iterator):它是实现迭代器接口的具体实现类,负责具体的遍历逻辑。它保存了当前遍历的位置信息,并可以根据需要向前或向后遍历集合元素。
抽象聚合器(Aggregate): 一般是一个接口,提供一个iterator()方法,例如java中的Collection接口,List接口,Set接口等。
abstract class Aggregate
public abstract Iterator CreateIterator();
class ConcreteAggregate : Aggregate
private ArrayList _items = new ArrayList();
public override Iterator CreateIterator()
return new ConcreteIterator(this);
// Gets item count
public int Count
get { return _items.Count; }
// Indexer
public object this[int index]
get { return _items[index]; }
set { _items.Insert(index, value); }
abstract class Iterator
public abstract object First();
public abstract object Next();
public abstract bool IsDone();
public abstract object CurrentItem();
class ConcreteIterator : Iterator
private ConcreteAggregate _aggregate;
private int _current = 0;
// Constructor
public ConcreteIterator(ConcreteAggregate aggregate)
this._aggregate = aggregate;
// Gets first iteration item
public override object First()
return _aggregate[0];
// Gets next iteration item
public override object Next()
object ret = null;
if (_current < _aggregate.Count - 1)
ret = _aggregate[++_current];
return ret;
// Gets current iteration item
public override object CurrentItem()
return _aggregate[_current];
// Gets whether iterations are complete
public override bool IsDone()
return _current >= _aggregate.Count;
public class IteratorStructure : MonoBehaviour
void Start ( )
ConcreteAggregate a = new ConcreteAggregate();
a[0] = "Item A";
a[1] = "Item B";
a[2] = "Item C";
a[3] = "Item D";
// Create Iterator and provide aggregate
Iterator i = a.CreateIterator();
Debug.Log("Iterating over collection:");
object item = i.First();
while (item != null)
item = i.Next();
public class SongInfo
public string songName { get; protected set; }
public string bandName { get; protected set; }
public int yearReleased { get; protected set; }
public SongInfo(string songName, string bandName, int yearReleased)
this.songName = songName;
this.bandName = bandName;
this.yearReleased = yearReleased;
public string ToStringEx()
return this.songName + " - " + this.bandName + " : " + this.yearReleased.ToString();
public interface SongIterator
IEnumerator GetIterator();
public class SongsOfThe70s : SongIterator
// here it is a list
protected List<SongInfo> bestSongs;
public SongsOfThe70s()
bestSongs = new List<SongInfo>();
public void AddSong(string name, string artist, int year)
SongInfo song = new SongInfo(name, artist, year);
//about yeild return :http://www.jb51.net/article/54810.htm
// heart
public IEnumerator GetIterator()
foreach (SongInfo song in bestSongs)
yield return song;
yield break;
public class SongsOfThe80s : SongIterator
// here we have an array
protected SongInfo[] bestSongs;
public SongsOfThe80s()
bestSongs = new SongInfo[0];
public void AddSong(string name, string artist, int year)
SongInfo song = new SongInfo(name, artist, year);
// just for the sake of easyness of appending something we will convert the array to a list
List<SongInfo> newSongs = new List<SongInfo>(bestSongs);
// add a new element
// and convert it back to an array
bestSongs = newSongs.ToArray();
// heart
public IEnumerator GetIterator()
foreach (SongInfo song in bestSongs)
yield return song;
yield break;
void Start()
// creating the collections and adding some songs:
SongsOfThe70s song70s = new SongsOfThe70s();
song70s.AddSong("song title", "song artist", 1974);
song70s.AddSong("song title2", "song artist2", 1978);
SongsOfThe80s song80s = new SongsOfThe80s();
song80s.AddSong("song title 80s", "song artist 80s", 1985);
song80s.AddSong("song title2 80s", "song artist2 80s", 1989);
// because of the iterator pattern we can loop through both types
// of collections the same simple way and don't have to bother
// with what type of collection the object stores:
IEnumerator songsOfThe70sIterator = song70s.GetIterator();
while (songsOfThe70sIterator.MoveNext())
SongInfo info = (SongInfo)songsOfThe70sIterator.Current;
Debug.Log("Song 70s: " + info.ToStringEx());
IEnumerator songsOfThe80sIterator = song80s.GetIterator();
while (songsOfThe80sIterator.MoveNext())
SongInfo info = (SongInfo)songsOfThe80sIterator.Current;
Debug.Log("Song 80s: " + info.ToStringEx());