Rails 3一如既往地为大家带来新的惊喜。原文的作者收集了一系列提及Rails 3新特性的文章,希望对大家有帮助。原作者还喜欢大家给他留言补充 。
Revamped Routes in Rails 3 (12/20/09):Rails 3 Router的应用实例
Generic Actions in Rails 3 (12/20/09):趣谈Rails 3 Router
The Rails 3 Router: Rack it Up (12/26/09):解释Rails 3 Router中重大的设计方面的改进
ActiveModel: Make Any Ruby Object Feel Like ActiveRecord (01/10/10):介绍一下新的ActiveModel API.
Let your SQL Growl in Rails 3 (01/17/10):运用Rails 3监控模型的一个小技巧及其例子
Active Record Query Interface 3.0 (01/22/10):基于ARel的新版ActiveRecord API的介绍
Dynamic session expiration time in Rails 3 (01/16/10):剖析Rails 3中session和cookie处理以及一个有用的插件
Render Options in Rails 3 (01/18/10):介绍Rails 3中render操作的参数
Making Generators for Rails 3 with Thor (01/15/10):一篇关于如何创建、打包和测试Rails 3生成器的教程
Discovering Rails 3 generators (01/18/10):介绍了一些Rails 3生成器的重点
Spinning up a new Rails app (12/31/09):介绍如何创建新的Rails 3应用程序
Rails 3 and Passenger (01/17/10):在Passenger中运行Rails 3的注意事项
Upgrading an Application to Rails 3 — Part 1 (01/17/10):Rails 2升级到Rails 3的教程
Migrating a Rails App from 2.x to 3.0 (01/17/10):升级Rails需要的注意事项
Rails Bugmash 2010 (01/16/10):如何把一些常用的插件和库升级到Rails 3
Notes from Rails 3 bugmash (01/17/10):另一篇关注现有插件和库兼容性的文章
Rails 3 Plugins and Gems :这篇官方的wiki列出了哪些现有的插件和库是和Rails 3兼容的
My Five Favorite Things About Rails 3 (08/18/09):一篇早前评论Rails 3的文章
The Path to Rails 3: Introduction (01/20/10):Rails 3架构变化的详细说明
Rails and Merb Merge: The Anniversary (Part 1 of 6) (12/23/09):以模块化的方式重构Rails组件
Rails and Merb Merge: Performance (Part 2 of 6) (12/29/09):优化页面渲染和控制器定位的效率
Rails and Merb Merge: Plugin API (Part 3 of 6) (01/11/10):为扩展而设计的API
Rails and Merb Merge: Rails Core (Part 4 of 6) (01/22/10):以模块化的方式重构Rails内核
原文地址: http://mediumexposure.com/rails-3-reading-material/