Hotel Reservations


  • reserve

cash reserve 现价储备
natuarl reserve 自然保护区
reserve a room 预定房间

  • book

book for 预定
book dinner for all 负责订餐
read like a book 一目了然
knew like a book 通晓
talk like a book 说话文绉绉的
read a book 看书

  • suite

a suite of 一系列
family suite 家庭套房
honeymoon suite 蜜月套房

  • available

available on 仅在…有效(付款)
available for 可用于…的;对…有效的;能参加…的
available from 可向…购买
available data 现有数据;可用数据
space available 可用空间

  • view

new view 新观点;新主张
in my view 在我看来;我认为

  • non-smoking

non-smoking section 无烟区

  • tax

income tax 所得税
business tax 营业税

  • look forward to

look forward to doing 期待盼望盼望做
Look forward to your reply 期待你的来信

Conversation for book hotel

Hotel Clerk: Hello. Sunnyside Inn. May I help you?
Man: Yes, I'd like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March
Hotel Clerk: Okay, Let me checkout our books here for a moment. Well, we do have one suite available, and the view of the city is great, too.
Man: How much is that?
Hotel Clerk: It's only $200, plus a 10%(percent) room tax.

Man: Oh, that's a little too expensive for me. Do you have cheaper room available either on the 20th or the 22th?
Hotel Clerk: Well, would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?
Man: Non-smoking, please.
Hotel Clerk: $80, plus the 10% room tax.

Man: Okay, that'll be fine.
Hotel Clerk: All right. Could I have your name,please?
Man:Yes. Bob Maxner.
Hotel: How do you spell your last name,Mr. Maxner?
Man: M-A-X-N-E-R

Hotel Clerk: Okay, Mr. Maxner, we look forward to seeing you on March 20th.
Man: Okay, Goodbye.

  • 预定酒店: 店员
  • 告知对方是什么酒店,并询问需要什么服务
  • 查询客户需求,给出建议
  • 登记顾客信息
  • 再见之类的寒暄
  • 预定酒店: 顾客
  • 提出需要如需要的房间型号和预定的日期
  • 讨价还价
  • 提供信息

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