.Net Core之CLR命令行

  • CLR
    • 运行
      • 安装信息(dotnet --info)
      • global.json版本信息管理
    • 创建项目帮助命令dotnet new
      • 命令选项
      • 查找创建的项目模板
      • 查找子项目模板
      • 查找其它模板
      • 创建项目
      • 创建解决方案
    • 构建项目build
      • 命令选项
      • 构建
    • 发布项目publish
      • 命令选项
      • 发布
      • 运行项目
      • 运行dll
    • Nuget管理
      • 命令选项
      • 新建包
      • 发布包
    • dotnet命令自动补全


CLR是开发人员与.Net Core交互的唯一的用户界面,支持跨平台运行,在windows、Linux、mac下命令一致。可通过CLR命令行实现创建、发布项目等等功能。它是.Net Core的独立开源项目,也是核心项目。.Net Core 源码git地址。安装SDK时,会自动安装CLR。安装运行时也会安装CLR,但是只有运行时环境需要的部分功能。


可以在cmd或power shell里面运行。

安装信息(dotnet --info)

.NET CORE CLR命令行_第1张图片


在D盘新建文件夹测试,在此文件夹打开Power shell。输入命令dotnet new global.json --sdk-version 3.1.301,再输入命令dotnet --version即可查看当前文件夹使用的.Net Core的版本。此文件夹及其下面的子文件夹都会默认使用当前版本,若没有global.json文件,则向上级文件夹查找,若一直找不到,则默认使用系统最新版本。
.NET CORE CLR命令行_第2张图片

创建项目帮助命令dotnet new

H:\测试>dotnet new
用法: new [选项]

  -h, --help          Displays help for this command.
  -l, --list          Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is specified, lists all templates.
  -n, --name          The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the current directory is used.
  -o, --output        Location to place the generated output.
  -i, --install       Installs a source or a template pack.
  -u, --uninstall     Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
  --nuget-source      Specifies a NuGet source to use during install.
  --type              Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are "project", "item" or "other".
  --dry-run           Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation.
  --force             Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files.
  -lang, --language   Filters templates based on language and specifies the language of the template to create.
  --update-check      Check the currently installed template packs for updates.
  --update-apply      Check the currently installed template packs for update, and install the updates.

Templates                                         Short Name               Language          Tags
Console Application                               console                  [C#], F#, VB      Common/Console
Class library                                     classlib                 [C#], F#, VB      Common/Library
WPF Application                                   wpf                      [C#]              Common/WPF
WPF Class library                                 wpflib                   [C#]              Common/WPF
WPF Custom Control Library                        wpfcustomcontrollib      [C#]              Common/WPF
WPF User Control Library                          wpfusercontrollib        [C#]              Common/WPF
Windows Forms (WinForms) Application              winforms                 [C#]              Common/WinForms
Windows Forms (WinForms) Class library            winformslib              [C#]              Common/WinForms
Worker Service                                    worker                   [C#]              Common/Worker/Web
Unit Test Project                                 mstest                   [C#], F#, VB      Test/MSTest
NUnit 3 Test Project                              nunit                    [C#], F#, VB      Test/NUnit
NUnit 3 Test Item                                 nunit-test               [C#], F#, VB      Test/NUnit
xUnit Test Project                                xunit                    [C#], F#, VB      Test/xUnit
Razor Component                                   razorcomponent           [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
Razor Page                                        page                     [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
MVC ViewImports                                   viewimports              [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
MVC ViewStart                                     viewstart                [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
Blazor Server App                                 blazorserver             [C#]              Web/Blazor
Blazor WebAssembly App                            blazorwasm               [C#]              Web/Blazor/WebAssembly
ASP.NET Core Empty                                web                      [C#], F#          Web/Empty
ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)      mvc                      [C#], F#          Web/MVC
ASP.NET Core Web App                              webapp                   [C#]              Web/MVC/Razor Pages
ASP.NET Core with Angular                         angular                  [C#]              Web/MVC/SPA
ASP.NET Core with React.js                        react                    [C#]              Web/MVC/SPA
ASP.NET Core with React.js and Redux              reactredux               [C#]              Web/MVC/SPA
Razor Class Library                               razorclasslib            [C#]              Web/Razor/Library/Razor Class Library
ASP.NET Core Web API                              webapi                   [C#], F#          Web/WebAPI
ASP.NET Core gRPC Service                         grpc                     [C#]              Web/gRPC
dotnet gitignore file                             gitignore                                  Config
global.json file                                  globaljson                                 Config
NuGet Config                                      nugetconfig                                Config
Dotnet local tool manifest file                   tool-manifest                              Config
Web Config                                        webconfig                                  Config
Solution File                                     sln                                        Solution
Protocol Buffer File                              proto                                      Web/gRPC

    dotnet new mvc --auth Individual
    dotnet new web
    dotnet new --help


dotnet new < TEMPLATE > [-l|–list][–type]
dotnet new < TEMPLANT >
[-lang|–language] 选择语言
[-n|–name] 项目名称
[-o|–output] 输出路径
[Templant options]


H:\测试>dotnet new --list --type project
用法: new [选项]

  -h, --help          Displays help for this command.
  -l, --list          Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is specified, lists all templates.
  -n, --name          The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the current directory is used.
  -o, --output        Location to place the generated output.
  -i, --install       Installs a source or a template pack.
  -u, --uninstall     Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
  --nuget-source      Specifies a NuGet source to use during install.
  --type              Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are "project", "item" or "other".
  --dry-run           Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation.
  --force             Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files.
  -lang, --language   Filters templates based on language and specifies the language of the template to create.
  --update-check      Check the currently installed template packs for updates.
  --update-apply      Check the currently installed template packs for update, and install the updates.

Templates                                         Short Name               Language          Tags
Console Application                               console                  [C#], F#, VB      Common/Console
Class library                                     classlib                 [C#], F#, VB      Common/Library
WPF Application                                   wpf                      [C#]              Common/WPF
WPF Class library                                 wpflib                   [C#]              Common/WPF
WPF Custom Control Library                        wpfcustomcontrollib      [C#]              Common/WPF
WPF User Control Library                          wpfusercontrollib        [C#]              Common/WPF
Windows Forms (WinForms) Application              winforms                 [C#]              Common/WinForms
Windows Forms (WinForms) Class library            winformslib              [C#]              Common/WinForms
Worker Service                                    worker                   [C#]              Common/Worker/Web
Unit Test Project                                 mstest                   [C#], F#, VB      Test/MSTest
NUnit 3 Test Project                              nunit                    [C#], F#, VB      Test/NUnit
xUnit Test Project                                xunit                    [C#], F#, VB      Test/xUnit
Blazor Server App                                 blazorserver             [C#]              Web/Blazor
Blazor WebAssembly App                            blazorwasm               [C#]              Web/Blazor/WebAssembly
ASP.NET Core Empty                                web                      [C#], F#          Web/Empty
ASP.NET Core Web App (Model-View-Controller)      mvc                      [C#], F#          Web/MVC
ASP.NET Core Web App                              webapp                   [C#]              Web/MVC/Razor Pages
ASP.NET Core with Angular                         angular                  [C#]              Web/MVC/SPA
ASP.NET Core with React.js                        react                    [C#]              Web/MVC/SPA
ASP.NET Core with React.js and Redux              reactredux               [C#]              Web/MVC/SPA
Razor Class Library                               razorclasslib            [C#]              Web/Razor/Library/Razor Class Library
ASP.NET Core Web API                              webapi                   [C#], F#          Web/WebAPI
ASP.NET Core gRPC Service                         grpc                     [C#]              Web/gRPC
Solution File


H:\测试>dotnet new --list --type item
用法: new [选项]

  -h, --help          Displays help for this command.
  -l, --list          Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is specified, lists all templates.
  -n, --name          The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the current directory is used.
  -o, --output        Location to place the generated output.
  -i, --install       Installs a source or a template pack.
  -u, --uninstall     Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
  --nuget-source      Specifies a NuGet source to use during install.
  --type              Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are "project", "item" or "other".
  --dry-run           Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation.
  --force             Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files.
  -lang, --language   Filters templates based on language and specifies the language of the template to create.
  --update-check      Check the currently installed template packs for updates.
  --update-apply      Check the currently installed template packs for update, and install the updates.

Templates                            Short Name          Language          Tags
NUnit 3 Test Item                    nunit-test          [C#], F#, VB      Test/NUnit
Razor Component                      razorcomponent      [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
Razor Page                           page                [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
MVC ViewImports                      viewimports         [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
MVC ViewStart                        viewstart           [C#]              Web/ASP.NET
dotnet gitignore file                gitignore                             Config
global.json file                     globaljson                            Config
NuGet Config                         nugetconfig                           Config
Dotnet local tool manifest file      tool-manifest                         Config
Web Config                           webconfig                             Config
Solution File                        sln                                   Solution
Protocol Buffer File                 proto                                 Web/gRPC


H:\测试>dotnet new --list --type other
用法: new [选项]

  -h, --help          Displays help for this command.
  -l, --list          Lists templates containing the specified name. If no name is specified, lists all templates.
  -n, --name          The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the name of the current directory is used.
  -o, --output        Location to place the generated output.
  -i, --install       Installs a source or a template pack.
  -u, --uninstall     Uninstalls a source or a template pack.
  --nuget-source      Specifies a NuGet source to use during install.
  --type              Filters templates based on available types. Predefined values are "project", "item" or "other".
  --dry-run           Displays a summary of what would happen if the given command line were run if it would result in a template creation.
  --force             Forces content to be generated even if it would change existing files.
  -lang, --language   Filters templates based on language and specifies the language of the template to create.
  --update-check      Check the currently installed template packs for updates.
  --update-apply      Check the currently installed template packs for update, and install the updates.
Templates          Short Name      Language      Tags
Solution File      sln                           Solution


H:\测试>dotnet new console --name helloword
The template "Console Application" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Running 'dotnet restore' on helloword\helloword.csproj...
  已还原 H:\测试\helloword\helloword.csproj (用时 167 ms)Restore succeeded.
-n 项目名称
-o 输出路径

H:\测试>dotnet new console -n helloword -o test
The template "Console Application" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Running 'dotnet restore' on test\helloword.csproj...
  已还原 H:\测试\test\helloword.csproj (用时 153 ms)Restore succeeded


  • 创建解决方案文件
PS H:\测试> dotnet new sln -o Demo
The template "Solution File" was created successfully.
  • 进入解决方案目录
PS H:\测试> cd Demo
  • 创建类库项目
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet new classlib -o Demo.Core
The template "Class library" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Running 'dotnet restore' on Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj...
  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj (用时 258 ms)Restore succeeded.
  • 创建命令行项目
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet new console -o Demo.main
The template "Console Application" was created successfully.

Processing post-creation actions...
Running 'dotnet restore' on Demo.main\Demo.main.csproj...
  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\Demo.main.csproj (用时 159 ms)Restore succeeded.
  • 将两个项目添加到解决方案中
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet sln add Demo.Core Demo.Main
  • 得到项目列表
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet sln list
  • 运行项目,通过vscode运行,vscode是跨平台的
PS H:\测试\Demo> cd ..
PS H:\测试> code Demo
  • 删除项目
PS H:\测试> cd Demo
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet sln remove Demo.Core Demo.Main
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet sln list
  • PS:Linux下添加当前目录下的所有项目,Windows下不可用
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet sln add **/*.csproj
  • 项目之间添加引用
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet add .\Demo.main\ reference .\Demo.Core\
  • 查看当前项目的所有引用
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet list .\Demo.Main\ reference
  • 项目添加Nuget包
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet add .\Demo.Core\ package NLog
  Writing C:\Users\home\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp53E7.tmp
info : 正在将包“NLog”的 PackageReference 添加到项目“H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj”。
info : 正在还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj 的包...
info :   GET https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/nlog/index.json
info :   OK https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/nlog/index.json 944 毫秒
info :   GET https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/nlog/4.7.4/nlog.4.7.4.nupkg
info :   OK https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/nlog/4.7.4/nlog.4.7.4.nupkg 787 毫秒
info : 正在安装 NLog 4.7.4。
info : 包“NLog”与项目“H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj”中指定的所有框架均兼容。
info : 包“NLog”(版本为 4.7.4)的 PackageReference 已添加到文件“H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj”。
info : 正在提交还原...
info : 将资产文件写入磁盘。路径: H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\obj\project.assets.json
log  : 已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj (用时 5.91 sec)
  • 查看当前项目引用的包
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet list .\Demo.Core\ package
   顶级包                           已请求         已解决
   > NETStandard.Library   (A)   [2.0.3, )   2.0.3
   > NLog                        4.7.4       4.7.4

(A): 自动引用的包。
  • 移除Nuget包
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet remove .\Demo.Core\ package NLog
info : 正在从项目“H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj”中删除包“NLog”的 PackageReference。



dotnet build [|]
[-o|–output] 输出目录
[-f|–framework] 以哪个目标框架生成
[-c|–configuration] Debug/Realse
[-r|–runtime] RID = [os].[version]-[arch] 如 [osx.10.11-x64]
[–no-incremental] 全量 默认增量
[-v|–verbosity] 基本很多命令都有这个参数,输出日志 d详细,q静默,最少


PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet build
用于 .NET Core 的 Microsoft (R) 生成引擎版本 16.6.0+5ff7b0c9e
版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj (用时 252 ms)。
  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\Demo.main.csproj (用时 252 ms)。
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\Demo.Core.dll
  Demo.main -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Demo.main.dll

    0 个警告
    0 个错误

已用时间 00:00:04.95
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet build --configuration Release --runtime ubuntu.18.04-x64 (构建运行在linux系统上的release版本)
用于 .NET Core 的 Microsoft (R) 生成引擎版本 16.6.0+5ff7b0c9e
版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj (用时 271 ms)。
  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\Demo.main.csproj (用时 2.35 min)。
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Release\netstandard2.0\Demo.Core.dll
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Release\netstandard2.0\ubuntu.18.04-x64\Demo.Core.dll
  Demo.main -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\bin\Release\netcoreapp3.1\ubuntu.18.04-x64\Demo.main.dll

    0 个警告
    0 个错误

已用时间 00:02:25.27



dotnet publish [|]
[-o|–output] [-f|–framework] [-c|–configuration][-r|–runtime] [–no-incremental] [–no-dependencies] [-v|–verbosity]
[–self-contained] 独立发布,不跨平台,不需要安装运行时
[–no-self-contained] 框架依赖发布,跨平台,需要安装运行时


PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet publish
用于 .NET Core 的 Microsoft (R) 生成引擎版本 16.6.0+5ff7b0c9e
版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj (用时 208 ms)。
  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\Demo.main.csproj (用时 208 ms)。
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\Demo.Core.dll
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\publish\
  Demo.main -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Demo.main.dll
  Demo.main -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\publish\
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet publish --runtime osx.10.11-x64 --self-contained (针对mac系统发布自包含项目)
用于 .NET Core 的 Microsoft (R) 生成引擎版本 16.6.0+5ff7b0c9e
版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\Demo.Core.csproj (用时 290 ms)。
  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\Demo.main.csproj (用时 28.51 sec)。
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\Demo.Core.dll
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\osx.10.11-x64\Demo.Core.dll
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\osx.10.11-x64\publish\
  Demo.main -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\osx.10.11-x64\Demo.main.dll
  Demo.main -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\osx.10.11-x64\publish\


PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1> dotnet run
找不到要运行的项目。请确保 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1 中存在项目,或使用 --project 传递项目路径。
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1> cd ..
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug> dotnet run
找不到要运行的项目。请确保 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug 中存在项目,或使用 --project 传递项目路径。
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug> cd ..
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin> cd ..
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main> dotnet run
Hello World!
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main>


PS H:\测试\Demo> cd .\Demo.main\
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main> cd .\bin\
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin> cd .\Debug\
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug> cd .\netcoreapp3.1\
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1> ls

    目录: H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        2020/8/26     21:46                osx.10.11-x64
d-----        2020/8/26     21:43                publish
-a----        2020/8/26     21:29           3584 Demo.Core.dll
-a----        2020/8/26     21:29            564 Demo.Core.pdb
-a----        2020/8/26     21:43            701 Demo.main.deps.json
-a----        2020/8/26     21:29           4608 Demo.main.dll
-a----        2020/8/26     21:29         174592 Demo.main.exe
-a----        2020/8/26     21:29            632 Demo.main.pdb
-a----        2020/8/26     21:43            234 Demo.main.runtimeconfig.dev.json
-a----        2020/8/26     21:43            154 Demo.main.runtimeconfig.json
PS H:\测试\Demo\Demo.main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1> dotnet .\Demo.main.dll
Hello World!



dotnet nuget push [] 推送的服务器
[-s|–source] nuget源的url地址
[-ss|–symbol-source] 发布包的同时,发布pdb文件,便于它人调试
[-k|–api-key] 发布包对应的账号新建key,必须有
[-sk|–symbol-api-key] 符号服务器的key


PS H:\测试> cd Demo
PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet pack -o nupkgs
用于 .NET Core 的 Microsoft (R) 生成引擎版本 16.6.0+5ff7b0c9e
版权所有(C) Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。

  已还原 H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\Demo.main.csproj (用时 276 ms)1 个项目(2)是最新的,无法还原。
  Demo.Core -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Core\bin\Debug\netstandard2.0\Demo.Core.dll
  Demo.main -> H:\测试\Demo\Demo.Main\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Demo.main.dll


PS H:\测试\Demo> dotnet nuget push .\nupkgs\Demo.Core.1.0.0.nupkg -k your key -s https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
正在将 Demo.Core.1.0.0.nupkg 推送到 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package'...
  PUT https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/
  Forbidden https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/ 9249 毫秒
error: Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (The specified API key is invalid, has expired, or does not have permission to access the specified package.).

Usage: dotnet nuget push [arguments] [options]

  [root]  指定包路径和 API 密钥,将包推送到服务器。

  -h|--help                      Show help information
  --force-english-output         使用不变的基于英语的区域性强制应用程序运行。
  -s|--source <source>           要使用的包源(URL、UNC/文件夹路径或包源名称)。如果在 NuGet.Config 中指定,则默认为 DefaultPushSource。
  -ss|--symbol-source <source>   要使用的符号服务器 URL。
  -t|--timeout <timeout>         推送到服务器的超时值(以秒为单位)。默认为 300(5 分钟)-k|--api-key <apiKey>          服务器的 API 密钥。
  -sk|--symbol-api-key <apiKey>  符号服务器的 API 密钥。
  -d|--disable-buffering         推送到 HTTP(S) 服务器时禁用缓存可减少内存使用。
  -n|--no-symbols                如果存在符号包,系统不会将该符号包推送到符号服务器。
  --no-service-endpoint          请勿将 "api/v2/package" 追加到源 URL。
  --interactive                  对于身份验证等操作,允许命令阻止并要求手动操作。
  --skip-duplicate               如果包和版本已存在,则跳过它并继续推送中的下一个包(若有)


  • if (!(Test-Path -Path $PROFILE)) {
    New-Item -ItemType File -Path $PROFILE -Force
  • notpade $PROFILE (打开新建的脚本文件)
  • Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName dotnet -ScriptBlock {
    param($commandName, $wordToComplete, $cursorPosition)
    dotnet complete --position c u r s o r P o s i t i o n " cursorPosition " cursorPosition"wordToComplete" | ForEach-Object {
    [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($, $, ‘ParameterValue’, $_)
  • set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned(需要系统管理员的权限才可以正常运行)
  • 关闭powershell,重新打开
  • 输入命令dotnet a,按tab键,即可自动补全或下翻其他命令dotnet add
