- 随机生成双色球号码
- 写入记录文档
- 爬取双色球官网历史中奖号码
- 兑奖,并回写当期中奖号码及奖金额
def create(amount):
:param amount: 生成的注数
result = []
# 随机生成几(amount)注双色球
for item in range(amount):
reds = []
# 产生6个红球
while len(reds) < 6:
# 从1-33中随机取一个数字
temp_red_num = random.randint(1, 33)
if temp_red_num not in reds:
# 蓝球
blue = random.randint(1, 16)
# 红球排序
# 数据美化
reds = nums_pre(reds)
blue = nums_pre([blue])[0]
result.append(','.join(reds) + " + " + blue)
# return '\n'.join(result)
return result
def redeem():
# 发送请求的url地址
url = 'http://www.cwl.gov.cn/cwl_admin/front/cwlkj/search/kjxx/findDrawNotice'
params = {
'name': 'ssq',
'issueCount': 30,
'issueStart': '',
'issueEnd': '',
'dayStart': '',
'dayEnd': '',
headers = {
'Referer': 'http://www.cwl.gov.cn/ygkj/wqkjgg/ssq/',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36'
response = requests.get(url=url, params=params, headers=headers)
response.encoding = 'utf-8'
loads = json.loads(response.text)
result = loads['result']
result_dict = {}
# 处理历史中奖号码,方便兑奖判断
for i in range(len(result)):
key = result[i]['date'][0:10]
result_dict.setdefault(key, result[i]['red'] + " + " + result[i]['blue'])
# df = pd.read_excel("./file/Five-Million.xlsx", sheet_name='Sheet1')
df = pd.read_csv("./file/Five-Million.csv")
# 所有已出奖期数据补全
df2 = df[df["WinNumber"].isnull()]
for index, row in df2.iterrows():
date_ = row["Date"]
if date_ not in result_dict.keys():
# 把各期中奖号转为df
result_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result_dict, orient='index').reset_index()
for ind, row in result_df.iterrows():
if int(date_.replace("-", "")) < int(row["index"].replace("-", "")) and int(
date_.replace("-", "")) > int(result_df.iloc[ind + 1, 0].replace("-", "")):
date_ = row["index"]
# df.iloc[index, 2] = result_dict[date_]
df.iloc[index, 2] = result_dict.get(date_)
# 还没验奖的数据
df3 = df[df["Premium"].isnull()]
for index, row in df3.iterrows():
df.iloc[index, 3] = get_premium(row["Number"], row["WinNumber"])
df.to_csv("./file/Five-Million.csv", index=False, header=True)
def nums_pre(nums):
:param nums:
if nums:
if isinstance(nums, list) or isinstance(nums, tuple):
return ['0{}'.format(int(item)) if int(item) < 10 else str(int(item)) for item in nums]
return '0{}'.format(int(nums)) if int(nums) < 10 else str(int(nums))
return ''
def write_to_excel(amount):
可以使用excel/csv 目前使用csv excel会有一定格式问题,需要处理 我懒的处理了,直接用csv
:param amount: 彩票注数
# df = pd.read_excel("./file/Five-Million.xlsx", sheet_name='Sheet1')
df = pd.read_csv("./file/Five-Million.csv")
# 显示所有列
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 1000000) # 可以在大数据量下,没有省略号
# 显示所有行
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 1000000)
# 设置value的显示长度为1000000,默认为50
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 1000000)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000000)
# 获取原有记录数量
df_length = len(df)
# 创建本期的号码
luck_result = create(amount)
# 获取运行当前日期
today = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# 把本期号码加到记录数据里
for i in range(len(luck_result)):
df.loc[df_length + i, 'Date'] = today
df.loc[df_length + i, 'Number'] = luck_result[i]
df.loc[len(df) + 1] = {'Date': today, 'Number': LUCK_NUMBER_1}
df.loc[len(df) + 2] = {'Date': today, 'Number': LUCK_NUMBER_2}
# 回写记录
# df.to_excel("./file/Five-Million.xlsx", sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False, header=True)
df.to_csv("./file/Five-Million.csv", index=False, header=True)
print("===File All Data===")
def get_premium(number, win_number):
:param number: 自选号码
:param win_number: 当期中奖号码
:return: 奖金额
if win_number is None:
# 红球中奖数
red_count = 0
# 篮球中奖数
blue_count = 0
number_split = number.split(" + ")
red = number_split[0].split(",")
blue = number_split[1]
win_number_split = win_number.split(" + ")
win_red = win_number_split[0].split(",")
win_blue = win_number_split[1]
# 红球中奖数量
for item in red:
if item in win_red:
red_count = red_count + 1
# 篮球中奖数量
if blue == win_blue:
blue_count = 1
# 判断中奖金额
if red_count == 6 and blue_count == 1:
premium = 5000000 # 一等奖(6+1)
elif red_count == 6 and blue_count == 0:
premium = 100000 # 二等奖(6+0)
elif red_count == 5 and blue_count == 1:
premium = 3000 # 三等奖(5+1)
elif red_count == 5 and blue_count == 0:
premium = 200 # 四等奖(5+0)
elif red_count == 4 and blue_count == 1:
premium = 200 # 四等奖(4+1)
elif red_count == 4 and blue_count == 0:
premium = 10 # 五等奖(4+0)
elif red_count == 3 and blue_count == 1:
premium = 10 # 五等奖(3+1)
elif red_count == 0 and blue_count == 1:
premium = 5 # 六等奖(0+1)
elif red_count == 1 and blue_count == 1:
premium = 5 # 六等奖(1+1)
elif red_count == 2 and blue_count == 1:
premium = 5 # 六等奖(2+1)
premium = 0
return premium